Guild Banks Pt. 14

You have still not shown any expoit.

You want to claim guild bank alts are an exploit in an attempt to try to bully Blizzard into giving you one of your pet non vanilla QOL convenience changes, but there is no exploit.

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Guild bank alts virtually encourage account sharing, add-ons do not. Guild bank alts encourage breaking the ToS agreement, most add-ons don’t and the ones that do have been constantly broken by blizzard to not work.

Blizzard can keep an eye on add-ons from a data stand point. Guild bank alts are a political stand point in the guild that can easily be abused to benifit the person controlling it.

Add-ons edit and interact with the game files and blizzard can directly attack outliers from them with policies and procedures for their staff on how to address it.

Guild bank alts are plotical and thus are not possible to make a procedure for due to not being able to prove intent of a sent item because it was sent to an individual vs a guild bank which CAN have policies and procedures for how to address issues. As it’s a groups in game property vs an individuals.

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The exploit is in scamming the players themselves… How you haven’t realized this is beyond me as I clearly spelled it out in an above post.

I gave an example of stock just a few posts ago.

Edit, it could also be said players are “forced” to contribute in some guilds if they want a raid slot.

Back in vanilla I was passed up on dungeon runs when leveling (higher levels helping others get gear) because I “had not contributed to the guild enough” when I was new to the guild.

So yes a guild can try to “force” you to contribute, just to get in on the guild activities.


That’s not an exploit and likely not even a scam, unless someone is promised something IN RETURN for those items they CHOOSE to send.

As Padre pointed out, every player who sends an item to another player CHOOSES to do so VOLUNTARILY.

If you feel that you were “exploited” or “scammed”, feel free to submit a ticket to CS.

The one and only irrefutable and undeniable fact is that guild banks were NEVER part of vanilla.

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Being told to gather black lotus, devilsaur leather, exc. To help get the gear made for getting people into raids, then turning around and selling it is most definitely a scam.

When I was lvl 55ish back in vanilla I started farming devilsaur leather to help get the guild ready to raid. I donated over 100 of it to the guild bank alt to have devilsaur sets made. Then I was accused of withdrawing 60 of it and not giving the gear I supposedly made to the guildies.

Please note I would have had the set on if I had made any, as I was high enough to use them. I didn’t. I was not high enough LW to make them/didn’t have the pattern. I was kicked from that guild and blacklisted. I checked the ah after that and found devilsaur sets in the AH for sale, from one of the guild bank alt owners alts…

Devilsaur leather sells for at least 5g on average at that time, so I basically gave 500g+ to someone that tarnished my name, got me guild kicked, and prevented me from being able to get into a decent guild until BC came out.

When your told items will be used for one thing, and they get used for someone to line their gold poich, it is most definitely exploiting other players by scamming them. I’m sorry that you can’t see how much a log that can’t be edited to show what someone wants it to show can help prevent scams like this.

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Is anyone FORCED to gather any mats? Is anyone gathering those mats against their will? Is anyone not gathering those mats VOLUNTARILY?

Is anyone not CHOOSING to send those items to another player VOLUNTARILY?

Are those players unable to store those mats on their own characters and donate them to the guild on an as needed basis and only to those players they “trust”?

Are you forced to pay for internet?

No, but if you want to be able to use it you pay for it.

Just like for the instance I gave if I wanted to participate with my guild I had to donate…

So sorry but your logic is flawed.

And there were no other guilds which you could join?

Sorry, but your desire for non vanilla QOL covneniences and obvious mental gymnastics trying to justify that non vanilla QOL convenience are showing.


Toxic guild structure it seems you were in.
Yeah I know the feeling of being passed up by guild members because your new, just don’t group with those types of people ever again.

Guild banks aren’t necessary most of the guilds I have been in ever since guild banks came in haven’t had much action there just sitting around with crappy items because blizzard made a lot of items etc passing expansions.

People just need to come prepared.

People wouldn’t be able to exploit others if others didn’t give them power.
Be sure to screen snap shot every transaction next time and you should of told your old guild mates about the owners alts if you didn’t, let them be blacklisted from server.

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In my raiding guild, yes, you had to contribute or you weren’t invited. End of story.

I farmed Dreamfoil every damn Sunday. For hours.

And the reason why you can’t keep the mats is because you might not be able to make the flasks or whatever it is you’re gathering for.

And you were unable to give that dreamfoil directly to the person who made the flasks?

Sorry, but your desire to see classic as far removed from vanilla as possible is showing.

Damn, dude, you have to stop with the baseless accusations. Do you not believe in just having a discussion?

First off, for the most part, the last raiding guild I was in was pretty awesome, until someone left (and I mean…LEFT…logged off never to return). She’s probably got a level 80 with all our mats on her still.

It all depends on the guild. You get a couple of bad apples and you’re screwed. A bad Guild Leader and you’re really screwed.


Completely baseless? You’re here now pushing for a non vanilla QOL convenience. You want a non vanilla group finder. There are all sorts of non vanilla QOL conveniences that you want in Classic. Like another poster, it seems as if those desiring a truer Classic experience oppose something, you push for it to be part of Classic and if those desiring a truer classic experience want something, you oppose it.

Once again, was there anything preventing you from giving that freamfoil DIRECTLY to the person that made those flasks? Or did you CHOOSE to donate it to the guild by giving to one of (or the only) guild bank alt(s)?

No one is prevented from leaving a guild and joining a different guild with a better corps of officers.

And not every guild has bad apples in it. You could be in a guild that’s awesome like mine was. A LOT of the people from vanilla are still in it.

A guild bank would be preferable to several “alts”, each being worth a few dozen bag slots, circumventing the bag limitations and manipulating the mail system to extend bank inventory space.

But whatever.


Where did I say that every guild was full of bad apples or even had bad apples?

YOU were the one who said “It all depends on the guild. You get a couple of bad apples and you’re screwed. A bad Guild Leader and you’re really screwed.”

All I was doing was pointing out that anyone who felt that they were in a bad guild, or their guild had “bad apples” or a “bad guild leader” was not necessarily “screwed”, as you claim. Every player could choose to leave what they felt was a “bad guild”, a guild with “bad apples” or a guild with a “bad guild leader”. Every player could find a guild that was a better fit for them.

If you’re in a guild that’s awesome, that’s great. Even in an awesome guild, players can still CHOOSE to give those resources directly to the person who actually crafts the end product. They can also CHOOSE to send those mats to one of (or the only) guild bank alt(s).

Irrelevant. A good guild is based on trust.

Ok, let’s use everyone’s favorite example - reputation.

If a guild has a good rep as a whole, you trust it. And that was my guild. If you’re in “Bob’s Guild” which spams for members every 47 seconds in /2 and is known for a bad attitude, then maybe people should find other ways of getting mats turned into items.

But this whole thing about choosing is 100% irrelevant if your guild is respected, and rightfully so.

Nobody ever brings THAT up.


Are you the Lich King?


Mine used it to dump mats and materials for players leveling professions. That allowed individuals to cut down on alts and personal banks full of crap.

After a certain amount of days, an assigned officer would “clean out” old stuff, and if no one wanted it, vendored or auctioned it and put the money into the guild.

If guild banks do end up in the game, I’ll just do what lots of other players have done and might still do: I’ll buy the sigs necessary to start my own guild and have a giant resource warehouse. No fuss, no muss, no reason to worry about trust.

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