Guild Bank

My guild bank has been wiped out. I have 7 tabs almost full. There is no record of anyone removing items, yet my bank is completely empty.

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Good news is its all there its just hidden and you cant see it. Bad news is its a known issue with no ETA or fix all u can do is post in the bug forums.


Ongoing thread in Bug report forum


What I would like to know is when we are going to see some results of the actions supposedly being taken to rectify this problem! This has, as has been pointed out, been going on for over a month now. The War Within should be well enough established by now to dedicate someone’s time to fixing this issue.

I reported this elsewhere, but I’m not sure if it was brought to the attention of the devs, who can use it. I saw three steps to this when it happened.

  1. The first step was when the items in the guild bank became impossible to withdraw or add to regardless of access level.

  2. The second step was the next day. Those same items had a black overlay.

  3. The third step was the third day. The items with the black overlay disappeared completely.

I have over 40 years of programming experience, so I believe my observations could be useful.

If, as a GM claimed, the items are actually still there, then why haven’t they been restored to sight and accessibility?

Are the devs still trying to figure out what caused all this? That could take them a year. We need our guild banks restored to usefulness!

Welcome to software engineering.
You can’t generally fix something until you can isolate what broke, and what the fix is. Given the lack of an update, I think we can safely assume that one or both of those steps has not happened yet. So either they haven’t yet isolated exactly what’s breaking (which gets exponentially harder as programs get larger and more complicated), or they know what broke, but haven’t yet worked out how to fix it.

If this is true, then you’d know that you want all info on the problem in 1 place for easier access, which is the bug reports thread linked above. QA does not check this section of the forums, so posting here is shouting into the void.


Did you read the rest of my post? I have over 40 years experience in programming.

Then why are you adding information about an ongoing bug outside of the centralized place it’s supposed to go (bug reports thread linked above)?

You’re shouting into the void here.


Because a Blue has yet to respond there, in over a month. The EU Blues have responded on the EU, where are the US guys, Asleep?

They have, in other threads. Just because they didn’t reply to thread about this topic #24510, doesn’t mean they don’t know about it.