Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Reopened my ticket from 3 weeks ago to ask what is happening. The DM just said ‘Oh yeah, about that…Sorry *Shrug’ and they marked the issue as resolved… again.

I really don’t want them to sweep this under the rug as well. I’ve brought or hunted so many mats this week that I know were just sitting in my guild bank before :frowning:


Just logged in to check the gbank. Nothing. I noticed that “missing items from guild bank” is no longer a “known” issue, though the old problem with soul bound warband bank items is still listed. This suggests to me that they have decided to sweep the issue under the rug or (given the current bad video game marker), WOW itself is on the cutting block.


This had me laughing very hard! xD Thanks, much!

I was curious about the gbank situation and if any new info was out there, and this video … well, it’s kinda soothing to listen to! xD :smiley:

Thanks, again. lol


My post here from last night never materialize after either getting auto-moderated or that being back logged, for Bane of Prophecy on Drakthul.

However after re-opening my issue the non-auto triaged response directed me to the EU post here, and seeds of “we want to fix it, but while we have recorded which guilds were affected- we cannot promise anything” were sown.

Still, had they not pulled down the “known issue” article from they likely wouldn’t have had another influx of tickets.


I certainly hope that this isn’t the case! The GM themselves had said that their personal bank was wiped even as a GM so I would like to assume that it’s high on their radar to fix…but who knows…Not losing hope that they will fix this though.


Preferably way before Winter Veil


I hope they get this fixed I have 2 maybe 3 guild banks hit by this and when I checked last looked like more poofed so kinda scare to check all the ones I have on all the servers I’m on.


Another week and nothing back…


Another week, another reset, nothing


Keep in mind that any communication as to whjat is being done about this topic is pure speculation as we have received ZERO official communication in the US Forum. There is ZERO evidence that they are even attempting to address any of the issue that is reported across multiple threads here.

We are simply going by what we have seen posted elsewhere and hoping that it any of it applies to us here.


I just tried to post a reply to a different post here on the forums and it got removed and I got a message that “Your post has been removed because the account posting has no active game time.” Is this something new? My sub expired a wk ago but this is the first time I’ve ever seen that message.


Maybe new, also noticed my family members year-old account can’t make more than three comments in one thread? Basically censored from this month-long conversation on guild banks.


Nothing fixed here either.


It’s been a month. I and my officers submit daily bug reports. Nothing but the canned response. We basically can’t use our guild vault because we can’t trust the items won’t just disappear until this is fixed!


I have never heard of this.

The only thing Blizzard will respond to is their bottom line ($). It is time to take drastic measures. It is time to boycott all Activision-Blizzard games until they acknowledge and fix this issue. To say they have handled this massive issue poorly is an understatement. If hundreds of thousands or millions of players stop paying them money, watch how quickly this gets fixed. Join me with the hundreds of other players that have already unsubbed and deleted every game belonging to Activision-Blizzard! Time to boycott!


Agree on pretty much everything, except the finance offices part. Most people in finance do not make any decisions either. And even if you do your job great and on time, someone decides to complain because you spend too much time in the bathroom. (Complaining for a friend…)


I submited a Ticket. Because My guild Avengers of Teldrassil - Gallywix - Alliance was affected with 100% of my items gone, all tabs nearly full. That is the response:
The IMPORTANT part worries me and will be determinant if I will continue playing WOW.

The guild banks and the problem are not forgotten, I promise.

With the release of TWW, there is just an incredible amount going on and the developers are doing what is technically and humanly possible.

But there is at least a few news in the meantime:

1. The developers were able to find the problem and it should not pass again.

2. All guilds that were affected by the problem were recorded.

3. The developers are now working on it. here you can also find a post about it with comments in blue. If you click on the Blizz → icon on the right, you can jump from bluepost to bluepost.

IMPORTANT: I need to mention, we can’t promise anything, the developers are doing what they can and the plan and goal is, that everything will be saved, but until that happens, we can’t guarantee that it will be possible.
You would therefore have to be patient.

Unfortunately, the whole thing is very complex and affects a lot of guilds, which contributes to the fact that it takes so long.


Has any one got a good reply on this? I also missing 75 percent of items, feeds 17 charactors, 6 level 70s. I think at least, pay us a decent price for our misc. items, plus bonus for all the thousands of hours, and gold invested.
And don’t forget, most of us are not trusting our guild band we paid for to store items in. Just a thought. Still like you WoW. Please fix Boo Boo ty


Then WHY isn’t this being announced? Where are the official announcements? How many guildies are fighting and breaking up friend groups because they think people are stealing from the guild bank and don’t realize there was a bug, and Blizzard is just radio silence?