Guild Banks Pt. 9999 ; Guild banks wont be in Classic

Seeing the OP flagged and hidden just goes to show people are abusing the flag system. It is not meant as a downvote tool. You people would do well to refer to this Blue post:


This isn’t the first post this has been done too.
They flagged a senior citizen post who got cutting edge a short while back.
Yea. It’s that bad.
This is why blizz needs to fix the communication tool before they can expect real feedback and solid communication.
Having multiple avatars does nothing but hinder communication with white noise and allow trolls to skin change at their choosing.
The very system allows the abuse.
There is no reason every avatar should have it’s own rep levels and number of likes and flags to be used.
It’s inviting this type if behavior.

A post acknowledging that we have people abusing this system and finally some blizz communucation… in a locked thread about abusing the flagging system as a downvote.

Blizz:We are bad at communucation.

Your whole system is set up to work against you and you allow it to happen.
It’s one of the reasons you’re bad at it.
The player base sux at communucation too.
All this useless white noise by alts that come and go but blizz is still bad at communication…

Good god man. Scrap the system and start over…again.
Without the loop holes for so much abuse.

It won’t take much.

  1. Bnet names (no numbers) on all forum avatars.

2.Rep levels, like caps, and flag caps, post counts and all forum stats are account wide.

  1. Add ignore user feature for the users.(honestly I think bringing the trolls more out into the open and not allowingbthem to hide behind multiple alts will see this being used much less)

3.Profit from trolls being gone. More players wanting to give solid feedback and possibly some feeling of forum communuty.

You’re welcome Blizz.

I think the lack of an Ignore function is partly to blame for the abuse of the Flag system. If people could simply ignore a poster, perhaps they wouldn’t feel the need to unnecessarily flag posts.

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The post is a violation of the coc. It should be flagged

I submitted a ticket to blizzard to review my post after it had been flagged. Hopefully they will see it isn’t trolling and remove the flag.

I hope it gets unflagged.

while it isn’t trolling per say, it is spam, there was already a very active guild bank thread which YOU were a part of before YOU made this thread.

I reported it for what it was, spam. which according to the CoC, it is.

the issue isn’t that you made this topic, its that you made this topic in full knowledge that the topic was already being discussed in the guild bank pt 14 thread.

proof of you knowingly doing this is that you were posting in that thread before you made this one.

the only form of trolling in the creation of this thread was trying to lie about a conclusion being made that guild banks wont be in classic. that’s not your decision to make and have no true evidence to that conclusion.

so this thread is spam. which is what I reported it as because you knowingly made this thread while you were active in the other guild bank thread.


Oh, so just to further your agenda while attempting to shut down discussion? Doesn’t sound much like a “good faith” argument to me.

I don’t know if you’ve actually read any of my posts, but I’m not particularly all that interested in guild banks. Before having a knee-jerk reaction about my stance (which I have stated that I don’t feel strongly about either way in this thread) maybe you should actually read and comprehend the discussion going on? Instead of flailing about and screaming “NO CHANGES” because that’s what you want, only using as proof a point that is already known to be false?

And here it is, folks. Don’t agree and you’re “typical”, dismissed and ignored. Classic garbage internet tough guy forum method right here.

Hey, this is someone who understands how to actually converse. Kudos.

No it’s not. There is already a thread about this and the OP wanted to shift the paradigm to their stance instead of having a discussion in good faith. That’s spamming and arguably trollish.


Ok, as opposed to 700 different sharding threads. I’m sure you flagged all those. Oh wait, they were about something you support, so obviously not. You can dress it up all you want, but you’re trying to silence an opinion you disagree with.

But of course no one is actually refuting the OP, just criticizing the merit of the thread. That speaks volumes itself.


Looks like the community managers unflagged the post. Said “I am fairly certain an ostrich got loose and pecked at someone’s keyboard or something.”
Looks like it was the ostriches all along.


Ion never said this, but you don’t care about facts.


Oh, there’s plenty of refuting the OP points, as for the sharding threads, here’s a key factor that makes the OP making this thread spamming.

He was actively participating in the other guild bank thread, which at the time had a been very active and thus posting in it would not have been able to any means been a necro because that thread was very active.

So the OP of this thread made a separate thread to make the Original post meet his agenda while he had been active in the previous thread. Sounds like spamming with a hint of trolling to me because he INTENTIONALLY made a new thread when he was well aware of an already existing thread about the same topic. All because he wanted to try and set the mood of the thread by having the OP have anti guild bank wording to make it sound like the discussion of adding guild banks had been defeated, which it hasn’t. Because it’s a DISCUSSION. But he wants to turn it into a “I’m right your wrong” argument with 0 facts.

That’s like telling your math teacher 2+2=22 instead of 4. Which is what 2+2 mathematically equals. And then tried to scream “I’m right your wrong, lalalalala” with his fingers in his ears to fool himself into believing he is right.

Facts have been given as to why guild banks are a better system than guild bank alts.

They have tried to counter these facts by giving examples that are either outright jokes, or arguing it changes a core aspect of vanilla, which it either doesn’t, or was never a core aspect of the game to begin with.

Let me ask you this, do you think inventory management for non soulbound items was a core aspect of the vanilla game design when in town (guild banks are not in the open world) knowing that people used bank alts and the mail system to ignore said “core gameplay mechanic” and could even get 400+ inventory slots through the mail system without ever having to use an alts actual inventory room?


Exactly this^^. Unless both parties actually honestly come into the conversation believing there is a chance that they could change their own mind, even a tiny bit, based on the other person’s point of view, it’s not actually dialogue or discourse. But that’s not what the interwebs are for. These forums are for rage typing into the void about how wrong the other person is and how bad a job their mothers did raising them.

Unflagging it doesn’t change the fact it’s spam used to propagandize the discussion toward your agenda.

It isn’t spam as per GM. Thanks for your input but Blizzard disagrees with you. As for refuting my points? No one has done so yet with facts. The only thing iv seen pro changes say is “I WANT CHANGES”.


Ion did say this but keep making stuff up.

Link it, link the video where he says it.

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He said it at classic panel during blizzcon.

Then you should be able to link the part of the video where he says: