Is it really though? Because those patches come around before the actual expansion. So if you had the pre TBC patch, but never bought TBC, you couldn’t do any of the expansion content.
You might not have had access to Outlands, but that was only part of what TBC brought.
Did you have access to the TBC talents?
What was the patch number? Did it begin with a “1” or a “2”?
If you search WoW patches, is the TBC pre-patch listed under TBC patches or “Classic” patches?
Nobody is stopping you, or saying your statements about how close you want it vanilla are invalid.
Your personal attacks could use a little trimming, though.
I wish blizzard would come forward and say whether or not they would add Gbanks
Im pretty sure they wont
but the silence is making me think they are considering it…
As you guys know i am all about them Nochanges, but i am curious on those who are pushing for guilds, and sorry if this was posted here as i didn’t see it. But i saw this somewhere else.
About having to need to reach level cap, or something to be able to buy the guild bank for the build, if you’re the GM or something like that?
They already posted about AV and loot trading. They could have destroyed this topic with a single post, so yes, they’re considering it.
They haven’t made a post about not using CRBG’s, not having bsttlemasters, not Having linked flight paths, or many of thevothervthings that changed during Vaniila, either.
By your logic, wouldn’t that mean they are considering using earlier versions of things that changed during Vanilla?
I doubt anyone cares about linked flight paths.
But hey - where’s that link of me saying that flying to a dungeon isn’t social?
So I’ve been away for a while and I see that so many more people now agree that guild banks are in order now. This is encouraging!
Most don’t care either way. Only the hardnliners have a grudge against gbanks because logically they don’t alter core game play and the pros outweigh the cons.
I found the loser that reported the post, idiot commented and claimed that he was gonna report it, which it was a false report, no trolling, no toxicity (by me at least) and an actual discussion about guild banks that should be brought up again especially after learning more about Classic WoW. (His name was “Cife” and I reported him for falsely reporting a legitimate post, Blizzard removed the false report on my account made by him and apologize and said they will take care of the issue) If someone does not wanna read about a thread for guild banks why in god’s name are they clicking on it? Those are the same types of people that sit at their computer eating pizza and have nothing better to do with their lives than be toxic for no reason and harass innocent people. Oh, and who are gaining 40LBS a week from their poor life choices.
(Oh and I was not able to find where to PM you but I agree with what you said on my post, and I appreciate you taking a logical and respectful stance on the matter instead of running your mouth with false facts just to prove a point of view that was pulled out of the butt of an idiot. (In other words, I appreciate you for being respectful and speaking in a mature manner on my post! Major Props, it is sad but I only saw 2 or 3 serious and respectful responses, one of which was yours, the rest was just trolls calling me a troll and people wasting our time instead of adding to the conversation)
AMEN! My thoughts exactly!!
No guild banks don’t basicly the GM and any rank that has permissions can access the bank, it works like the personal storage in the major cities that every character has but it is bigger and shared between everyone in the guild, there is a log to keep people honest.
Well, we pretty much knew this was going to be the case but… No Guild Bank UI, no guildvault clickables.
No Guild Banks.
You can take a break now Fesz.
How many of those topics spawned 2000 replies?
Which was my point.
Keep in mind that most of those 2000 relies are the same four of five people going around in endless circles.
Easily almost 1/3 of all gbank posts are copy/pasta from one user. I have a good deal of posts on the subject as well but even I’m not that high. Lol.
Also there have been a lot of avatars popping in. Not reading the thread and it has caused a lot of the repeat posts as well.
I’d rather read Fez’s copy/pasta for the gazillionth time than bother with another “After Naxx” post.
They could have destroyed this topic with a single post,
Because people aren’t still talking about 1.12 AV?
Easily almost 1/3 of all gbank posts are copy/pasta from one user.
Give yourself more credit.
And pancakes…