Guild Banks Pt. 9999 ; Guild banks wont be in Classic

No one is using that as an argument for not to have guild banks. If you read the original post I made, youd see more than one reason of why guild banks should not be in.


Blizz never said no to servers, it was always ‘we have no plans’. While I get what you’re saying, now that Vanilla servers are finally being made…make Vanilla servers. Not Vanilla with sprinkles.


On top of that, blizzard has gone against it’s own word multiple times, classic being released is one of those examples, them adding things like loot sharing, bnet integration, possibly sharding, exc. Is another example of that.

When I say blizzard has the final say, it’s just that, it’s their game, I, and others are simply trying to show them facts, to show why something should be considered. While others are just showing emotions.

And while both facts and emotions have a bit of power to sway blizzards decision it’s still their decision to make.


Just to point out, blizzard has gone against their own words MANY times.


Some sprinkles are worth advocating for and no matter how much you kick and scream and report me and othersas trolls, we can advocate for whatever we like.

It’s scary seeing that blizzard may consider our opinions I bet.


It’s a quote of you using the old way to quote me.
Only did it to one and it was not intentional.
Let me see if I can fix it.

You have not made a single couter point to my initial response to your OP.
All you’ve done is derail your own thread and respond to conversation outside of the OP and my initial response to your OP.

This is not a discussion because you have not responded to my counter points of your OP.
This is a conversation this is not a discussion.
It stopped being a discussion when you chose to ignore logical counter points to your OP and the decided to derail your own thread.

I walked away once but the people’s champ was called in to point out you can’t win or lose a debate when the other side is onky interested in likes and arguing.

Please show me these posts if yours because anyone with a 3rd grade reading level can see you clearly have not.

I literally did and I even quoted the entire thing in another post in case you missed it.
Which was left completely unanswered.
So yea good luck changing this mind without countering what I’ve said with something that resembles logic beyond: I’m right. You’re wrong.
I’d say when pigs fly first but wow’s getting flying pig mounts to appease the Chinese.
This being the year of the pig and all. Lol

Ofc there isn’t.
You have no logical rebuttal so you resorted to derailing your own thread and ignoring the loguc presented to you because it doesn’t line up with your view.

So now you’re trying to take some moral high ground and say we won’t change each other’s mind when in fact you’ve not presented anything to change my mind.
Nor even tried to refute my counter points.
Remember I tried leaving once…

Words spoken by truly ignorant individuals.
I’ve been known to change my mind when presented with logic and clear well thought out reasoning.
You have displayed neither in this thread. So you are correct in that.
Here. Have some more internets. You’ve earned them. :trophy: :trophy:

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Since you both have admitted that Blizzard has a history of saying one thing and doing the exact opposite, tell us all why we should accept that sharding will used used “only in the starting areas” and “only for a brief time at launch”.

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You should not accept this at all. With any luck they will use sharding anywhere it is needed.

And here’s Ratsy to further derail an already derailed topic on guikd banks into sharding.
You know the answer to that but hey Blizz said
That is the very point being made.
We can’t and we won’t know how good that word is until we get there.


Frankly, I question the motives of posters who come out and say they’re encouraging Blizzard to head down the slippery slope, which is something Ion said they want to avoid.

But hey…at least they’re honest about it. I’ll give them that.


There are definitely a few trolls who will do anything to sabotage classic. Not everyone who tries to use Blizzard adding loot sharing as justification for any of their pet non vanilla QOL convenience changes being added to classic fall into that category, though.

I do find it hypocritical, though, that many of those who advocate for guild banks want to claim that the slippery slope is a fallacy and then turn around and bring up loot sharing and sharding as a justification why guild banks should be added. “Blizzard is already making these non vanilla changes, so they should add these other non vanilla changes.”

Then there is at least one pro guild bank advocate who claims that the slippery slope doesn’t exist, but keeps adding to his list of desired non vanilla QOL convenience changes and uses guild banks as justification for those additional non vanilla QOL convenience changes, despite the fact that guild banks have not even been added yet.

It seems that what they REALLY mean is that “the slippery slope doesn’t exist for changes I don’t want, but a single change can be used as justification for other changes I want.”


