Guild Bank not transferring items

Same here. Interacting with Guild vault locks character and I have to force quit.


Same here and constantly having to ctr alt del game after any interaction with guild bank. I also wasn’t able to use the mobile bank skill. Well, I was able to use it, but then can’t open the bank at all. I also can’t open the guild bank in Valdrakken at all after having any issues with it


Same issue with me. Everything is fine until I try to open the guild bank. I then can no longer move materials in my backpack (they turn grey but stay in the same place in the bag), or use any hotkeys, or even interact with the menu. Console commands work, and I can run around and jump. If I leave the bank in Valdrakken, the button on the bottom right that allows you to throw gold stays with me, even if I am no longer in the relevant location. Must Alt-F4 to quit.


I am having the same issue. Can open guild bank, can’t transfer or pick up anything.

Had to alt/f4 to quit and now can’t log back on the same character. Says “character already exists”.


I see this is still broken. AWESOME… and there’s not even a response from Blizzard.


Me too! 24 hours the bug.


Adding to the list of people experiencing the same problems.

I can deposit some items, as long as a stack of the same items does not exist.

I cannot withdraw any items.

Game freezes for that character, forced to hard quit/crash game.


Me too! 24 hours the bug.


Same here, but I can’t even open the guild bank or my own bank. Then I log out and can’t log in for some time because “A character with that name already exists” comes up.


Add me to the list, I just wanted to drop off some reagents. a few errors I have gotten have been “you are not a member of a guild” and “Bank tab full”
Cowvanna (70 druid on Sisters of Elune)


Adding to the list as well. This has been happening since last night. My spouse and I are having the exact same problems…different accounts, different gm’s, different guild banks. We haven’t started the Harbinger quest line either. I’ve deleted wtf, interface, cache folders and scanned and repaired the client. No joy. Just now saw the blue post on eu forums saying that they are working on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


i thought this was just a ‘me’ issue. but that is exactly how my issue started, with the gbank. rn my game is bugged. it keeps locking up, then i have to force shut down and when i come back, it says that toon name already exists. i did a full computer reboot and its still happening. anyone else having any issues?


The problem I had was a little worse. After trying to troubleshoot 3 times in 20 hours… The last time caused me to ‘not be in a guild anymore’ :frowning:

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Is anyone looking at this? Been going on for over a day now. This is a big deal to some players.


Wife had the same issue as everyone above.
Had her get out of the game and do a Scan and repair on the game.
She was able to log in and play.
Staying as far as possible away from the guild bank until a Hot-fix comes through.

Glad to see Blizzard responds in a timely manner.
Some things never change.


Same issue. First noticed about an hour after Patch 10.2.7 rolled out. Characters that interact with the guild bank get stuck in some sort of loop where they stay logged in, even if I hard quit. “There is already a character with that name.” They eventually log themselves out, which makes them playable again, but it can take quite a while.

Transferring items from bank to character, and vice versa, is also very slow. I cannot right-click things out of the bank, and must move them manually…if they move at all.

Guild bank is essentially unusable on these toons. Plz help! <3


Every issue listed in this post I have had to deal with also. I’ve been playing this game from
it being 6 months old and have never seen such bug infested after updates and personal scan and repairs. Sigh.


Exact same issue here. Nothing but bugs this patch. GG Blizz. :frowning_face:


So I discovered that my bank alt (in its own guild) could access the guild bank without issues in Stormwind. Now I don’t know if anyone else has had it work in Stormwind but the one in Valdrakken is definitely bugged. I wish they would just fix this issue already…

Edit: So I just took this character to Stormwind and was able to use the guild bank there without issues again. Put materials in and took them out with no lag or lock up. Definitely just seems like the Valdrakken guild bank is bugged. If you’re Alliance and need to deposit/remove stuff, try Stormwind until this issue gets fixed. Maybe other cities will work too but I haven’t tested them. Hope this helps some of you for the time being though. Good luck.


Fixed it.

Exit game completely, open the file that hold the game. Rename the WTF, Cache, and Interface files to WTFOLD, CacheOLD, and InterfaceOLD. If you have done this in the past, as
I have, rename the files to WTFOLD2, CacheOLD2, and InterfaceOLD2.

It took me a bit to discover the problems as they appeared in the past, I’ve been playing for
18 years and this works.