Guild Banks Pt. 14

Even if you only did the bare minimum, I would expect that you were not able to run instances while doing that bare minimum.

A few minutes a day for “upkeep” was not a major inconvenience.

Instead of tabbing out to watch you tube when you hop on that flight path, I can always do some of that “upkeep” while in flight.

But what about your statement about how multiple people would manage the spreadsheets?


Maybe it’s just me, but I always found it easier to handle a portion of the actual “inventory” and update an entry or two or three, than it is to handle the entire actual “inventory” as well as all of the records pertaining to that inventory.

I guess it is easier to try to hide that fact in order to push for a desired non vanilla QOL convenience that it is to acknowledge that fact.

Or guild banks are just a superior way to manage guild resources.


Or guild banks are just a non vanilla way to manage guild resources.

Guild banks are more convenient and some people want that convenience. Some people may subjectively feel that guild banks are superior to guild bank alts, but it has already been shown they are not objectively superior. In reality, neither guild bank alts not guild banks are objectively superior, but one is vanilla while the other is not.

I’m sure, though, that some people want guild banks simply because they ARE non vanilla and they want Classic to be as far from vanilla as possible.

Not really. You just ignore the most important parts, like Blizzard keeping a log instead of thieving officers keeping “multiple copies”.


Actually, you are choosing to ignore important parts.

Things like that “Blizzard kept log” provides absolutely no increased security as anyone “stealing from the guild bank” had permission to take what they took and unless a GM is overstepping his authority, Blizzard will not restore those items.

Those multiple duplicate logs kept by those “thieving officers” are duplicate logs. This means that if there even is an actual thieving officer, unless every one of those “thieving officers” are in cahoots, those logs will not match and the guilty party will almost certainly be exposed.

Either you give more people access to the guild bank, increasing the number of people who can “steal” from that guild bank, or you restrict access to that guild bank, in which case people still have to wait for someone with access to be online to distribute those guild resources.

Blizzard opens the door for every bank alt to the the GM of their own personal one person guilds, with all the extra storage space that guild bank provides.

Blizzard opens the door for any number of related non vanilla QOL convenience changes.

It has already been shown how the vanilla honor system can be shown to be related to guild banks since people claim that both “forced” people to share accounts.

It has also been shown that guild banks can be shown to be related to void storage, as well as the collections system, since all three address bag space and the storage of items.

Whatever, dude. You keep spewing that garbage about how people can keep impeccable records and I’ll stick with the Blizzard logs every time.

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And of course the fact that guild banks were never part of vanilla and would therefore be a non vanilla change has nothing to do with that.


Since you seem to feel that the concept of people being able to keep "
impeccable records" is “garbage” I guess all the accountants, business owners, banks, bookkeepers, etc. in the world are unable to keep “impeccable records”.

Oh, wait…

You keep thinking there’s some evil purpose to all this.

There isn’t.

Move on.

But subs and sharding are my favorite topic…I take it you got bank ninja’d in vanilla? Isn’t that what they created the help submit ticket action for?

“Evil purpose”? Not necessarily.

“Ulterior motive”? Quite possibly.

Keep on showing us all those non vanilla QOL convenience changes you want added to classic, though.

I’ll throw another term at you which is far more accurate:

“Grave concern”. I don’t want to see people in a position where stealing from guilds becomes commonplace because there are no in-game failsafes.

Even those precious “in-game” logs are not fail safe. While it is impossible to say for certain, it is quite possible that there was more theft from guild banks than there was from guild bank alts, especially if the guild bank alt system was set up in a manner to maximize its efficiency.

I would say that it is up to the individual guild to choose how to set up their system of guild bank alts, should they choose to use guild bank alts.

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No, guild bank alts have items sent to them personally and go to their personal character.

In a guild bank it does not belong to an individual, but the guild as a community.

And in the guild bank system you have accurate, uneditable logs to tell if someone is stealing. And while game masters won’t always return stolen items even in guild banks it will show clear as day that the person is stealing and you can remove their access or if that’s not possible then you can at least stop providing it yourself to stop yourself being scammed. However with guild bank alts and their editable logs that are easy to falsify can result in never even knowing your being scammed for gold by your guild bank alt holder and thus you continue to feed him/her free items for their personal slush fund.


I haven’t played wow in a while but If a GM invites you to a guild, he can set your guild rank so that you have permission to withdraw X amount of stacks and gold per day and they don’t need to be online for you to be able to withdraw stuff. If you exceed that amount you are going to have to ask them directly and they can temporarily increase the amount you can withdraw – No need for them to come over and give it to you.

People can’t steal from the guild bank unless the GM gives everyone unlimited withdraw permissions.

I just wanted to clear that out.

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I can get on board with having guild banks, this doesn’t effect immersion at all. It’s a qol feature that will free up having to have bank toons and cluster your character tab


That wasn’t in vanilla and doesn’t belong in Classic™.



Thier is no reason their shouldn’t be gb’s in vanilla unless blizzard likes responding to tickets



Only reason that matters.
