Guild Issues

Have I just missed posts about guild issues? I can’t see half the people on in the guild, get various guild issues, and various people in the guild can’t see anyone and then suddenly people pop on and go offline.


Official posts: not really. Player posts: lots. Welcome to the hot mess. :smiling_face_with_tear:

But just remember, Blizzard gives the same answer for everyone of their problems “Reset your UI & that should fix the problem”.

Definitely still an ongoing issue. I can’t attribute it to something that the game cache is sticking me with either, because the roster still sometimes works properly as soon as I log in. The guild info tab’s news pane also completely blanks out if you open it multiple times in a session.

I’ve got a character that is in the guild but cant use guild chat, guild bank, or even /gquit. Got the message to reset my ui and it didn’t work. Knew it wouldn’t since even my guild master couldn’t kick my character from the guild so that would seem to be server side not client side.

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I only see people who log on after me. Everyone who was online before is hidden from me.

Also, I do not show up under /who in the guild. I wonder if it’s because I am one of the few horde players in the guild.

The fact that it’s been ongoing for a week or two without any word, makes me think they don’t exactly know what’s wrong.


Exactly, That is Blizzards go to response. They can’t expect the true response from players!

Or they don’t care. This game is a gold mine for the owners of Blizzard IP. It’s what many people in the corporation world call “too big to fail”. The only way anything noticeable will get done is if a severe sub decrease is registered.

It’s an ongoing issue. Many posts have reported a serious bug problem with the guild system. Especially the guild bank. Guild Bank not transferring items

Bumping. Still an issue.

Yup, royal PITA.

There are a boatload of guild issues going on, I tried to capture them in this thread: Multiple guild functions BROKEN - no Blizzard response in nearly a week?