I mean I only need to take one look at a guild bank in retail and immediately it’s obvious that it has vastly more storage, that’s a pretty big change as well as not being in the spirit of Classic.
u skewled those fewls ty whiskee.
…because these features were in other games.
This is the angle a lot of you #nochanges people either ignore or are ignorant of.
Everquest II launched two weeks before WoW, and not only had support for 16 PERSONAL bags which went up to 32 slots, but also eight slots for SHARED bags across all toons on your account.
So if you’re Blizzard, don’t you think it might be a good idea to have something similar?
Oh yeah, EQ2 had guild banks on day one.
If your goal is to be as authentic as possible, it is antithetical to that goal to add things that were NEVER present in vanilla and were only added in expansions.
Says the guy who was against Collector’s Edition pets.
I was, and still am, against linking the Classic and retail in any fashion, yes.
Blizzard made their decision and opened Pandora’s box, though.
We’ve already seen multiple threads asking for further retail items to be linked to Classic, using those CE pets as justification.
Irrelevant. This is WoW Classic NOT any other game. Duh. Like, as if that even needed to just be said. ESO has cat and lizard races, should we add those as playable races to WoW? What a redundant and troll-like thing to say.
Again, duh. Shouldn’t need to be said but this is Classic WoW. Please watch the Blizz Con streams and educate yourself.
Wow. You COMPLETELY missed the point of my statement. All I did was correct the person who said that these were added just because players asked for them.
Weird, it reads as ‘other MMOs did it so Blizzard should too and #NoChangers are ignorant’ to me. My point still stands, it doesn’t matter what other games did OR what changes people ask for, both are irrelevant. Classic WoW isn’t intended to emulate other games, only to authentically recreate itself.
I do get your point, I’m just saying that what other games did is as completely irrelevant as nagging for changes in the scope of this project.
It’s 100% relevant because Blizzard had to keep up with what other games or doing.
Wrong. Again, please watch the streams and then come back.
Classic WoW is intended to be an authentic recreation of 1.12 Classic WoW. Guild banks were not in 1.12. EQ or other games had them? Good for them, if you couldn’t tell by the names they’re NOT WoW and, regardless, Classic did not have the feature and this is Classic we’re getting. Pretty basic concept to grasp.
If WoW had copied the feature in its early years, you’d have half a point. They didn’t. They didn’t adopt the idea until TBC. This is Classic, or in other words BEFORE TBC.
You are just missing the point again.
Not at all, I get your point, even though it’s flawed and irrelevant. Pointing out that you’ve failed to understand the core ethos and design goals of the Classic project isn’t me missing your point, it’s me telling you the truth.
You may be right the they adopted guild banks as good practice rather than because they were demanded. That’s your point right? Now I’m telling you the reason is irrelevant, because whether it be the former or the latter, it doesn’t alter the fact that the change, motivated by WHATEVER, occurred AFTER CLASSIC, in TBC, an expansion, and therefore has NO PLACE in Classic.
Do you get that?
No you don’t because you keep going in a different direction. I wasn’t arguing for GBs in Classic, bud. Try again.
Can you elaborate since I apparently keep missing the point?
I was under the distinct impression that:
- OP wants guild banks,
- Guild banks are a TBC post 1.12 feature,
- Classic is an authentic recreation of 1.12 and thus doesn’t include later changes, such as guild banks,
- Whether they were added in the original game due to demand or to borrowing best practice was an irrelevant point because they’re not getting added either way.
- Classic doesn’t need to keep up with other games in the way that the 2004 release did. Classic is being made for a specific purpose and deliberately in the way that it is with a player base committed to it before it even launches.
What did I miss?
Everything you listed was irrelevant to my point. In fact, I quoted what WAS relevant.
So just trolling then, since you’ve quoted nothing of relevance. Understood.
Not my fault you can’t understand a simple statement
Speak for yourself, troll.
LOL I could not make my statement any more clear.