Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Today I logged in and had mail from a GM regarding the lost items:

Guild bank news
"The result is in and blue posted in the forums this past hour. Guild bank glitch problem is solved. It was a one off thing and it is safe to use guild bank again.

Due to the cause of the glitch and missing data, some guild masters will be mailed some missing items, but a full restore for all guilds will not be possible."

That is the exact message, grammar and all. After 85% of my guild bank disappearing, I didn’t get anything in the mail. I checked the guild bank and received…

2 pet cages.

This is the biggest breach of our trust, poorly handled bug and a massive slap in the face. A complete lack of respect for our time and efforts and absolutely zero compensation, without an apology.

What timeline am I living in that they believe this is any part of okay?