Guild Banks Pt. 14

No, it’s not. You’re conflating ease of use with security.

Do you mean the security that doesn’t prevent guild bank theft or even show who the thief is, if there is a thief?

As noted previously, those logs might show that Johnny removed item X, but they show nothing about what happened to item X after Johnny withdrew it. Did Johnny sell it to fund that epic mount he just bought, or did he really give it to Billy as he claims he did?

No thief if the GM set the proper levels. We went through this many times.

Key word.


This isn’t 2007.

Yes, we have, even if you refuse to acknowledge the truth because it does not mesh with your desire for non vanilla changes to be added to classic.

Even if the GM sets the permissions so that only he can access the guild bank, that does not prevent theft and still leaves the possibility of a thief.

Once again, those logs show that theGM withdrew item X, but not what he did with item X. Did he sell item X to fund that epic mount he just bought, or did he give item X to Billy as he claims he did?

What happened to item X? Those precious in game logs will not tell you.

Grab your pitchforks!

Light your torches!

The infidels want to improve the game!

I have the desire for guild bank security.

It may be true that you have the desire for “guild bank security”, but is it possible that desire has its roots in the fact that guild banks are a non vanilla QOL convenience change?

Your post history shows your support for a multitude of non vanilla QOL convenience changes.

Add to your support for that multitude of non vanilla QOL convenience changes the fact that I just showed how little security guild banks actually provide and your “I have the desire for security” excuse becomes even less believable, IMO.

Here’s a plot twist - no.

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Fact–Guild banks really do not provide that much security, They will not prevent theft, nor will they show who the thief is, is there is a thief.

Fact–Guild banks are a non vanilla QOL convenience change.

Fact–Your post history shows your support for a multitude of other non vanilla QOL convenience changes.

People can draw their own conclusions to those facts.

Those are only the post you choose to cherry-pick.

Anyone who even takes a cursory glance at your posting history can see that those facts are not “cherry picked”.


  1. I don’t hide my posts like you do
  2. I’ve stated exactly, precisely what I want. You make it sound like I want every QoL item in the book since you intentionally don’t list the ones I talked about.
  3. I’ve stated many, many times about the QoL features I’m very much against.

Your trolling of people here doesn’t help the conversation.

Anyone that wants to see my posts should be able to do a forum search for posts written by me. I have been able to see posts written by others who have chosen to hide their profiles by doing just that.

I also did not specifically list the multitude of non vanilla QOL conveniences that you do support. Anyone wishing to see those that you support and those that you do not support can view your posts for themselves.

See number 2

Again in the case of guild banks:

Fact–Guild banks really do not provide that much security, They will not prevent theft, nor will they show who the thief is, is there is a thief.

Fact–Guild banks are a non vanilla QOL convenience change.

Fact–Your post history shows your support for a multitude of other non vanilla QOL convenience changes.

People can draw their own conclusions to those facts.

All you do is repeat what we discussed WEEKS ago.

And you’re retired? This is what you do with your time? Troll people?


So? there is still content that is meant for people who want a higher difficulty, and you are still rewarded based on what you do, just that more people get rewarded , which makes some people think they aren’t worthy, too much worrying about what someone gets.

Well there is the scalpel approach and the shotgun approach, Blizzard tends to use the shotgun, minor bumps to rep would be a scalpel, a shotgun would be to remove it completely.

People have always asked, which they are free to do, Blizzard for the most part does not design by that, it takes a pretty major outcry to get a design change.

Wrong, the terrain is not the ‘game’, the quests and whatnot are the content, nto bumping up against a root, you get to the location the same way if you fly or ride or walk.

Lol yah, the example that Bash posted that almost never happens in the game, 90% of the quests require you to be in an area to do anything. Flight lets you skip or ignore the same way as overgearing those same mobs do. When I fly i ‘skip’ the same mobs as I do when I am on the ground.

Which is great, but does not apply to what current WoW is, you still have to put in effort, do an activity to get achieve a reward, what people hate is that people them deem unworthy get to experience a version of the same content and worse yet get rewarded , all because they want to be ‘special’ and can’t stand that others don’t play the game ‘right’.

No , you just have a skewed view of what current WoW is, you conflate what a few people ask for , complain about as being a bigger thing than it really is, such a small part of the playerbase ever come to the forums.

I have zero problem with people getting to see a lesser form of the same content i run, and getting rewards based on the level of content that they do.

Now I also do not like people who think they should not have to do anything to get something and I also am not so conceited that I think I get to determine if someones effort in a game is worthy of reward.

Navigating the terrain is part of the game. Flying allow players to completely skip that part of the game.

No, You still have to actually fight those mobs, even if they are easier to kill. There is a vast difference in mobs being easier to kill and being able to completely skip those mobs.

No, I fully accept that retail is a completely different game than Classic. I see both games for what they are.

I could not care less how Johnny chooses to play retail or the fact that Johnny is fully decked in epics without having ever set foot in a raid. That is retail. As I said, I appreciate retail for what it is.

We have previously discussed the relatively few people that can actually see both games for what they are and appreciate them both for that they are. The two games are different at their cores, though.

There is no “right” or “Wrong” way to play either retail or classic. There are people in retail who choose to heroic or mythic raid, people who choose to LFR and people who don’t even do LFR. None of them are “right” or “wrong”. People will also find the way they like to play Classic, as well.

I’ve explained before about bowling on a house shot in my bowling leagues. A typical house shot is so much easier than even a beginner sport shot that it is not unusual for a player to average 15 to 20 pins higher on a house shot.

I recognize that my league averages are not due to any skill I might have, but to that house shot and the easier conditions on which we bowl. One of the guys on the team for which I subbed the other night summed it up very well. He said league bowlers these days are not “bowlers”, they are simply “scorers”.

I accept that the house shot is what leagues use these days and do not ask the leagues to change that shot, though.

When I want to be challenged, I either bowl in tournaments or practice on Sunday mornings when my local house puts out a sport shot on a few lanes.

I appreciate both shots for what they are, though. The “house shot” mentality has no place in a tournament. Likewise, the sport shot mentality is not very welcomed in leagues.

In the same fashion, the retail “mindset” has no place in classic, or vice versa, IMO.

Getting to see a lesser version of content and receiving lesser rewards is one thing.

Receiving lesser rewards for lesser effort is fine with me. I don’t think I ever said it wasn’t.

Where I have a problem is with Johnny having the mindset that he deserves the same reward as Billy for doing less or that he should receive rewards for doing nothing. That is what I mean when I say that mindset and those that enable or excuse that mindset are the problems.

“multitude”. Again, you completely misrepresent everything to make people look bad.

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so does overgearing and outleveling too, should those be removed too? My game experience is not lessened because I flew over that bush or meaningless mob that I would ignore even if I was on the ground.

No I don’t ,I can 100% ignore trivial mobs, or I can get out of combat with them, no difference.

Then we are probably more in agreement than you think, but sadly there are many who do feel the way I described and it is sad, people just need to be happy with what they are doing and not worry what someone is doing or has.

Yah but he is only decked out in lesser gear, if he wants better gear he has to do the harder content, which he can now get into at the lowest level, or highest if someone wants to carry,lol.

Well a lttile more of how it used to be would not be a bad thing in current, problem with going the other way, you ruin what the game was and what it should be.

Oh , well I dont see anyone or much of anyone asking for Mythic level gear for doing ship quests, you get rewarded based on the level of content you do, you do not get rewards for doing nothing, the problem people have is getting rewards for doing something that they consider nothing.

We really got off base here, go ahead and respond again if you want, though I think we covered what we were discussing pretty well, and I think for more than you might think we actually agree here, so have a good one.