Guild Banks Pt. 14

Blizz hasn’t said for sure that they are using it, only considering it as a last resort.

Guild banks provide far more benifit for blizzard and the players than what it takes away.

After all it takes away the use of highly exploitable guild bank alts with 0 reliable tracking.

It takes away immersion breaking alt hoping to get to items for the guild.

It takes away the negative aspects of what guild bank alts had toward the game, and gives a clean and organized replacement, without forcing you to use it as your guild can still use guild bank alts to be “athentic” if you so chose.

It’s just like flying places with flight paths, it costs gold but you can run there instead. I’ve done this many times back in vanilla because I was saving gold for my mount, and I would kill stuff on the way to loot for gold. Sure I took longer to get to places, but I had my lvl 40 mount at 40, ally class and professions were up to date, and I had over 50g to spare. Nothing in the game makes you use guild banks, or guild bank alts.

Point being though is guild banks fix a lot of issues (as players and game masters) without making actual game play changes. Because the moment you are using bank alts for storage you have already thrown inventory management as a core gameplay aspect out the window.


In terms of classic, that’s the only argument necessary. We’re not looking to improve the game. Improving the game, one small bit at a time, is how we ended up with BfA.


Nice necro with absolutely nothing new to add.

Here’s something new, though. Unless I am mistaken, Blizzard has already announced that they are using the vanilla mail system that takes an hour. They are doing that because they want Billy to actually have to make that journey to Johnny if he wants something that Johnny has NOW and doesn’t want to wait an hour.

How is that relevant, you ask? I’m glad you asked.

Billy is in Gadgetzan working on the Imperial plate Blacksmithing quests, and runs out of thorium. Billy turns to guild chat.

Billy: Does anyone have any thorium?

Johnny: Yes. I have about 6 stacks in my bank. Where are you?

Billy: Gadgetzan. I’m working on the Imperial plate quests.

Johnny: Gadgetzhan? I’m in Stormwind. I’m not going to travel all the way to Gadgetzan. I’ll drop them in the mail.

Billy: Don’t throw them in the mail. I don’t want to wait an hour.

Johnny: I’ll just throw it in that nice, non vanilla convenience called a guild bank, and you can grab it from there. Neither one of us has to travel and you don’t have to wait an hour.


Except deposit into the guild bank still requires both parties to go to a capital city, vs any mailbox in the game.

On top of that the only thing complained about for vanilla mail system isn’t the time it takes, it’s the one item at a time issue that virtually requires add-ons to make it effective.

Your comparing apples to oranges.

Mailboxes are everywhere, guild bank interaction spots are not.

Apples to oranges.

Edit: it’s also not a necro, only reason I didn’t reply until now is because blizzards forum transfer had issues with my account and it wouldn’t let me select any characters to post from, it just kept giving me my battle tag I’d as a character …

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Idiots necroing cancer topics.

please lock thread cm


I may be wrong, but I thought Gadgetzan had a bank in vanilla and a guild bank when that non vanilla convenience was added.

If I am correct, then Billy would not have to travel anywhere.

Whether or not anyone complained about the time mail took in vanilla is irrelevant. The fact is that Blizzard has decided it is more authentic to vanilla for that mail to take an hour and to require players who want to transfer items immediately without having to wait that hour to actually meet, even if that requires travel between the continents.

We get it. You do not want Classic. You want Classic + with any number of non vanilla QOL conveniences.

You’ve gone from “The only non vanilla change I want for Classic is guild banks” to "I think add-on functionality should be baked into Classic baseline because ‘add-ons are a security risk’ ". As I noted in other threads, you cannot even keep yourself of the slippery slope you claim does not exist.

How is bumping a thread in which the last post was well over a month ago, not a necro, especially when you added nothing new to the topic?

You simply wanted to bring attention to one of your pet non vanilla changes, again.

The reason I personally want guild banks is because I personally got screwed over from lies and deception that the guild bank alt system allows if they make an item take 1 hour after depositing into he guild bank to be able to be withdrawn I wouldn’t argue against it, but I want the visible and uneditable logs that guild banks bring which allow it to be a trust based system, vs the blind Faith system that guild banks alts bring.

And as for this not being a necro to the other poster, I would have posted what I posted well before it would have been classified as a necro if the forum transfer wasn’t buggy as heck for me, on top of that my option was continuing the discussion or making a new thread on the same topic.

I would rather post in this thread then make another thread on it, or would you prefer it to be like the trasmogs threads where there were 100 of them all a day appart?

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“I know I necro’d this thread, but it’s not my fault, so it really isn’t a necro.”

You can call it whatever you want, or try to justify it any way you want, but it i still a necro. In fact, it was a necro that brought nothing new to the subject and for no reason other than to bring one of your pet non vanilla QOL conveniences to the top of the forums.

You could make a new thread, but since you have nothing new to add, that would likely be classified as spamming.

Nothing new was brought to this discussion by the necro, not would anything new have been brought by a new thread.

The only thing that would have been accomplished in either case would have been to bring one of your pet non vanilla QOL conveniences back to the surface.

