Guild Banks Pt. 14

Fixed and I fully agree. Like I said earlier Davjones (locker), the light side of the force welcomes you. Even if it appears you don’t have so many metachlorions.

They weren’t in vanilla, doesn’t mean they won’t be in classic.

After all blizzard made changes already for specific reasons that guild banks hit on as well, as was mentioned, security, CS work load, exc.

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Metachlorions did not exist in classic Star Wars and thus I refuse to acknowledge them. I hope that at least is something we ALL can agree on.


Your missing the previous 13 threads in your calculations of how big this topic is. This thread started back when the old forums were here and there was a 500 post cap. So add about 6k more posts of discussion to your calculations on guild bank discussion, not counting the off branch threads that popped up here and there and died due to them being made by no changes acting like it was the final verdict when all they gave was their opinion of #nochanges.

Lol. Fair enough. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t change the fact that this one thread, in over six months, has performed pitifully, sorry. If this was a burning issue, it would be at 25,000 posts by now. It’s not.

To be almost seven months in, assuming the thread hasn’t been necro’d (I’m not looking through all that to check) then it’s clearly not a burning issue.

It’s also trivial by your own admission because you can make bank alts. Authenticators, which you can now get for free on mobiles, which you couldn’t in Classic, negates your fears about losing anything. If you account share and lose something, re-evaluate your friendship.

If you add up all of the posts against layering, you’d be surprised, but no one thread excels on its own and it never quite takes off.

It’s got no steam, sorry.

As with the other points you mindlessly just copied, it’s already been explained how those were financially motivated.

There’s no problem, no fix needed and they’re not Classic. #NoChanges.

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Glad to see you have not been consumed by the dark side. :wink:

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The thread fell off after over 8000 replies on it and 2 years of discussion, what a surprise…

This thread fell off not because it’s not an important topic (it is an important topic) but because for about 3000 posts the conversation has been running in circles by new people to the thread repeating points of discussion.

Your issue with it, inventory management was already explained on how it’s not going to change gameplay as the only place inventory management matters is on soulbound items and open world, which guild banks don’t effect because they are only accessable in town and can’t hold soulbound items. The cost of inventory slots is more effective on bank alts than guild banks for slot per gold at maxed bank alt / guild bank unlocks, and the capability of storage to the point of it mattering was already trivialized with bank alts to the point it doesn’t matter if there is more storage because even if you fill 5 bank alts to prepaid for the opening of the gates event you will have the needed resources for it before those 5 bank alts are full. With room for more bank alts still.

Bank alts trivialized in town inventory management by a good margin from day 1, so even if “in town” inventory management was considered a core gameplay mechanic, it was already trivialized in day 1 of vanilla for people that knew how to bank alt, mail storage, exc.

Your worried that guild banks will let people control the economy? That was already done with merchant guilds that controlled the economy and used their gold to buy raid slots in top raiding guilds in return for gold / consumables and the merchant guilds would rotate who got to go based on gold / resources contribution in a similar system to DKP. This was back in vanilla when I met 2 guilds like this as they tried to recruit me because I leveled by farming leather from lvl 48-58 and a lot of that leather was devilsaur leather. They wanted to recruit me because as an individual player I was harming their profit margin because of how much I farmed. But I was “set” in a guild that was about to start raiding and I was the #1 contributed of devilsaur leather for getting it raid ready. And if you read this thread you would know how that ended… I declined the merchant guilds because I wanted to work my way up in the raids instead of being carried. Turned out I was being scammed by the guild bank alt holders for 100s if not 1000s of gold because I had sent him well over 200 devilsaur leather, 400 rugged hides, and 2-3000 rugged leather I became aware of 60ish devilsaur leather missing at one point because I got accused of withdrawing it and we’ll, if you want more of that story just read the thread. I’m not going over it again.

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Thank you for confirming that this thread was even less popular and important than I’d initially realised. I’m glad you summarised the posts,I certainly couldn’t be bothered. Clearly lacks steam, as I said. If it was a burning issue, people would be here fighting for it. The fact they’re not here, the month before launch, is proof they either don’t care or don’t want it.

November 2018, let it die already.

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Still waiting on that evidence or any short of reasoning as to what made you come up with the Guild Banks will be in Classic ASSumption…:sunglasses:

I would be mortified if I was DavyJ. Saqe dropped you off at school and made sure your lunch was in your bookbag, but you still learn nada. Thank you Blizzard for guild banks and the other gameplay changes you’ve incorporated into Classic. QoL is much appreciated by these old bones!

And Hi good FatherPwn. If someone could carry this gbank flag for like 10 months in a singular thread, it’s you. Thanks for making the winning arguments.


He has provided NOTHING… meanwhile I provided facts and numbers…

Still waiting for that PROOF that Guild Banks are going to be added to Classic…

Provided PROOF I will admit I am wrong… I still think Guild Banks would be a bad idea… but I would be grateful for the ease that having them will make my Job…


You’ll be waiting a long time, since a) there’s been no announcement because b) they’re not being added because they’re not a Classic feature.


But I mean according to this

I was schooled… this despite being the one that posted the actual numbers and how Guild Banks can hold 5 times the materials as bank alts could in Vanilla…

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Don’t let it get to you. The same thing always happens in these troll threads and they always end up locked.

They ask for a TBC, WotLK, Cata, NON CLASSIC CHANGE, you explain the project goals and ethos to them AND prove how it will impact gameplay, they then ignore the facts and repeat the exact same request for changes, failing to even grasp the ridiculously basic notion of what Classic is/was/should and will be and what this entire project is about.

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It doesn’t… Just reliving some 2004-2006 Forum PvP… its still funny when people who have clearly lost due to lack of any shred of credible evidence think they won.

I think when they’re desperate enough to quote people and edit it and to then say things like ‘thank you for adding x feature (that hasn’t been added)’, it’s time to report for trolling. Plus I can’t get over the fact they’ve been flogging this dead horse thread for seven months nearly and it hasn’t got close to 3K posts. Talk about backing the unpopular opinion.

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I did not post about it back them. But at the time I knew that I was going to be running the Guild Bank so I supported it… but I did not really look into the implications until the Beta Started and I was able to start doing the math on how much I was going to be able to hold. Then comparing that to the Guild Banks.

They would break Classic… period… I would like them in… because it makes my job easier and I will not need to fund an alt account to operate them. Still with all of those benefits I am against Guild Banks.

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I haven’t bothered to post much lately and I forgot how powerful some thinkers are in the classic forum. I am too tired to argue about gbanks and their addition to classic.

I will just point you to the lol “brain trust” that is the seven posts that precede this one,

Retreat victoriously!!!