Guild Banks Pt. 14

You are being a little disingenuous there.

You are correct that player kept logs are editable. However, if multiple duplicate logs are being kept, editing those logs becomes much harder unless each and every person keeping one of those logs is making the same edit.

I get it, though. You want the non vanilla QOL convenience of guild banks and it would not support your desire to admit that a system of guild bank alts with player kept logs can have a system of checks and balances depending upon how it is set up.

The GM can limit the amount that any given player can “steal” at any one time. The GM cannot prevent anyone with access to the guild bank from “stealing” from that guild bank.

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I have no issue with guild banks, I do not see how it impacts game-play in any meaningful manner, could be wrong but it seems the no’s are a no for the sake of being a no. Seem’s to me blizzard would put in guild banks to save themselves time and effort with player GM tickets ( guild theft, mail sent to wrong character, etc).

Would I like to see guild banks? sure, however I wont be bent out of shape if they are not included.


Uhm, isn’t it theft if they take an item they are allowed (on the assumption it is for guild related use) and then sell it for personal gain? I mean that’s the claim of all the pro-bank types-that the bank alt players are selling all the guild stuff for $$$…

It’s the same in either case, guild banks are no more secure, and in general use are less secure, than bank alts. Otherwise the whole convenience aspect is lost…


Except for the minor fact everyone can see what’s in the bank and who is taking it out, and for that matter who has added to it.

Which has nothing at all to do with making the system “theft-proof”. So what if the log tells you who took it, the stuff is still gone and not coming back…

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But it’s a lot better than guild bank alts.

yah but you can’t fake the in game log, and no system is theft proof, it all comes down to trust, if someone decides to steal nothing will stop them.

I don’t think theft is the correct term as you can’t open a ticket and say “this guildie stole x from the guild bank” as you gave them permission to withdraw stuff. On a similar note, if a guild master decides to close shop one day --disband the guild and take all the gold and items – there is nothing you can do about it because in blizzard’s eyes the guild and all of its contents belong to the GM, not to its members.

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I think you mean guild banks are far less vanilla than guild bank alts, especially since guild banks were NEVER p[art of vanilla.

Ziryus wants a non vanilla change to Classic. Who would have thought?

Except for the fact that those player kept logs can be set up in such a manner that they will also show the contents of the guild bank and who deposited or withdrew anything. Whether a guild bank system and player kept logs are set up in such a manner is up to each individual guild.

So in short you have no real argument against guild banks.

And that means that even someone as #nochange as you endorses guild banks.

You heard it here first from a #nochange fanatic himself, the #nochange crowd endorses guild banks.

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Then tell me what advantage an “in game” log has over a system of multiple, duplicate player kept logs. In the event of theft, either system will show who the thief is.

It is true that a guild that with a GM who insists on keeping all the guild mats and the sole record of what is in the guild bank is more open to theft than a guild that has multiple logs that must all be edited and doctored to cover any theft.

Even those precious in game logs will not prevent theft. They will only help to point out who the thief is, but multiple player kept logs will show the same thing.

Talk about a bold faced lie.

You know very well the arguments against guild banks and that I do not support them.

Those logs are not kept in game and also not available to everyone in the guild on demand in game.

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it can’t be faked, pretty big advantage.

would never claim any system would do that, that would be silly. It all comes down to trust for any of them

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Not in game, but if set up properly, they are always available on the guild website.

“Oh, no. Johnny might have to tab out to see the website. That’s too much effort to ask Johnny to put forth. The fact that he tabs out to watch you tube every time he takes a flight path doesn’t count.”

Or they could just be available in game.

Tell me how a system of multiple duplicate logs, with those logs being available on the guild website can be faked since each and every one of those duplicate logs, as well as the website, would have to be edited and doctored to prevent any discrepancies.

That would be a non vanilla QOL convenience change.

The fact that it would be non vanilla QOL convenience change couldn’t possibly have anything to do with your support for guild banks, as well as numerous other non vanilla changes, could it?