Guild Banks Pt. 14

Guild banks ftw Blizz, let us have it please!

edit: and while you’re at it, we also want loot trading please! ty

Not too worried about whether GB’s make it in or not. I remember wanting them when vanilla was live but it’s not going to break the game if they’re not brought in.

That said, running into IF and seeing 50 level 1 gnomes standing around the mailbox and AH, all with bank in their name sucks, breaks immersion, etc. and was really an exploit.

Personally, I think it would just be tidier to allow guilds to buy a guild bank that was solely accessible from IF/Org, but I can wait till “Classic: Unlimited” :joy:


good point Minotron

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What exploit?

Blizzard permitted bank alts and guild bank alts all the way through vanilla, and they still permit them today. I would think if it was an exploit, that it would have been fixed at some point within the past 14+ years.

Guild banks were NEVER part of vanilla, though. In fact, they were not added until patch 2.3, almost 10 months after TBC was released. Even Blizzard stated that they were being added for the convenience they brought. They never said a word about any exploit, though.

I lknow you are against putting them in Classic, but do you not like them at all?

I’ve already stated that I recognize the convenience they provide. I even have multiple bank alts. Each of those bank alts is the GM of their own personal one man guild with their own personal guild bank with multiple tabs. Those bank alts were unguilded until guild banks were added in 2.3, though.

IMO, guild banks are not authentic to vanilla and have no place in Classic, though.

So you like them as a system, just not in Classic? oh wow, me not good English, sigh

It’s an exploit in that people are using a feature to their advantage for something other than what it was intended for. At the time, Blizzard didn’t have a legitimate option to take its place and other than the odd corrupt GM it doesn’t really negatively affect anyone; it’s just messy.

I know “guild banks” were never in vanilla but I guess my point is that that they actually were there in most ways except name. I’m in total agreement with your earlier point about incentivizing players to make journey’s to each other to avoid mail delay’s and would rather not see guild banks at all if the alternative is the full, linked guild banks in every city set up.

That said, relogging all the time and keeping external logs of other characters inventories (the key differences between bank alts and a vanilla-ised guild bank) doesn’t really add anything to the vanilla experience for me.


Yet one of the big arguments when this discussion started four score and 13 threads ago was: “we don’t want people to have personal guild banks”.

Even though alts are the exact same thing:
A work around of inventory management.
Another great argument point you guys were using: “Inventory Management will be ruined with guild banks”.

Yup. Wasn’t in Vanilla.
The only reason Blizz may keep them out.

The community goal of a guild working as a group towards earning the tabs is more beneficial than “wasn’t in Vanilla”.
Unless ofc the free gold stream is enticing also. /shrug



You could say it that way.

They were never part of vanilla, and should not be part of Classic, IMO.

Should Blizzard decide to create a “classic TBC” server, that is where guild banks should make their appearance, IMO.

It is possible like something from post vanilla “as a system” while being opposed to that “something” being added to Classic.

Many people LOVE flying as a system, but think flying should not be part of Classic.

Some people like the TBC honor system (as a system), but recognize that system doesn’t belong in Classic.

Some people like alliance having shaman and horde having paladins “as a system”, but realize that should not be part of Classic.

Note: I am NOT saying that guild banks would lead to flying, the TBC honor system or alliance shaman and horde paladins. I am only using those as examples to demonstrate how it is possible to like something that was added post vanilla “as a system” while not wanting that post vanilla “something” to ba part of Classic.

Show me any alt (or any player or character, for that matter) that had their own personal guild bank during vanilla.

They may have had their own personal bank alt, but nobody had their own personal guild bank.

Lol, I know you do not want them in Classic, all I was curious is if you liked them at all outside of that.

and ftr, flying is great but man so many changes would have to be made, and honestly, suffering on the ground is part of the fun of Vanilla anyway.

I think flight was a great concept, but I loathe what it has become.

“Why do you want to make me actually play the game? Why can’t I just have the reward without doing anything for it?”

“I’d play the game more if I could skip most of it.”


Yah I am one of the biggest pro flyers there is and I have no problem with Pathfinder at all. But yah back to our original programming,lol

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This argument could be used toward why guild banks are a good idea.

It let’s people that the game more instead of spending hours micro managing the guild bank alts, logs, exc. As well as preventing immersion breaking inside of the game of balt1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,… Being around the mail box.

But hay, let’s leave the lack of a feature that preventing guild officers from being able to play the game, in the game, right?

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That’s funny.

I don’t recall ever having being prevented from playing the game when I managed one of those guild bank alts. Managing that guild bank never prevented me from playing.

But, keep on slinging that mud against the wall in your attempt to get one of your pet non vanilla QOL conveniences added to Classic. Maybe some of it will stick.

So the time you were doing spread sheets and mailing doing bank stuff you were running an jnstance at the same time.


I’ve had one of my previous guilds masters complain about not being able to quest because they were so busy with guild bank alts that they couldn’t do dungeons as much as they wanted because of all the item requests and deposits and updating the log, then also having to organize raids and guild activities, exc.

This was the 1st guild I joined and it died by the time I was lvl 40 because the game master stopped playing because he felt he was doing a second job instead of playing a game. And with him stopping the guild bank alt became frozen and most of the people left because they felt cheated thinking that the GM took everything and left (which in all honestly he could have sold it all for gold, then sold that for real world $$$, but idk).


A few minutes a day to update did not prevent me from playing or running instances.

I guess you were doing your daily garrison upkeep, or daily class hall upkeep, and running instances at the same time. Someday, maybe you can explain to me how you were able to do that.

That was another advantage of spreading out those guild resources among multiple officers. None of those officers were “doing it all”.

I’m not surprised though, that some do not see the irony in “I’d play the game more if I could skip most if it.” Not only do some not see the irony in that, but some want to use it as an excuse for one of their per non vanilla QOL conveniences to be added to classic.

“You know I would spend more time bowling if they just gave me the strikes without me even throwing the ball.”

“I would spend more time playing golf if I didn’t actually have to get out of the cart every now and then to actually hit the ball.”

Only did the bare minimum to keep garrison quest chain running and the class hall running. But as for dailies and the whole minion thing I didn’t do them.