Guild Chat Issues

“It’s just so complicated to untangle this code with billions of dollars of resources” -Classic Devs

“Hey, check out my bot free working version of Cata. Oh, and it is free to play!” -A Private Server Hobbyist

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Guild chat still broken after rolling reboots.


I am already afraid for the official release of Cata. :see_no_evil: it’s such a shame blizzard.

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Tbh not the fix we are wanting at this time…

Idk how this is a priority over other things right now

Yet this miny problem gets address over other major things

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if its still bugged for you need to quit the game and let the client update

WORST quality on my memory. Chat is broken. Spec was reset but Tree of Life is still missing in my spellbook. Professions are missing on a profession tab with random spell in it. Blizzard degradation moves with seven mile steps. Damn SoD. Small Indy company cannot focus on several projects same time…


Microsoft lays off 1,900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees

Hmm…I bet this has something to do with it. MS prolly laid off the entire Cata team.

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The guil tab is gone. You now have to press “J” to open the social menu.

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Thx, can you also fix resilience not working at all in pvp please.

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Role check in raid doesn’t work. It’s impossible to set role


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This is NOT a bad thing considering past workmanship and game quality.


If any guild leaders/officers are having trouble with officer chat functionality, have the GM check your guild settings and toggle the “officer” check mark for the affected ranks until they either do or do not show up in officer chat. Currently the guild settings interface is bugged and there is a big blank space that would otherwise explain what the officer checkbox does and what permissions it grants. It’s just the checkbox below the “require authenticator” box. I highly recommend waiting a few seconds in between each check box toggle for settings to be applied or revoked to each rank otherwise it will bug out even worse.

Funny enough, I had a GM tell me that Microsoft normally leaves staff alone during mergers when I told them in a ticket that I hoped the entire team got a revamp. If I had to take a wild guess, that bozo got lay off too.

I was wondering if officer chat is going to be fixed or not. When I open the social tab the drop down menu in chat has officer with a lock after it. My officers can not even see the officer tab when they look at the drop down menu.

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