Guild Banks Pt. 14

11/14/2018 03:22 AMPosted by Padrepwn
11/14/2018 01:39 AMPosted by Härländ

Accept there up is nothing classic about guild banks; they're a TBC feature.

Well the reasoning behind loot sharing is less tickets for gm's because of misclicks.
Wonder how many tickets they fielded due to gbank alts?

There isn't a reason to have gbank alts. Pooled funds only reward the worst of raiders.
11/14/2018 03:32 AMPosted by Notprimal
11/14/2018 03:22 AMPosted by Padrepwn

Well the reasoning behind loot sharing is less tickets for gm's because of misclicks.
Wonder how many tickets they fielded due to gbank alts?

There isn't a reason to have gbank alts. Pooled funds only reward the worst of raiders.

More reasons to have guild banks than loot share.
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They already said this won't be in... why even continue arguing about it?
11/14/2018 04:39 AMPosted by Starrs
They already said this won't be in... why even continue arguing about it?

Same reason people asked for Classic for 10 years.
Same reason people are still arguing against loot share and sharding.
11/04/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Padrepwn
So let's take our minds off subs and sharding and have a nice classic discussion about guild banks.
Guild banks are still by far the least impactful on gameplay and most spirit of Vanilla community change one could request.
Not only that the log keeps officers and gm's honest. Without logs they are free to skim off the top of donations and trivialize their epic mount purchase.

This adds next to nothing outside of mass ease of access storage and as such is inherently anti-vanilla
2 banks, 1 being easy to make with max bag player bank isn't a 'game changer'
Not only that, not you can make gather mats from players for the main raid team easier.
Not against it, it just prevents a lack of communication as you don't have to ask guildies for X/Y and just be supplied by the guild leader.
Would rather have to help guildies farm for mats, or buy the goods for cheaper then AH (assuming they sell them low) so both parties benefit.
11/14/2018 07:51 AMPosted by Bangnfire
2 banks, 1 being easy to make with max bag player bank isn't a 'game changer'
Not only that, not you can make gather mats from players for the main raid team easier.
Not against it, it just prevents a lack of communication as you don't have to ask guildies for X/Y and just be supplied by the guild leader.
Would rather have to help guildies farm for mats, or buy the goods for cheaper then AH (assuming they sell them low) so both parties benefit.
and how do guild banks stop you from communicating with your guild members?

Let's say you have 5 high level alchemist in your guild and need to farm 5 different areas for different types of potions, elixer, exc.

Well you still communicate with who is gathering what to end up with adequate herbs for the needed consumables.

Or let's say you have leatherworking farming to make the devilsaur sets and healer gear, exc. To ready your guild for raiding. Does it not require communicate to make sure all your Skinner's are not only farming basic leather and devilsaur leather? Because then you have no mate to make the healer gear.

Guild banks don't stop communication between guild members, if that was your experience with them, well that was on you, not guild banks.

Even then most guild members won't have access to withdraw from the guild bank, meaning they will still go to officers to request withdraws, and again, if your guild bank experience was an open door on the guild bank, that's a poorly managed guild and that's on YOU, not guild banks.

I've even had times where I looked into the guild bank and noticed out supply of consumables on food, potions, exc. Was running low and as a non officer I started organizing the guild to help restock. I later became a Jr officer because of how often I did this (my Gm made a new rank for me because of my proactive attitude, which I never would have been able to do without guild banks because I wouldn't know what was needed without being actively told by another, thus letting me perform the leader role without access to the guild bank alt)

Guild banks encourage community far more than they discourage it.

As a side note the guild bank alt system encouraged the unsafe and against ToS behavior of account sharing to make the guild bank alt more accessible, which has it's own issues for doing that.
11/14/2018 03:22 AMPosted by Padrepwn
11/14/2018 01:39 AMPosted by Härländ

Accept there up is nothing classic about guild banks; they're a TBC feature.

Well the reasoning behind loot sharing is less tickets for gm's because of misclicks.
Wonder how many tickets they fielded due to gbank alts?

I wonder how many they fielded due to GM's absconding with the contents of those guild banks or using the contents of those guild banks to fund their epic mounts.
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11/14/2018 04:56 AMPosted by Padrepwn
11/14/2018 04:39 AMPosted by Starrs
They already said this won't be in... why even continue arguing about it?

Same reason people asked for Classic for 10 years.
Same reason people are still arguing against loot share and sharding.

Then why not just go for a sure thing and ask for BC servers since its kinda obvious that's what you're after.
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11/04/2018 02:52 PMPosted by Melaned
11/04/2018 01:36 PMPosted by Cyberreturns

here is the real thread.


As for OP.

No. It actually does impact a LOT in the game.

None of which you had time to type out clearly... What do you think it impacts?
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THIS IS A GUILD BANK < make yourself a toon run to your main city and bamboozle el banko.

Requirements: Must always have bank in name.
Guild banks weren't apart of classic so they don't belong. No to guild banks. Crap like this would kill immersion.
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How does it kill immersion?
Having characters for nothing but storage kills immersion.


Mine’s gonna be Banksy

Will people react to guild banks the same as sharding?

Given the opposition to guild banks in every one of the previous threads, I would suspect that those who desire a truer classic experience would.

Those with an instant gratification, convenience oriented mindset and who favor the convenience of sharding would likely also favor the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks.

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Ratsy! They told me you were a shaman now.

Guild banks wouldn’t bother me one way or the other. I don’t think it really affects the Vanilla experience. Just make them expensive to obtain would be all that I ask.


Seriously dude let your guild bank crusade die, they aren’t happening…

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The same was said about classic servers. The same was said about loot sharing months ago too.
If irc there was a sharding thread months ago that got laughed out of here and people said it wouldn’t happen either.

Guild banks might get added to lessen gm tickets just like loot sharing.

Bro theres a guy with like 3 threads on sub cost. At least the 13 guild bank threads before this one capped. LOL.

Guess I could log onto some alts to drum up support. LOL.