Guild Bank not transferring items

Cant transfer anything in to or out of the guild bank. When I open the guild bank, it shows the items inside. When I attempt to right click or left click and grab the item to place in a bag, the item never transfers. The same is happening with personal bank. When I close the banks, the banks are no longer interactive and the game option menu becomes unresponsive. I’m forced to ALT+F4 to exit the game.

Update: Now the bug has transferred to the game being unresponsive for everything after I open any bank. Guild or Personal.


Same sequence of events with mine too. Won’t transfer, everything becomes non interacting have to force quit game.


Same thing is happening to me. when I first logged in the Guild bank tabs and every thing worked normal, then after doing Harbinger quest , came back to guild bank and clicking on it, got no response, tried to follow support suggesting /resetui didn’t work, tried reload ui made no difference, logged out and got bank to open but could not right click withdrawl, then I tried to add items to guild bank it would not accept. this is screwy… Please fix this problem Blizzard.
thank you for seeing these posts and repairing the problem.


Can confirm, though interestingly enough it’s possible to put stuff into other guild bank tabs as new stacks, but not add to already existing stacks in specific bank tabs. And then it’s the force quit to get out of the game.


I’m having the same issue; can’t interact with any of the banks


I’m also expierencing this issue. With adding items to the guild bank. My character freezes up after this and I have to close out the game.


same… reloaded restarted logged for a while Guild bank not working at all


come on blue posters… let’s get the “we’re aware…” message up in here…

This also effects trading, mailbox, NPCs, and others if the bank is messed up… if it wasn’t taking 3 weeks for an in-game response… (maybe you should hire?)



(“Post must be at least ten characters.”)


Same issue(s) here, along with the character freeze/unable to do anything after interacting with GBank. My main has been unplayable for at least two hours now. :woman_facepalming:


You’ll likely have to use ALT+F4, the ‘force quit’, to get your character to log out so you can log in again.


I’ve had to force quit several times on various characters and they remain unplayable. I hope others have better luck. When I log in on alt characters it actually shows my main, etc. as still online…

I give up for now. Hope the issue gets acknowledged and addressed by Blizzard soon.


Bump for experiencing this same issue.

Had 1 instance of ‘Character not found’, and two times a message saying ‘A character with that name already exists’ happened as well.


Same here but when I had to Alt-F4 out of the game I couldn’t log back in. My character was still in the guild roster and I got the ‘this character already exists’ message. Guess I won’t be doing Harbinger on my main after all.


+1 Twice now, transferring an item to GBank (in this case, an Intact Bear Spine, to tab2) resulted in my character bugging out.

No further actions are possible. Logging out doesn’t work. Exit Game doesn’t work. Must force close client and then your character is inaccessible for however long…


same with cache cleared and all addons disabled. alt+f4 then 30 minutes because character already exists


Same as above here as well. Disabled add-ons, same problem. Restarted computer, same problem. Once it locks up, triggered by an attempt to add/remove, I can only force-quit out.


Having the same problem, glad I found this post. I’ve done a lot of trial and error, here’s what I’ve found:

Same story as you all: my bags were full, went to my guild bank to store crafting stuff, and when I right-clicked anything in my bags or bank, everything soft-locks. Can’t mount, can’t logout or exit through game buttons, can’t do anything. INTERESTINGLY: I can see the world around me perfectly, characters moving around etc. No lag, no common disconnect symptoms.

When I alt+f4’d and tried to log back in, I get “a character with that name already exists.” So I logged into an alt and, voila, two of my toons are visible in the same place. After 30 mins inactivity, my main toon disappears.

On my alt, I tried adding brand new items to the bank (things that there are not current stacks of to combine) and I can interact with my bank as normal.

I was able to get 4 of my toons together for a family photo before getting frustrated and coming to find help. Essentially I will have to vendor things out of my bags to keep playing my main until this is fixed, which I don’t want to have to do because my gameplay loop right now is farming and supplying alts for professions.

Blizz, this needs a hotfix because my main toon is now unplayable.

EDIT: and of course, no add-ons, and can recreate this issue with any toon 100% of the time. It absolutely has to do with combining stacks between the interfaces, new things that aren’t in the guild bank can be added and removed as normal, no issues.


Came here to report that guild bank and guild controls are on the fritz since the game went live with 10.2.7. I cannot even access the guild bank on any of my characters, including the GM.


Guild bank interaction told me that I wasn’t in a guild. Re-logged and guild bank worked but after depositing one item it became unresponsive. Now everything is unresponsive. Exited game and restarted and apparently a character with that name already exists (meaning my toon is still stuck on server)