Guild Banks Pt. 14

We have infinite scroll now. The old cap was 500. Which this topic maxed out quite a few times.
Now we even have another repeat topic on the same discussion because some no changers wanted their own special echo chamber thread.
We are showing them the error of their ways as we speak.

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If only there were some way that people could actually take responsibility for themselves and protect themselves if they felt they might get “royally boned by having some bank alt clear out the guild”.

If only there were way, like maybe storing their items on their own characters.

Oh, wait…

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If only people could see transparency in donating to guild causes.
If only there was a way…


You take items from your personal bank and hand it to the player from your guild you want to help out. That’s what I did in vanilla, tbc and wrath. I rarely put anything into a guild bank.

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What does this have to do with anything, seriously?
“Farrah handed stuff out, verdict in, guild banks lose”


That is the logic she is using.
I’m still waiting for her to counter my counter points of her points in her very own guild bank thread.
They were already countered numerous times over 14 threads but she was nice enough to lay them out in another guild bank thread of her very own so I could counter them. Again.
Allegedly she’s been here since the begining but her forum stats say shes only been here 9 days so it sounds like her forum main wasn’t so popular.
Wonder why she switched forum “mains”?
Maybe her main forum avatar was a pro changer? /shrug
Either way I think I’m going to run some grifts.


Smartest thing you’ve said on this forum.

Verdict in! Guild banks lost!


I shall think of you as Cyrano. Cyrano De bergerac, wordsmith of the first order!

edit: for the cliff notes, watch Steve Martin in Roxanne. That’s you

Now where have I heard that before?
Oh yes. That “other” gbank thread.
Well when it goes to Blizz court you best be hoping Padre isn’t representing the For Gbank side and the OP of that “other” thread isn’t repping the against. Lol

Cause I’ll gladly take this case in front of 12 unbiased jurists of my peers.
They call it a slam dunk in the ambulance chasing world. LOL

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My hero, the rainmaker!

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So ignorant you think you actually beat Farrah’s arguments. So sad that you are so blinded by your greed for QoL features. Going back to the part 15 where the verdict is known to be true. No Changes win! Y OU LO S E

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I can link the post here if you’d like a go at it.
I’m your huckleberry as long as you don’t go straight to copypasta which:

Is pretty much just that so you’re already off on the wrong foot.
Will you be shooting yourself in both feet and then exploding a mortar on yourself like she did?

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I feel we may be similar sir. Or at least similarly situated.


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Will you be shooting yourself in both feet and the exploding a mortar on yourself like she did? You are insisting my friend committed suicide and that I should. Reported for real life threat.

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Oh my. I fear you have no idea what is going on here, and that’s ok.

Personally, I am nuking a bag of popcorn. I may get banned but days like these are few and far between.

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Not what I’m saying at all. Go ahead and abuse the flagging system though. /shrug
Here I’ll link those threads toi so they can see the context.

The GM will review and unsilence me. So do what yiy will because you nor her have any rebuttals other than. Wasn’t in Vanilla.

You have no right to quote Doc Holliday. You are too gross to use any word he uses.


Well played. I raise your sarcasm with a hashtag!