I don’t think you understand some of the people who advocate some changes. Is there a slippery slope? I don’t know and I don’t care because if there is… it is totally up to Blizz what is added and what isn’t. I care about advocating for the things I would like to see in the game. I adjusted to disclude some of the things I initially wanted because I feel like I have a more informed opinion now.

We just don’t care about the same things we want to see in Classic. Like I said earlier, to disagree is ok. Call me names, say I secretly hate classic, insta-report every post of mine—I don’t care. Blizz is watching and I will put my two cents in.

Do you mean “a more informed opinion” of what would likely lead to your next forum vacation?


I’ve never been banned for the substance of my posts, ever. I’ve been banned for making personal insults which I try not to do again. It’s difficult though. Even when I try to cleverly hide the insult in iambic pentameter I get caught.


I meant motives in regards to recreating an authentic Vanilla experience. Not that they necessarily want Classic to ‘fail’ (I really only apply that mindset to the well known Wall of No Troll).

But I’ve never understood this attitude of, ‘Well, Blizzard is known for saying one thing and then doing anything, so what difference does it make? Anything goes.’

Why would players not rather hold Blizzard to a higher standard, and make them accountable for what they say and the promises they make? I think some posters need to set their ego and personal desires aside and see the big picture, and the broader ramifications of seemingly minor changes.

Don’t give into change. That leads to Gremlins 2.


Do we have proof that it increased GM tickets?

Though either way given the reasoning behind why Blizzard has implemented the few changes they have then I could see them considering guild banks, even if I don’t want them.

wow. people still on this crap. i guess bravo for the sticktoitiveness .

weve heard both sides to this garbage over and over.

blizzard will decide on this. this crap topic needs to die in a fire of hellish proportions .


What higher standard? The “higher standard” of no changes to classic?

That is not a standard I care about because while we can probably find a lot of things we both value in classic, there are clearly changes that I want as desperately as you don’t.

Why is this about my ego? It is about how I would like to play the game. You assume that it’s a great big world of no-changers against a few of us “selfish” players who advocate for changes, but I am willing to bet that the no-change community who posts here and on reddit or wherever are the vocal minority.

It is hard for me to not resort to personal insults right now like using inflammatory language like yours… “set aside ego.”

I agree to disagree. You think you have the right of the arguments and I think I do. I am willing to let it stay there while I continue to advocate my positions on things I think are important.

So you editing a post made 2 hours a go linking a post talking about a poster’s forum cred and lack of countering argument to points i made is fear mongering? LOL
Ok. At least it’s not copypasta.
You and that OP have so much in common I swear you two have to be related…
I can almost see quotation marks being removed after a proof read from that thread. LOL

I made that post 44 mins ago. What exactly are you trying to do editing 2 hours later? LOL

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Yes blizz saying “We don’t want to use modern solutions to Vanilla problems and then bnet, 7.3 modern infrastructure, loot sharing, and possible sharding”.
All modern solutions to Vanilla problems.
Correct that is hypocritical and now hopefully you see why we are laughing at those posting: But Blizz said…

I’ve missed the legit serious posts that say “add guild banks because you’ve added these other changes”.
I have seen a few of us point out how flawed the reasoning is behind Blizz said while those obvious changes are staring them in the face and I’ve even seen it argued that no changes isn’t happening because that ship sailed.
No one is seriously saying add this because you added those.
Speaking if hypocrisy though. I found it quite hypocritical when sharding was announced and all of a sudden some changed their “no changes tune” to “Oh wow launch won’t be so bad with sharding” LOL.

Oh this sounds…never mind. Not my problem. Nor does it have anything to do with guild bank discussion.

It would seem you’re stretching this quite a bit to support your view.
Carry on though. /shrug

Edit:Oh I see what you were getting at Ratsy my boy!
You were saying I was fear mongering because I called into question OP’s "forum identity.
Fair enough. I can see that as being like that.
However. How do we know whi each other is who we say we are?
We have literally an endless supply of forum avatars at our disposal.
All you have to do is delete and reroll to level 10 and you have a new forum avatar.

So I’m not so sure that is fear mongering as much as it is fact.

Can’t believe you guys flagged this post.
Must be because of how bad OP made the no change movement look. LOL
Look more fear mongering…or is it fact?
You decide but blizz has a good idea if which it is…

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