Guild Banks Pt. 14

Do you mean those precious logs that are virtually meaningless because they prove nothing other than someone with permission withdrew something from the guild bank?

It’s amazing how this guy digs so deep that he things player-made logs are more important than Blizzard’s.


They prove a specific person and what time the withdrawal occurred.

That information is very important for conducting a proper investigation.

Even if you want to act like it isn’t.

The big difference between guild bank logs and player made is guild bank is a part of the game files, meaning uneditable. Can’t be made to give false information, exc.


That raises an interesting question. Is Classic WoW going to have persistent Guild Chat Logs like Retail now has?

Guess we better check that log. Oh wait…

Yes it does. All chat is logged on blizz end but that being added to classic would also give creedence to what I said earlier about making confirmations in guild chat. Wow those logs sure do make a lot of things confirmable.

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Do you mean those precious 3rd party spreadsheets that are manually edited outside of the game without an ounce of checks and balances?


It looks like the logs are a wash, then, doesn’t it?

Those precious in game, uneditable, picky viewable logs are virtually meaningless and prove almost nothing, after all.

Because no one ever asked for anything in a third party voice program.


He just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper.

Try this for fun:
Tell GL Fesz that you sent him 20 arcane crystals. What? You didn’t receive them? Here’s the faked spreadsheet I filled out saying so. I guess Fesz is a thief and should be removed.

Too bad there isn’t a system in place that can’t be faked. Oh wait…


A few more feet and he might be out of the hole because of how deep he has dug.


Guess what even that 3rd party voice program can be recorded. Which is a log of everything that was said.

This is hilarious! Maybe you should call the Scooby Doo Detective Agency and they can give you some pointers on fact finding and investigations.

Dude has to be in China by now. He sets out to discredit the logging system and somehow he’s managed to strengthen the case for it. Lol.

Edit to add:

We shall have to wait and see if Blizzard favors authenticity or convenience.

We shall see if they favor security/community over a free untracked gold stream for Real money traders.


It’s going to be “convenience of Blizzard GMs” which will ultimately shift it into happening, if not at launch, some number of months down the road.


That depends on how it is implemented, and in any case, at least in regards to how I’d approach it, the “hybrid version” would exist in parallel to the Retail Game. Would be opt in/opt out, and not really do anything for players who are not interested in either achievements, or the gameplay.

Basically the players enjoying either side of the “hybrid” version have the option to ignore each other. Although human nature being what it is, they’d inevitably complain about resources for their game being diverted to support development of the other game.

As to what such a project would do to Classic WoW? They’re already very clear on that. They don’t care “if only 10 people play Classic” after all is said and done.

I’m firmly in the camp that Classic is being justified as a means of protecting the IP rights to the original game, they can make some changes to it and pass it off as “close enough” to keep the LoC off their backs about abandonware, but they can’t do too much.

If they decide to try to expand upon Classic using Classic-style gameplay and design philosophies, they’re going to need to move that "expanded project off of the Classic realms, or find a way to “sandbox” whatever it is they introduce to the (Classic) mix.

Which is fine, I’d always kind of envisioned any kind of “Hybrid” to be two distinct “sandbox” environments which happened to share much of the same infrastucture.

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Or if there are changes on this, we’ll also can ask for more QoL features. Like LFG interface (NOT INSTANT Q, nut searching for group)

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Blizzard has proven they favor their own convenience.

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This is the truth.

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Part 14… are you actually serious or is this kinda a nod to the crazy number of these threads there has been?

This is like AV part 47…