Guild Banks Pt. 14

No one is claiming it will 100% stop anything.
It’s a deterrent. Explained to you in thread #1.
You also know that increase in tickets was because no one knew what the permissions tab was.
Also that increase in known thievery. Yea that has shown us exactly how trusting we should be.

Yes guild bank alts worked just fine for getting free gold and items.

I know I’ll be getting my epic mount with ease .
I’ll justify it as administration fees.
After all once it’s “donated” it belongs to the guild bank alt.
Well within the game rules.


lol not ‘pooh pooh’ anything or handwaving anything away, nothing I have said is wrong, nor did I say anything about effectiveness in the least,lol.

Duh? but if you are using pservers as the experience, than that is flawed beyond belief as I laid out above, so few played on them compared to what Classic should be getting and more will come from people who did not play on them as well.

Both systems can work, both systems do work, like I already stated , the over difference is not so huge that this would be something that needed to be added, just hope that people can be decent enough to not make it a problem.

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And once something is donated to the guild bank, it belongs to the GM,since the guild and the guild bank belong to the GM.

There is nothing stopping anyone from storing all of the items they would “donate” until those items are actually needed and giving those items directly to the person that needs those items.

Go ahead and keep pushing for your pet non vanilla QOL convenience changes, though. I will be right here pushing back in the hopes that classic will be as close to vanilla as orcishly possible.

What do you think the odds are that Blizzard will put guild banks in the game if you stop posting?


Duh? but if you are using pservers as the experience, than that is flawed beyond belief as I laid out above, so few played on them compared to what Classic should be getting and more will come from people who did not play on them as well.

Both systems can work, both systems do work, like I already stated , the over difference is not so huge that this would be something that needed to be added, just hope that people can be decent enough to not make it a problem.

Not everyone who plays classic will have played on a private server. There will be plenty of people who either played vanilla and/or played on a private server and have experience with using guild bank alts.

I think most guilds will have at least one person with experience using guild bank alts that can help the guild to set up their system of guild bank alts to maximize its effectiveness.

More like you will be here running conversations in circles.
That is why we are still explaining the same thing to you for 14 threads now.
I’m just going to take my admin fees and call it a day.
You carry on with your catch phrases.


I never managed a guild bank back in the day, but wouldn’t it require sharing account info with other officers?

If so does the blizz two factor authenticator support adding multiple devices to receive login requests?

Can you even have a battle net account without two factor authentication nowadays?

I don’t know, but I will continue to post and voice my opinion.

I’m sure you’d like those who oppose this non vanilla QOL convenience change to stop posting, though. Then you could claim “see no one is even posting against guild banks. It won’t hurt the game to give us our non vanilla QOL covnenience change.”

That is not going to happen.

Absolutely not. There were players who CHOSE to willfully and deliberately violate the TOS and share accounts. They were NOT forced or required to do so, however.

thats exactly what I just said,lol.

Duh again? and so what? and no the ‘plenty’ who played pservers will be pretty small compared to what Classic should have, unless it is a collosal failure. Any experience gained by the pserver few won’t make much difference here at all and is not worth including in any real example.

SUre, and duh? who is talking about effectiveness and so what? People are way more experienced with the superior system, but that does not mean anything here either as it likely will never be included.


yes because Blizzard is going to base design decisions on the couple of dozen poster here in the Classic forums.


Is that a reason to even consider choosing to stop voicing my opposition to guild banks and other non vanilla QOL convenience changes? I don’t think so.

If Blizzard truly will not base their design decision on the couple of dozen posters here in the classic forums, why are those who want their pet non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks so triggered and upset by my continued posts?

You might want to go back and actually read that.

I specifically said “There will be plenty of people who either played vanilla and/or played on a private server and have experience with using guild bank alts”. You chose to once again reply that private servers players will be very few, while ignoring the large number of former vanilla players.

Vanilla had MILLIONS of players. I would say that is far more than “pretty small compared to what Classic should have”. I would venture to say that former vanilla players will likely make up the majority of classic players.

Why would you choose to ignore those former vanilla players that will likely make up a large portion, if not the majority, of the classic population when I specifically included them unless you were trying to make it seem as if almost no one playing classic would have any experience with guild bank alts?

Well no, but your reasoning is flawed if you think that claim had merit then, now if you had seen support for this outside of the forums, then yah, but I have not seen that.

And no one is ‘triggered’, people are just giving their opinions.

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Yes I know you moved your goalposts to include Vanilla players, thats great, I was talking about the pserver inclusion at all being meaningless.

I ignored the inclusion because it does not make any difference to anything being discussed, who cares about the ‘experience’ of what people had from 15 years ago, we have way more experience with another version, but that makes no difference to the topic either.

Well at least you finally admit that former players will be the largest player source.

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I agree that some people are simply giving their opinions.

I would say that, though, there are a few that are definitely triggered by my opposition to non vanilla QOL convenience changes. Some of those who are triggered simply want their pet non vanilla QOL convenience changes, while others want to see classic made as far from vanilla as possible. Both groups, though, apparently see me as nothing but an obstacle in their way.

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You are correct that I should have specified “large portion, if not the majority, of long term players”.

I still believe that the vast majority of “tourists” (those who will not stick around long term or will simply pop in every now and then) will be retail players.

Nah no one is triggered, i think people just read way more into someones responses then is really there.

Well maybe, but at least you acknowledge they will the largest player source.

Nah, simply by the fact they will be the smallest, there is not some magical"you must play this much to matter" metric nor should there be, all types of player type will be there and all source will contribute to each type.

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Then explain to me why priave servers, like Elysium have a separate ToS set up for sharing guild bank accounts?

If they work so well why have private servers made it not against the rules to share the account specifically made to be a guild bank account?

Other private servers do this as well, just an FYI.

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Only thing triggering people is your refusal to even try to have a logical debate and instead you keep screaming “QoL convenience” and “wasn’t in vanilla” with lastly being “I already refuted those points” (when you never did).

Saying you proved something wrong doesn’t prove it wrong, the only thing triggering people here is the fact that debating anything with you feels like talking to a 2 year old that keeps screaming “I don’t wanna”. But hay, your world in your head is different than what’s actual fact in the real world, hope you realize that one day.

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