Guild Bank Missing Items

Posting here, because original thread was closed yesterday… Hoping… (prolly for nothign) that blizz will finally fix this

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Still no items returned to me either.

I thought I’d add my name on here too as I was following the original post with 2600 replies but as that post is closed. I saw there were reports of guild masters getting mailed some of the missing items from their guild banks - I have received nothing in the mail on my main character who is the GM for Mercury Bubble Attack - about 25% of our guild bank was wiped before I pulled the rest of the items possible (that weren’t locked). I know it’s a shot in the dark but was hoping to see something returned :frowning:


Crazy they just decided to close the previous thread



They closed a bunch of threads, merged some into a thread in discussions (which means people like me, whose sub has expired, can’t post there) and outright deleted others. I got a ticket response saying mail would be sent out in waves over the following weeks and my post about it got deleted like an hour later. I’ve still only gotten one batch of items and it was all garbage.

Think it got merged into the general discussion sticky because I’m rather sure i saw it there when reading that thread earlier unless multiple people had the same GM response.

Oh good, I was replying to someone on that post and it vanished halfway. Couldn’t find it to see if it’d been merged with everything else, or just deleted outright.

This is the worst bug and even worse response from Blizz that I have ever experienced in many years of playing Wow. I don’t trust the company anymore and will not be giving them any more of my money.

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Y’know what’ll happen if enough people quit over this? A couple months down the line, Blizzard will say “hey guys we miraculously found all your missing items and we restored them, and here’s a week of free game time please come back!!!”