Guild bank missing items - what happened?

That implies that if they can’t fix the game breaking problem then we’re just kinda… not gonna get anything back?


Man, I bought six months of game time and the absolute disrespect Blizzard has for paying customers is just disgusting. I said this a week ago, but if anyone at my job just outright ignored a mountain of customer complaints, they’d lose their job.

This sucks and Blizzard is just another example of corporate greed with no transparency for loyalty.

Leaves a really bad taste in the mouth.


Still empty after maintenance, sigh. I got impatient and filed a ticket (after numerous bug reports). I guess we’ll see.


I’ve removed the auto-renew on all 5 of my accounts. One is already dead (it was month to month), but the other 4 still have game time on them since they’re yearly subscriptions. 3 of the 4 have game time until May of 2025, so I don’t know if Blizzard notices that I’ve turned off the auto-renew or if they won’t notice until they’re out of game time.

I wonder if I can use this as a reason to force a refund, since the game is unplayable for me now.


I wouldn’t. You’d probably get a permaban. Just because you can get a refund doesn’t mean they’ll ever let you back.

I don’t want gold, game time or anything else for my missing items. I enjoy the auction house part of the game, so I need my items to sell. Giving me gold is useless, especially since I’m sitting on just over 2 million.


I wish I knew how to AH like that. I get vaguely frustrated any time I have to interact with the AH, and I’m too ADHD to grind things to sell on my own.


Week 4… or was it now 5 has passed. GBank still isn’t fixed and still missing everything, even with patches today.


If you ask customer support for customer support they just lie to you and say they’ve addressed it, then lock your thread.

Shame on you, Blizzard.


Wait… are they not responding to us here because the Blues have been talking about it on the EU forums?




They’re not talking about it here because they don’t have to. The EU has very strict CS regulations that Blizz has to abide by to continue their business in the EU. The US does not have those laws so according to Blizz’s CS we can go **** ourselves.

That is literally the only thing that is giving me hope at this time. They absolutely can not ignore this bug if they want to continue to have paying EU customers. We have to keep paying attention to how they handle it for EU people and then hold their feet to the fire accordingly so we get the same (hopefully positive) result.


My worry is that Blizz in the US is using that as an excuse.

Blizz EU is taking care of it, so we don’t have to.

Hey everyone? Let’s agree to not forget this, even if everything is restored fully. Never forget the Guild Bank Issue of '24.


Thank goodness for those Europeans eh. Lots of blue posts on the UK forums, a few posts from France.

I haven’t checked the others, but I’ll bet all the players from Russia, Germany and non english countries in the pacific would be unhappy about this.

Quite a few news sites state that on Aug 1st wow was relaunched in China. Can’t image their 2 mil players would be happy about this stuff up unless they had to start from scratch.

Oh, and for the record, my empty guild vault is:

The Zars - Dath’remar


Season 1 begins, my stuff is still gone…


There’s basically never a blue response on bug report threads. I think it even says you won’t get a reply. The EU forums don’t have bug report, just customer service thread. The customer service threads in the US forums just get closed and referred to this black hole. We will likely never get a blue post in here. This is the forum oubliette. :frowning:


A bugfix if it´s coming, will be coming from the US, as that is where their developers are.

The consumer law in the EU as I explained above, is all about giving out information to the customers of your product, as that is needed to make a risk assesment, since going to court is vactly different in EU.

In EU you pay for everything if you lose, in the US you always pay only your own.

What this means is simple,

the EU CS are handing out information to follow the rules, without having any influence whatsoever on the situation.
But it´s the US Developers that have to come up with a fix. And that they have not done so in over a month is a very bad sign.


I remember when they didn’t need a law to force them to communicate.


Already did that 2 wks ago and I let them know in no uncertain terms under the reason why you are canceling box.


This is a scenario I can imagine happening all over the place. They won’t report it as a bug, they won’t go to the bug or customer support forums, they’ll just think someone’s lying, taking too much, being accusatory, paranoid, etc.

Or if not outright arguments, then it could sow distrust in a previously peaceful guild.

This is something they needed to have announced publicly, so that at least SOMEONE in those guilds would have seen it and said “look, here’s a link to the bug they’ve been talking about.” And also, due to the silence by the community (WoWHead, Icy-Veins, YouTubers) those who look to those for information won’t get it either.

As much as I HATE having lost so much in my personal guilds, at least that made it clear that SOMETHING was very wrong in the game, and I was able to address it with my guildies and have kept them informed on what little I know.