Guild Banks Pt. 14

11/04/2018 01:41 PMPosted by Fellína
if they arent changing the code from 1.12 why would they add more code to it?

They're not adding code they're removing it to make it 1.13
11/06/2018 12:31 PMPosted by Tankidrood
11/04/2018 01:41 PMPosted by Fellína
if they arent changing the code from 1.12 why would they add more code to it?

They're not adding code they're removing it to make it 1.13

this was never said anywhere. unless you have a link to where they contradicted themselves and said they are now making it 1.13.
11/07/2018 12:11 PMPosted by Moonblade
11/06/2018 12:31 PMPosted by Tankidrood
They're not adding code they're removing it to make it 1.13

this was never said anywhere. unless you have a link to where they contradicted themselves and said they are now making it 1.13.

The patch you downloaded was 1.13 for the demo if I recall. It isn't actually 1.12 but a facsimile with changes so they aren't going to name it 1.12.
11/04/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Moonblade


Moonblade, are you capable of saying anything other than "No" we get it, your all #nochange, but your wrong, just plain wrong. if you want 0.0000% change, start a private server

On the guild Bank side...Guild Halls ftw
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no guild banks

no sharding
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Eh, I honestly wouldn't care less if those were added in. Not like I'd even use them anyway, I always just go and buy whatever I need myself.

What would be cool though, is if they added in a sheep companion with a backpack tied to it that can be your personal extra bag space. But only make it 4 bag slots since that poor sheep wouldn't be able to carry much like the almighty legendary warrior can lol
11/07/2018 09:46 PMPosted by Clioneds
no guild banks

no sharding

no calling Dire Maul DM
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The idea behind guild banks is community.
It is the spirit of community that matters.
Guild banks should be in for this reason alone.
With the reasoning for loot trading being less tickets for gm's.
Does this make a stronger case for guild banks? By that I mean less tickets for blizz.
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11/09/2018 03:47 AMPosted by Stiffhorn
The idea behind guild banks is community.
It is the spirit of community that matters.
Guild banks should be in for this reason alone.
With the reasoning for loot trading being less tickets for gm's.
Does this make a stronger case for guild banks? By that I mean less tickets for blizz.
shhhh your logic is showing, no changers are allergic to that, it makes them go into a fit of rage.
Reported for spam!!!
11/07/2018 12:11 PMPosted by Moonblade
11/06/2018 12:31 PMPosted by Tankidrood
They're not adding code they're removing it to make it 1.13

this was never said anywhere. unless you have a link to where they contradicted themselves and said they are now making it 1.13.

And if they indeed are making 1.13 then they can add guild banks.
11/09/2018 08:26 AMPosted by Tuathaa
11/07/2018 12:11 PMPosted by Moonblade

this was never said anywhere. unless you have a link to where they contradicted themselves and said they are now making it 1.13.

And if they indeed are making 1.13 then they can add guild banks.

One can only hope we get them added.
I just hope when they announce them the truly fanatical grasp the reasoning.
Guild banks are not an issue, if you do not have guild banks, then you will have a bunch of alts that you store items on which will make things tedious,

This is one QOL issue that will have zero effect on the spirit of classic wow.
11/11/2018 09:32 AMPosted by Acropalis
Guild banks are not an issue, if you do not have guild banks, then you will have a bunch of alts that you store items on which will make things tedious,

This is one QOL issue that will have zero effect on the spirit of classic wow.
it's not just a QoL issue it's a security and anti scam issue thanks to the guild bank logs not being editable to show false information.

It also reduces server loggin strain from less alt hopping and it helps streamline a policy for issues between "guild items" because of the distinct difference of sending something to someone's alt and putting it in the guild bank.
11/04/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Ratsmats
11/04/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Padrepwn
So let's take our minds off subs and sharding and have a nice classic discussion about guild banks.
Guild banks are still by far the least impactful on gameplay and most spirit of Vanilla community change one could request.
Not only that the log keeps officers and gm's honest. Without logs they are free to skim off the top of donations and trivialize their epic mount purchase.

Tell us all again which patch added those guild banks.

Were guild banks part of ANY 1.x patch?

Seems like blizzard already answered, no guild banks.

Another worthless thread.
11/13/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Bigsly1DD123
11/04/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Ratsmats

Tell us all again which patch added those guild banks.

Were guild banks part of ANY 1.x patch?

Seems like blizzard already answered, no guild banks.

Another worthless thread.
may want to reread some of what they said if that's want you think.

99% of their announcements for classic have been double speak to keep them from being bound one way or another.

What we do know about classic is some of the changes they have confirmed are happening, nothing has been confirmed as an absolute no out side of trasmogs. Even then the wording on that has been slightly double sided as well as when they mentioned it not being in classic they specifically mentioned it not being in one of their test builds.
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[Insert request X]
Was X present/available in Vanilla?
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Belongs in Classic Does NOT Belong in Classic

Change my mind.
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11/04/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Padrepwn
So let's take our minds off subs and sharding and have a nice classic discussion about guild banks.
Guild banks are still by far the least impactful on gameplay and most spirit of Vanilla community change one could request.
Not only that the log keeps officers and gm's honest. Without logs they are free to skim off the top of donations and trivialize their epic mount purchase.

Accept there up is nothing classic about guild banks; they're a TBC feature.
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11/14/2018 01:23 AMPosted by Fateweaver
[Insert request X]
Was X present/available in Vanilla?
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Belongs in Classic Does NOT Belong in Classic

Change my mind.

Don't have to convince you. Blizz is the ones who make that call.
11/14/2018 01:39 AMPosted by Härländ
11/04/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Padrepwn
So let's take our minds off subs and sharding and have a nice classic discussion about guild banks.
Guild banks are still by far the least impactful on gameplay and most spirit of Vanilla community change one could request.
Not only that the log keeps officers and gm's honest. Without logs they are free to skim off the top of donations and trivialize their epic mount purchase.

Accept there up is nothing classic about guild banks; they're a TBC feature.

Well the reasoning behind loot sharing is less tickets for gm's because of misclicks.
Wonder how many tickets they fielded due to gbank alts?