Guild Banks Pt. 14

Private servers asknowledge that players CHOOSE to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS by sharing accounts and make a special TOS so they do not have to ban those players that CHOOSE to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS by sharing accounts.

Go figure.

"Johnny got hacked because he chose to share his account with Billy for R14, but it’s OK. We’ll just tell them that Johhny and Billy are guild bank alts. "

That makes a lot of sense.

I somehow do not see Blizzard bending over backwards to make it legal to share accounts, though. So, if Johnny is going to CHOOSE to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS by sharing accounts, he better be prepared to pay the price when he gets caught. I doubt the “But you didn’t give us guild banks. Billy and I are guild bank alts, so you FORCED us to share accounts when you decided not to add guild banks.” excuse is going to fly with Blizzard.

Or blizzard might just add guild banks so people don’t have to jump through hoops.

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And yet they made a special exception for it because why? Maybe because it was a COMMON occurrence?

Just like in actual vanilla I knew at least 3 guilds on my realm did this, it was PUBLIC knowledge, yet they didn’t get banned? Maybe because blizzard recognized that players found a work around due to a LACK of an existing system, aka guild banks.

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Since Blizzard already shot down your “balance changes”, transmog and are going so far as to re-instate that one hour delay in the mail system, would not count on Blizzard adding a non vanilla QOL convenience “so people don;t have to jump through hoops.”

Part of vanilla was having to jump through hoops in more than one aspect of the game.

But, you do you and keep pushing for all those non vanilla changes in your efforts to see classic made as far from vanilla as possible.

That’s like saying “Everybody speeds. It’s a common occurrence. Make it legal to exceed the speeed limit, since people CHOOSE to willfully and deliberately do so anyway.”

No, I don’t really care. You’ve got issues.


Judging from your posting history, it seems that you think most of those that disagree with you and/or those that actually want a truer classic experience have issues. Forgive me if I find your opinion is worth less than nothing.

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It’s been awhile since classic, I do remember the guild bank alts. Pain in the rear for everyone involved, If you needed something the bank dude often times was never around, also more than person had access to those accounts which would create some finger pointing from time to time.

Would not be surprised if Blizzard decided to do Guild banks and avoid the headache’s that banks alts will create. Bank alts will most certainly lead to account sharing, it did last time. It would be the right move to create Guild bank’s IMO, but no guild bank’s wont be game breaking.


They won’t have guild banks. Onto the next one.


What is your stance on the vanilla honor system?

The vanilla honor system will also likely lead to people CHOOSING to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS by sharing accounts.

Should Blizzard change the vanilla honor system also since that also led to people CHOOSING to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS by sharing accounts?

If your answer is no they should not change the vanilla honor system, that “account sharing” in that instance need not be addressed, then why should Blizzard add guild banks due to “account sharing”?

If your answer is yes, congratulations, you just took your first steps on that slippery slope when you went from “just this one little change” to “just this one little change and this HUGE change”. Where does you stop?

You’ve been arguing against Guild banks, spending hours of your time on something that has been basically been confirmed with 99.99% certainty to not be included in the game. You should be flipping hamburgers and buying lottery tickets with your time instead.

My opinion is also worth more than a level 10, hiding his posts because he’s a coward.

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Remember folks, your credibility in the forums is directly related to your character level…

…Because reasons…


PVP guild’s focused on creating rank 14’s will be account sharing if the honor system remains the same, I have no doubt about that. If they get caught they will pay the price. If Blizzard makes positive changes to the honor grind that improves the game and health of its gamer’s, then that’s fine by me.

I do not buy the extreme slippery slope angle, It’s like saying if we allow gay marriage then by way of the slippery slope soon people will be marrying dead cats in mass.

Guild bank’s is the right move IMO, however no guild bank’s wont break the game. Its a simple change that has no real effect on game play and will avoid future headache’s.

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This post is the first time I’ve responded to you and it will be the last because you’ll never say anything worth my time ever again.


But I’m glad I’ve had such a profound impact on your life.


It’s how it was in the Vanilla forums. If you weren’t max level, your opinion didn’t matter.


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I’ve not seen anything to indicate that guild banks have “basically been confirmed with 99.99% certainty to not be included in the game.”, but I might have missed it. I’ve seen that Blizzard has specifically mentioned other non vanilla changes that will not be part of classic. They appear to be leaning against non vailla QOL conveniences, such as guild banks. I would not say 99.99% confirmed that guild banks will not be in classic, though.

If guild banks have indeed “basically been confirmed with 99.99% certainty to not be included in the game.”, though, then what does it matter to you if I choose to “waste my time” posting my objections to guild banks.

I’m retired and I have plenty of time to “waste”.

You have shown with your personal attacks, though, that your opinion is worth less than nothing, IMO.

“Guild banks are OK because I’m going to claim that hey lead to account sharing, they are a minor change. Besides, they are a convenience that I want, although I will not admit that. Ignore that major change that also leads to account sharing, though, because I don’t care as much about that.”

Guess what?

If Billy and Johnny CHOOSE to **willfully and deliberately ** violate the TOS by sharing accounts, then they should also pay the price should they get caught, and chances are that they will.

When those account sharers get caught and possibly banned, any and all of the guild resources they had are gone.

If I were a GM, I would immediately GKICK anyone sharing accounts, especially anyone with a guild bank alt. Why should I risk losing guild resources because Johnny and Billy could not abide by the TOS and EULA to which they agreed?

Not quite true. If you agreed with whatever garbage was being spouted, your opinion mattered to the person spouting that garbage no matter what level you were.

Bank alts for the guild leading to account sharing is not something abstract, it happened in vanilla and will happen again.

IMO , it makes sense for Blizzard to include Guild Banks in order to avoid future headache. And yes I would not mind having Guild Banks.