Guild bank missing items - what happened?

EXTREMELY discouraging.

They lost a TON of our stuff - even if it’s just DATA to them, it’s our stuff. I get that they technically OWN it but that it represent HOURS of time spent farming or waiting, YEARS spent collecting, some even bought with real money, mementos of friendships and for many, gold lost - either simply due to the value of the items, or due to the timing of it forcing people to refarm/repurchase from the AH or from lost revenue from potential AH sales SHOULD matter to them. Also, the inconveniencing of guilds who didn’t know if they could use the banks. Not to mention possible guild drama they may have caused due to their refusal to communicate with us.

I very much hope they don’t give up.

I know that ALL they care about are the shareholders, who wouldn’t approve of putting hundreds of employees on the project of manually restoring things, and therefore, they WON’T do it, but if they really cared about customers (which . . . we all know . . .) and wanted to take responsibility for THEIR GIGANTIC OOPS, as well as the complete lack of customer care while this was going on, they would get a bunch of people to restore it. I don’t know how difficult it is to do manually, but shoot - get temps and teach them to do that one task until the entire restoration is done?

I’m sure they SAVED a lot of money by cutting their QA/CS and other teams. I’m sure they can spend a little to make it up to us. (But I know - they won’t).


I posted long ago, just checked again after they updated once again and no responce and still all 3 GB that were full from years of items all still missing. started another game elsewhere. 20 years 60 maxed toons …maxed garrys/legion/shadowlands tables. over 50toons with all epics from legion. maxed out proffs on all toons over 500mounts tons and tons of pets./ bought all pets and mounts from store. played at least 5 hours a day. i am a medically retired marine and this game was all i had for years. and to put all this time to see things just disapear i cant explain how upset i am at blizz. goodbye


There has been NO notification to US customers at all about this issue being fixed or worked on. This is largest breach of trust for a lot of us. The only thing we can do is continuously bump these types of threads that maintain a spotlight on the issue until it is resolved. This issue needs visibility until it is fixed.


Another maintenance, another day of disappointment. :disappointed_relieved:
I’ll gladly accept a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur as compensation at this point. :sauropod:


Pfft . . . if they can’t restore it, I’d take that (mostly so I could SHOP not far from the mail), a million gold, all the tabs in the Warbands bank and a list (for they must have a LIST) of all the things I lost, what quantity and on what toons’ guilds so that I could do THEIR job of “retrieving” my own damn items, HOPEFULLY from the AH, if every other person who lost the item haven’t picked them up first. It’s really all I want - MY stuff, but if they can’t give it to me, let me at least be able to get it myself.

The Warbands bank tabs are just compensation for the weeks of worry, of not being able to enjoy the new expansion fully, of non-existent customer service (again, NOT blaming customer service / community managers, since something like THIS really needed a person who could explain the issue, etc., and in a leadership position).

And ANY irreplaceable items should be retrieved and hand delivered.

Yeah, again, I know - not gonna happen. I’m guessing NO compensation or something so woefully inadequate as to make us cry and laugh maniacally at the same time. Probably the former.

Though, let’s be honest - all of that would not restore our trust and faith (at whatever varying degrees we’ve had) for Blizzard, nor the loss of feeling of safety that our items are secure in whatever storage we choose to place them.

Does it sound unreasonable? Yeah, OK, maybe. But so is NOT going to the largest gathering of people with the issue and saying something. Those posting in other threads are being sent HERE, where no one is talking to us. OK, they “don’t post in bug forums.” It’s something they generally don’t do but they CAN. And in this case, they could and should have made an exception.


Ridiculous man. Going on a whole month and still no tangible feedback from Blizzard. Not even an acknowledgment from the DeVs. I feel like a plea deal is coming in the future for this issue.


the customer service / community managers, should be blamed as they have no issue replying to people on the uk/eu support forums there will be no fix no one will get their stuff back and all we gonna get is someone saying were sorry for the inconvenience


This is easily the worst performance by Blizzard in terms of dealing with a major problem in the 19 years of playing WoW.


And for those of us who already have it - just straight up gold, and a lot of it.


Even for someone like myself who is probably on the best edge of this (I didn’t really lose much of importance and my guild banks were mostly filled with miscellaneous stuff). I would still need several hundred thousand gold to replace what was lost. I did lose 1000 inky black potions and a decent amount of Dragonflight profession materials.


Same here. In my case, i was lucky to only have 1 of my 5 guild banks impacted. But it was a bunch of old profession materials, from multiple expansions that may not be worth hundreds of thousands… it is time and gold to degree that its not trivial… Would really be nice to get past this… I feel frozen…


Here’s what I would take as compensation:

  1. Five full stacks of every material at every quality in the game for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  2. Every transmog for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  3. Every pattern that exists or has existed in the game for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  4. Every mount that exists or has existed in the game for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  5. Every pet that exists or has existed in the game for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  6. Every toy that exists or has existed in the game for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  7. Every warband bank tab unlocked for each character that has been affected by this bug.
  8. Game time as a good faith gesture for the time and frustration lost over this bug for each character that has been affected by this bug.

Do all of these things, and it might start to restore my trust in Blizzard. Although, just being honest here, another bug could just as easily wipe all this out.


The real bug fix was the friends we made along the way waiting for an actual bug fix.


.The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!

I’m going to repost this every day for at least 30 days. My first post of this was on 9/10/2024.


Except for the fact that you can’t post in the forums without a subscription… meaning you are giving money to blizzard… or are playing one of their games for gold to buy a token to pay for the subscription, so you haven’t deleted all the games…

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Actually, an unfunded WoW license can post in the Support forum group, including this Bug Report sub forum.

But not, for instance, in General Discussion.


Your right. I have had my Guild Bank for 15 years. And there is no amount of payment, that can replace, what i had in invested in my Guild Bank . Like you I also have turn off my auto renew. Need to think this one over. Is it worth losing everything that runs all your characters, and the professions. That it might happen again? The Game is great, but needs help with the underlining areas.


My guild bank has been around since the day you could have guild banks. We’ve been the most active guild on our server for over 15 years. Our guild bank is WELL used, heh. Raiding has commenced and still… cant use the guild bank because no fix has been implemented and no response has given me enough comfort to trust it as of yet. Still paying monthly, as well as hundreds of people in our guild community and still… no fix on a massive bug that affects all guilds… Let alone any sort of informative response… WHERE ARE WE?! It must be the twilight zone bc this is some spooky wild stuff.


Of the 23 guilds i use for banking on 3 realms, 7 had every single item disapear, and an additional 12 had random spots disappear. Only 4 guild banks have all the items.