Guild Banks Pt. 14

Imagine how much storage you could have with multiple “bank alt guilds”.

This is one reason why some oppose guild banks.

Now, those who want the non vanilla QOL convenience that guild banks provide have “suggested” that Blizzard not only add that non vanilla QOL convenience to Classic, but also devote additional time and resources to completely changing those guild banks.

The lack of guild banks in Vanilla was a very large part of how we interacted in the game. The same as things like the 60% mounts affected us, we had to make choices and decisions to work around our obstacles and roadblocks. Social interactions and workarounds are an intrinsic part of the Vanilla experience… to remove those roadblocks is to dilute the actual experience we had.

The argument that Guild Banks are more secure is laughably incorrect… it was childs play to loot a Bank and never leave a trace of ever having been there, despite your much heralded Bank logs.

Here is what actually happened with Guild Banks after they were released:

gamerfront dot net/2007/11/blizzard-leaves-a-serious-bug-in-wow-guild-banks/39

www dot engadget dot com/2007/11/22/robbing-the-guild-bank/

So please, stop making all these utterly wrong claims about how awesome they were.

No changes.

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From the guy who wants to change the water, how dark the nights were and is also pro-sharding. Unless of course, you mean “No changes except the ones I want” which is an accurate description of many “No changers”.

I dont want to change the original water at all… I want the original unchanged water, the original unchanged darkness levels. No changes.

As for sharding, its an inevitability and I have only ever advocated for temporary sharding in the starter zones, exactly as Blizzard has described.

You really have a problem dealing with being wrong dont you.

Funny you bring this up when the main opposition is saying trust your guild.
You’re in a bad guild move on. LOL

All that article does is highlight the fact that you can’t just blindly trust this community.
That was a known bug being abused by those “bad apples”.
Sure was a lot of them…

People abused that.
Whatcha think they will do with no accountability and no traceability?

5 black lotus for the guild. 5 for officerscamalot.
10 stacks of Devilsaur for the guild.
5 for officerscamalot…

You want most of the water to be almost completely transparent and the darkness levels to be equal to what they are on BfA? Good, seems like you’ve changed your mind then.

Dont be obtuse. I want the Vanilla water as I have always asked, and the original Vanilla darkness levels as I have always asked.

You really just cant stand being wrong.

I can easily bring up your posts that contradict this. You wanted the darkness to be at the level an Inky Black Potion provides and you wanted the water to be completely opaque in order for your sneaky PvP ambushes to work.

Your pathological lying is just bizarre.

Yes, the Inky Black Potion IS the Vanilla darkness level as I have already proven repeatedly. The Vanilla water WAS opaque. Thats why we want it back just as it was.

Trolling doesnt make you less wrong. Nor does harassment and insults.

And here you go folks, Twidget revealing his true self.

Vanilla water:

Yup… Thats opaque Vanilla water.


  1. not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.

ROFL… if you had actually watched the video, you would easily see it is not possible to see the sea floor even remotely closely when looking down at the surface from above. Its opaque. Thats exactly why we were able to hide in bodies of water, it was obscured.

Move along.

Lakeshire Vanilla:
Lakeshire BfA with Inky Black Potion:

Calling someone who constantly lies when presented with indisputable evidence a Pathological liar isn’t an insult or harassment. It’s a genuine assessment meant to designate that person as someone who can’t be trusted to speak the truth. Don’t deride me for something you brought on with your own actions, it’s quite unbecoming.

Enjoy your vacation.

I wish people would turn this #nochanges outrage toward something that would actually make the game worse, like loot trading.

This applies to both of us right now:

I’ll let the Guild bank debate rage on without me because I bowed out of that fight months ago.

Nope. Loot sharing/sharding is somehow in the “spirit” of Vanilla or something.
Idk but I was amazed after they were announced that so many here accepted them almost without question.
Let’s argue about water!

Which makes me think there was more alt brigading going on here than even I suspected.

Removes Gold foil hat

Guild bank is a change more reasonable than flying, I think. There’s that…

I totally get what you’re saying, but I feel comfortable in saying that they won’t be in the game.

The reasoning for that lies - as another poster pointed out - with the mail system. Blizzard has said - point blank - that they are reverting mail changes to inconvenience players and force them to interact more, I see no reason to assume it will not happen with banks as well.

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