Guild Banks Pt. 14

Way to completely misrepresent what he posted…lol

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The guild permitted those players to share accounts.

If the guild is not actively opposing account sharing, then it is passively supporting that account sharing.

Yes, if the individuals who CHOSE to willfully and deliberately share their accounts and get caught, they could get banned. Yes, that could hurt the guild.

Ultimately, though, it was up to the guild to ensure that guild resources were noy put in jeopardy by permitting those who chose to share their accounts to store those guild resources.

As I said in an earlier post, I would instantly remove anyone who was account sharing from my guild, even if that meant sacrificing a few guild resources today in order to secure guild resources in the future.

Accounts didn’t banned for account sharing if it was guild bank alts? Your experience may have been different than mine, but I beg to differ.

I can only speak from what happened on the servers on which I played. I played on a few servers. Most of my time was spent on server A playing alliance. I also had horde characters on server B, as well as other minor characters across a few more servers on which I had some friends with whom I played occasionally.

On server A, the top progression guild had their main tank banned for account sharing for the guild bank. They were left having to scramble to gear up another main tank.

Other guilds on server A and several guilds on server B had players banned for sharing guild bank alts, as well.

I also heard similar stories from my friends on those other servers, but I did not spend enough time on those servers to verify the accuracy of those stories.

None of the guilds in which I was a member supported account sharing and anyone caught sharing accounts was immediately removed from the guild.

Why? Because people ignore what Blizzard has said. Ion literally said they’re not going to apply modern fixes to Classic ‘problems’. It sucks the authenticity from the experience and goes against the very nature of the project. Vanilla means Vanilla. Deal with it.

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You mean like loot sharing and sharding? Both added to solve certain logistical issues. I don’t see guild banks as any different.

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Sometimes, I think people come here because they honestly want a better experience, but, might not be wholly willing to let go of the handrail.

I’m sure you don’t see the difference, Starman.

Have they confirmed sharding?


Gentle reminder that people have different opinions.

They announced they’re looking into it, which means they’ll probably use it. The point is, they came up with that, not the community.


How do you figure?


Thousands of people in the same place at the same time. You think that’ll be a great experience?

What did I just say? after a point all you are doing by copy pasting that is just spamming, you have made your point clear at this point.

So? that has zero to do with what I just said.

after a certain point adjustments can be made to something that is outdated.

Which isn’t something flight does, you have to land to actually do anything, the quest is the game.

see what? that people ask for things? Again has zero to do with what I said, people want to define someones ‘effort’ and if it doesn’t measure up to what they think is worthy, then they don’t deserve even a lesser version of a reward or even to dare to step foot in a version of the content that they think that only they are worthy enough to see and get any type of reward.

Try just about every time, the raid changes were all them doing exactly what I said, but they also did that AND maintained the harder levels, believe or not, they actually want people to see and complete raid content.

Reversing the decision on flight would be the closest you would get honestly, and certainly the most major change that comes to mind.


Going by everything they have said on the subject to this point , you should expect to see limited sharding, now what those limits are going to be is what they have not clarified.

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LOL. Using a sharding technology for the launch of the game is definitely the same as actually adding content into the game. Do you think Vanilla banks had guild vaults? So now you’re adding textures. You’re adding models. You’re adding functionality. You’re drastically cutting back on the social interaction of players trading goods and services. You’re detracting from the reputation driven aspect of the experience.

Totally the same as sharding the servers for a few days.

It’s hard to take some posts seriously. :laughing:

ohh, thats a very good question, i could have sworn the graphic on the wall was there in IF, not sure about SW though, and who banked in Darnassus?

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The graphics weren’t there, but the game is using the 1.12 data, and the current engine, so it’s very possible to add things easily.

honestly they would probably just add an npc for it.

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That’s a good point.

That they were looking into it? Doesn’t sound like it’s a for sure thing to me.


Those rewards may still require effort, but the continual demands for reducing or removing that effort has everything to do with what I said in that earlier post, though. Those continuing request for the required effort to be reduced or removed highlight that instant gratification, convenience oriented mindset that is so prevalent in reatil.

It’s the mindset that is the problem, IMO.

IMO, there are some things that should not be adjusted, though.

Even if the rep requirements for allied races were something that could/should be adjusted, those “requests” for the rep requirement to be removed began almost the moment that allied races became available and they continue to this day. That content is still current.

Flight absolutely allows players to skip most of the game.

Yes, they actually have to land, but they skip the vat majority of the quest, such as all those mobs on the way to that quest objective, etc.

To see the evidence of the mindset that is so prevalent in retail these days.

It seems to me, though, that you and I have a fundamental difference in values and mindsets.

Being from an older generation, I have no problem putting forth the effort to achieve what I want. I also instilled those values in my children.

My children know that if they come to me because they need help, I will provide what help I can, but it will not simply be “given”. They will have to earn that help in some manner. That could be something as simple as cutting my grass for a few weeks, or helping my wife with come housecleaning. It could also be something more involved. The point is that they are willing to earn that help, and don’t just “expect it”.

I have little respect for those with that instant gratification, convenience oriented mindset, though, or those who enable or try to excuse that mindset.

As an example of the damage that mindset can cause, IMO, that mindset is one of the reasons why we have high schools graduating students that cannot read or even do simple math.