Guild Banks Pt. 14




noun: multitude ; plural noun: multitudes

  1. a large number.

Seeing as your posting history shows that you support a large number of non vanilla QOL convenience changes, it doesn’t sound like I misrepresented anything.

I’m sure it would be easy for you to list them.

As I said earlier, we apparently have a fundamental difference in values.

This is evident to me from your adamant defense of the dumbing down of retail, to your defending allowing players to completely skip large portions of the game that they don’t like and your adamant defense of, enabling of and excusing that instant gratification, convenience oriented mindset.

It appears that the best we can do is to agree to disagree.

Anyone wishing to see them can examine your posting history.

Well you shouldn’t have any problem listing them right now.

I’ll leave that up to you if you want them listed.

As I said, anyone wanting to see them can do so.

So you don’t know what they are. Thought not.

basically people can have an instant gratification mindset all they want in WoW, but it will do them no good.

Yup probably for the best,lol.

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He also walked back a couple of things he earlier was in favor of, other than that, i am pretty sure he is against transmog, not sure about sharding, and supports GBs, also against the LF system as well, so honestly not sure if there was something else you are thinking he was for?

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On day one when we didn’t know what Classic was going to be, I thought it would be a good idea to bring up some issues from 2005 that the community was asking for. it’s as simple as that.

The group finder? That will be addressed with an add-on.
Transmog? I’ve stated on here many, many, many times that I’m against it.
Sharding - I wrote that I have no opinion.
Guild banks - I feel that if classic is going to be static, that GBs are required.

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Don’t count on it. Looks like they’re looking to block some of that functionality.

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Well, oQueue was part of the 'authentic experience". He also said there will be a “middle ground”. Whatever that means.

We’ll see.

It would be nice if the no change crowd hadn’t chased off the blues and we could actually talk with them.

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I know what they are, but we have gone far enough off topic.

Those who wish to see the non non vanilla QOL conveniences you support can do so. Those who wish to see what non vanilla QOL conveniences you do not support can see those, too.

Again with the spurious, less than honest claim that blues were chased off by the “no change” faction.

You were asked to provide proof to back up that claim, and you have so far failed to do so.

Except that instant gratification, convenience oriented mindset is exactly why retail is in the state it is in today.

You could say that Blizzard catering to that mindset is why retail is the way it is. If the players accepted the game for what it was and not what their instant gratification, convenience oriented mindsets wanted it to be, though, there would have been no need for Blizzard to cater to that mindset.

Well no, people can ask for what they want but it doesn’t reflect what actually happened. as for the state its in, still successful after 15 years, still selling as well as it ever has, pretty good state to be in, other MMOs would kill to have that ‘state’.

Did you forget the pitchforks when the Blues dared say something last year on the old forums?

No one got ‘catered’ to, people can have that mindset all they want, but you still have to do content to get rewards, only problem is that some people seem to think that only content that fits their narrow view of worthy should give rewards.

They gave more people a way to see/complete the content while at the same time keeping harder content for those who wanted that, but that also wasn’t good enough, as some of those people also think that people need to play a certain way and meet their own made up standards of '‘effort’ to be worthy of reward.

Also Blizzard changed the raids due to such a low percent seeing/completing all on their own.

We’ve discussed this before.

The statement that Blizzard made about add-ons addressed possibly restricting add-ons that duplicated or emulated social things that were added later. That is not just the “auto grouper” add-ons.

That statement addresses in game social things that were added after vanilla. The “modern LFG” group finder tool would fall into that category. It is an in game social thing that was added later (after vanilla).

Add-ons are third party programs, not in game social things.

As I have previously stated, we will have to wait to see how far Blizzard decides to go with their plan to restrict add-ons that duplicate in game social things that were added later.

What pitchforks?

Ziryus was asked to provide proof of those pitchforks. All he could (or did) provide was a link to a blue stating his personal opinion, which was followed by many pro changers twisting that personal opinion into an official Statement from Blizzard.

I saw no pitchforks from the “no change” crowd, especially none that were directed against that blue.

The closest thing to pitchforks that I saw was “no changers” pointing out that that post was the blue’s personal opinion and not an official Blizzard statement.

Perhaps you could provide proof to back up your claim of “pitchforks”.

Lol so when it is something we dont agree with its ‘personal opinion’, and when it is something we do agree its Gospel?

The thread in question is the proof, as well as some of the CMs tweets around that time.

Wanted to add, to be 100% fair, I would not say it was all entirely one group that was doing all of that, people seem to like to find a hot topic and ‘pile on’ , so Im sure there was some of that going on too.

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