Guild Banks Pt. 14

People CHOSE to _willfully and deliberately _ violate the TOS by sharing accounts. They tried to justify their _willful and deliberate _ violation of the TOS by using, among other things, guild bank alts and the vanilla PVP honor system as an excuse.

No one was FORCED or REQUIRED to share accounts. Those that shared accounts for any reason CHOSE to do so.

There were many guilds that managed guild bank alts quite successfully without sharing accounts.

I expect that the newer account security measures will make it harder to share accounts in Classic than it was in vanilla, though. Anyone CHOOSING to share accounts should be willing to accept the consequences of, or when, they get caught.

Blizzard changed the honor grind, and they also created Guild banks, Which most likely led to a decline in account sharing. Win Win for Blizzard, less account sharing, and less account bans. IMO it would be wise for Blizzard to take action to prevent reintroducing incentives to account sharing in classic.

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They added guild banks and changed the honor system AFTER vanilla. Guild banks and the TBC honor system belong in TBC. I don’t think anyone would deny that.

The goal of classic, though, is to be as close to vanilla as orcishly possible. Adding guild banks or the post vanilla honor system to classic takes that project in a different direction.

I get that some people want Classic + with any number of the QOL’s with which they have become accustomed to having. But every little non vanilla QOL convenience takes classic further and further from as close to vanilla as orcishly possible.

Nice video, however no mention was made to the issue of guild banks. And Blizzard is open to some changes , such as sharding at the beginning of classic and loot rules.

Don’t forget or ignore that fact that Blizzard is reinstating the one hour delay to that mail system or the fact that guild banks potentially allow that one hour delay to be bypassed.

Notice that when Ion mentioned that one hour delay, he specifically also mentioned items sent to your alts taking an hour to arrive.

I do not specifically remember if mail between characters on a single account was always instant or if that was a change made either during or after vanilla.

If even mail sent between characters on a single account took an hour to arrive, then Billy could not bypass that one hour wait by sending the thorium that Johnny in Gagdetzan wanted to from his main in Stormwind to his alt in Gadzetzan and then trading the thorium from his alt to Johnny.

If Johnny wanted that thorium without waiting an hour, he would have to meet Billy somewhere.

Guild banks, though, would allow Billy to deposit that thorium into the guild bank in Stormwind and Johnny could then immediately withdraw the thorium in Gadzetzan, bypassing that one hour wait.

No, it’s more accurate that Fesz makes more of it than it is to make those people with a different opinion looks like the Bad Guys™.

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no thank you

I legit thought you were in your 20s. The way you treat people on here is not something I’d expect from someone your age. Wow.


Blizzard indicated that some changes will be made, Loot rules and sharding for example. Now IMO Guild Banks are less impactful to game-play than the planned loot/sharding changes. The changes that Blizzard are making at the moment appear to be aimed at making life easier for Blizzard with minimal impact to game play, Guild bank’s fall in that area IMO.

As far the honor grind, it shares the same issue with guild bank alts, of account sharing. However if you changed the Honor grind that would be a massive change to game play. I do not expect any changes to the honor grind.

IMO , Guild Bank’s makes sense for Blizzard to include, however the game will still churn on without them.

Yes, I am older. I have tons of respect and show that respect to those who deserve it. That does not include those with an instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification, convenience oriented mindset that expect to have what they want essentially handed to them for as little effort or cost as possible.

I grew up in a different generation, one in which if you wanted something, you WORKED FOR IT. You did not sit around and beg Mommy and Daddy (Blizzard) to hand it to you or to make it easier for you to obtain.

I guess you must have missed the fact that the ones with whom I disagree the most are those that want those “conveniences” because “heaven forbid they should actually have to put forth any effort themselves”.

I watched Vanilla be eroded little by little into the participation trophy riddled solo game that retail is today. That erosion was due to the continuing cries for Blizzard to make what even you admit was an “easy game” even easier and more mind numbing. Those cries only intensified–getting louder, more demanding and more frequent–with every concession that Blizzard made.

I support and respect those who desire a truer Classic experience and are willing to actually put forth effort to earn the rewards in Classic. I support those who can accept Classic for what it IS, warts and all.


To me, there is zero difference between this, and every single other non-vanilla want. Flying. Transmog. Arena. Boosts. Dual-Spec. The list is virtually endless. Well, no. It does have an ending. It ends at BfA. Everything that’s been asked for is there. And yet, you’re here. Why is that?

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you really do not need to keep copy pasting this honest, i know what you mean now.

the kicker is you still have to work for rewards, the harder the ‘work’ the better the rewards, people need to quit thinking that they get to define whose ‘work’ is even worthy of a reward at all. So nothing is ‘handed’ to you in current, people who some view as lesser are just as deserving at getting rewarded for doing an easier version of the content, and they are rewarded accordingly.

actually no that isn’t true, BLizzard does not design by forums, never have, they simply viewed the pathetically low raid completing and participation rates as the failures they were and corrected that while still maintaining the harder content for those that wanted it.


Yeah, Fesz is now on my “can’t take him seriously” list. All this grandstanding means nothing because guild banks alts aren’t anything to “work for”.


Yes he did mention Alt’s and a one hour delay for mail. If you were in a major city, Gadget or Bootybay a guild bank would bypass the one hour mail. That’s actually a good point. So if Ion sticks to one hour mail, that pretty much ends Guild Banks.


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I wouldn’t want to be accused of being “inaccurate” with my choice of words.

Yes, rewards require effort. How many threads are there on the GD page, though, “asking” that Blizzard redue or remove the effort required to earn those rewards?

“Remove the rep requirements for allied races”
“I’d play the game more if I could skip most of it. Give us flying so I can just fly to that quest objective, drop down and grab/kill it, then mount up and fly away.”

The list goes on and on. All anyone needs to do is to check the GD page to see that.

I suppose it is possible that on numerous occasions during the 14 year lifespan of WoW, Blizzard just happened to independently (and without having read the forums) decide to make the game easier by implementing many of the “changes” requested on the forums.

i suspect that while they do not “design by forums”, many of the changes made over the past 14 years have been, at the very least, influenced by (if not directly attributable to) these forums and the requests that the game be made easier.

Using a system of guild bank alts to store guild resources doesn’t require any more effort than guild banks?

If that is the case, then there is no point to opening the door to further non vanilla QOL convenience changes by adding that non vanilla QOL convenience change of guild banks, is there?

Guilds are not democratic or communist. Guilds are dictatorships the GM owns and controls everything. All you can do is leave thats the only power you have.

Here is another point between guild bank bans and pvp honor bans.

Who is hurt by them?

Guild bank bans hurt the entire guild, when it’s possible only a few were breaking ToS.

Pvp bans only effect the account that was being pvp boosted through account sharing.

So even there your logic is flawed and blizzard would approach it differently. (Which they did because accounts that were guild bank alt shared never seemed to get banned, it’s like blizzard understood why it was done, aka a LACK of a proper system).

But it’s ok you’ll ignore that logic as well.

I mean it’s the difference of “I drove without a driver’s license to get my mom to the ER” vs “I drove without a DL to go to McDonald’s”

Both are breaking the law, but for completely different reasons, and one of them is likely to get people to be much more lenient toward the crime committed.

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And yet guild banks help you see if you should leave due to trustworthy logs. Just saying.