I’d prefer Blizzard came out and just said NO! to guild banks. However, Blizz being Blizz means they’ll sit silently for months saying nothing until they make a decision and then wait to see if the complaints are loud enough to get them to change their minds before ultimately deciding that they’ll do whatever they damn well please regardless of how people actually feel. Then if it ends up being a colossal disaster they’ll come out and blame the players because we have no idea what we actually want so we should all go play their amazing new line of games on our phones.

We do have phones right?

It was either post in this thread or make another thread about the same topic, and seeing as I would have discussed this topic when the forums changes if I could, I’m still in this topic.

It’s only a necro if it’s a dead topic, as an example of a dead topic, “they should add a professional that let’s you craft rings and necks” parafrasing from a vanilla topic back in 2005, they added jewel crafting. That’s a dead topic.

This one still has relevance as it isn’t confirmed or denied that it will happen yet due to the double speak of every announcement made on classic so far.

But back on topic, what aspects of vanilla do you think guild banks hurt?

Core Gameplay?
Or the ability to scam other players?

Explain what part it hurts and why it’s bad in your opinion, because it been shown to be overall good for the players AND game masters work loads.


If blizzard themselves says in a non double speak manner “no guild banks in classic” I would let the topic die, sadly they don’t want to say one way or the other, based on current info.

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Guild banks for me aren’t a deal breaker. I’d strongly prefer they not be included, but I wouldn’t pass on Classic if they end up being in the game. My concern, as it always has been, is based on the idea that the more changes players are willing to accept, the more Blizzard will feel comfortable adding at some point in the future. Also, while I understand that Blizzard is a business and that businesses exist to make money, I naively wish that they would consider doing so in a way that can at least lie to me about how I might be worthy of some consideration as a customer.


I understand that view point but it also needs to be looked at of "how does this benifit the health of the game, or hurt it for ANY change. No change should be considered because another change hot through, if that was the case then hope is already lost as there are changes coming we already know of, which following the slippery slope logic your using, would mean we would end up with bfa 2.0, which isn’t going to happen and people who can think remotely logically know this.

The problem isn’t should a change be made. It’s why should we consider a change.

If it’s not fixing a security, stability, exploit, scam, or work load issue it shouldn’t be considered.

QoL is not a reason to make a change, guild banks address security (account sharing), scam (guild bank alt scams) and work load issues on blizzards side.

That is why I believe guild banks should be considered by blizzard. I’m not saying guild banks WILL be in classic, just that it has valid reasons to be considered. And screaming “it wasn’t in vanilla” isn’t a reason to not consider something that addresses major issues from a game design and company view point.

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The exact same things that were weighed when discussing the other non vanilla changes they are considering.

The health of the game.
The question I’d love answered is what is the plan to prevent/discourage RMT.

Yes the free money stream that is the guild bank alt system should be part of that discussion.
I guess the policy will be the same though. It’s not a scam if you willingly give anything to anyone in game. LOL

Susan will be hiring lots of american farmers. LOL
Oh wait they don’t have to hire them. Just buy their gold to resell for profit.
Yup. Pushing to 60 like a mad man and getting in front of this mess that’s about to go down.

Do you mean like going from “Guild banks are a security feature” to “add-on functionality should be baked into Classic baseline because add-ons are a security risk”?

When you say the “slippery slope” doesn’t exist, do you mean the slippery slope that you cannot even keep yourself from sliding down?

Please enlighten us all to exactly what this exploit is that your pet non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks is supposed to “fix”.

You have yet to show ANY exploit related to guild banks.

Is any player ever forced to send anything to any other player, even to a guild bank alt?

Are those players who CHOOSE to send items to other players, even guild bank alts, doing so VOLUNTARILY?

Is someone hacking the mail system so that they receive items that were sent to other players and not sent to them?

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Odd. You weren’t worried about the slippery slope when commenting in the p2w headstart thread.

The benefits have been shown in 13 capped threads.
Wish the mods would merge them.
The one and only drawback is it wasn’t in Vanilla.

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So you don’t consider it scamming or even exploiting people when you buy a stock (future investment similar to gathering items to help your guild raid, get gear and be able to do more later) that promises to be a safe stock and growing based on past experience of the stock, just to find out later the entire company is belly up because the owner of the company has been using all form of income including stock investment to buy houses, cars, exc. For himself.

Now let’s say you buy that stock blind (guild bank alts) with it having no form of accountability, tracking, exc. And thus you never learn it’s a scam and keep pooling your money I to it because of it’s amazing growth. Or you can be able to look at it’s standings and actual worth by being able to review the companies bottom line (guild banks with logs) to see something isn’t right and stop funneling your money into it and being able to stop the continued scam to yourself and possibly others?

Which system would you prefer?

Blind faith (guild bank alts) or trust with a facts sheet to look into (guild banks with logs)?

Both “can” scam you, but which one let’s you see the scam happening in a much clearer light and thus you can stop yourself from being scammed?


The drawbacks (including the ones you choose to ignore, pooh pooh or hand wave away) have been shown in those very same threads.

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