Guild Chat Issues

Cataclysm pre-patch 4.4.0 is now live, and we’re aware of and working on issues that are critically impacting guild chat.

We hope to have a solution deployed soon.

Until then, players can expect messages sent to guild chat will likely not be displayed.

We’ll confirm here when the fix is complete.


I noticed this, too. Along with not seeing a guild tab.

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disconnects, no guild chat, wiped out hot bars. uhg!


also in the char screen when you open it to look at your equipped stuff, your toon is like 1 inch tall

Are you planning to give us some information on what is going to happen with the promised modern AH implementation?
Even saying that you’re just unable to do it now or at all would be enough…


There are so many issues it’s funny.

Just logged into my druid… no rez, spells in random pages (since when is thrash a resto spell?), and it told me I couldn’t wear leather until I logged out and back in.


have you seen the state they launched cata in?


Fix it. guilds are central to the wow experience. i should be able to do /g saywhatever. and see it in my window my default. not hidden in some stupid seperate screen.


Yes, it appears to be even worse than the beta was. Doesn’t mean we can just let them quietly forget about things they promised to do…


Logging out and back in fixed it for me, but others in guild are saying it was working and now is broken

We can still see messages in the actual guild window though, so we’re not completely in the dark at least

Got dc and lost all my keybindings… I love patch days. On top of not having a guild chat making things even more weird…


true but thats not good because no one is ever going to open that thing. it will guild guild cohesion if we dont have it in the main window.

Ok? I’m not saying it won’t? There’s nothing wrong with pointing out a temporary solution while the issue is fixed

issues so far

  • Some abilities cant be moved to the hot bars
  • Hot bars wiped out
  • Dungeon finder, cant select a normal dungeon. unclickable, not fully showing on the menu
  • Disconnects
  • guild chat working off and on
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you also cant leave parties


This pre patch is a disaster! Nothing is working. Spells disappear completely out of the spell book and bars when you have secondary talents. Transmog is not possible for blue items they don’t even show up in the transmog window… guild chat ? Really - is there any option to get back the normal guild chat without to open a separate window ? That’s sucks. I am really disappointed… I mean it’s a 20 year old game. Should that not be better after a patch from a game was isn’t new? And who has developed this ugly tree form for Druid’s ??? They have to been drunk or something !? Hope you blizzard guys will fix it soon !!! Maybe give all your players a month for free for this messed up patch from a old game !


what a pathetic launch


I hate to agree, but I’m not happy they considered this an acceptable state to release in. I’m hopeful and expectant they’ll smooth things out before full-on release, however.

Did the Classic dev team have AI write code for them? :skull:

Activision never backed anything up, they over wrote everything with each update. As Microsoft encounters issues they have to untangle every bad string and figure out how to make work.

Activision has been destroying games since the 1980s.