Guild bank missing items - what happened?

The EU is gnarly about keeping customers uninformed, so European WoW forums have to provide a certain baseline of blue posts. :person_shrugging:


The only thing we can do is continuously bump these types of threads that maintain a spotlight on the issue until it is resolved. This issue needs visibility until it is fixed.


Mainly incompetent devs/programmers and QA staff in the background, I’m guessing the average CS staff person/employee barely gets paid over minimum wage… hard to hold bugs like this against them specifically (since they weren’t involved in creating them)

But these high-earning, college degree’d, professional-level game developers who actually write the code or “make the sausage”? No sympathy since it’s literally their job to make sure the game code runs good and is stable/not featuring “gamebreaking” bugs


I wonder how many were old time WoW coders that got fired shortly after Microsoft took over. Seems like there was over 600 employees purged from the payroll. I might be remembering wrong, though. And now we have Microsoft coders, that know nothing about the game and codes, trying to fix things.


I think it all points to management that laid off a bunch of CS and QA and are pushing development of new content at the expense of fixing bugs.


100% this. I’ve seen a bunch of CS and community managers doing their absolute best with a situation that is out of their control. And beyond that, even the best devs make mistakes, it’s why QA exists. But for leadership trying to save a few bucks at the direction of those even higher up, shifting the burden for testing new content onto their player base, instead of paying to do it in house, starts to look pretty good. :frowning:
Great. Now I’m depressed!


+2 to the tally of gbanks affected. Both personal, the larger one on my main server lost about 50-60% of its contents, the smaller one I’m less certain of (not used very often) but probably around 75-90%. :woman_facepalming:


Dear Greatfather Winter,

All I want for Winter Veil is for my own and everyone else’s guild banks to be fully restored throughout Azeroth. Even the Hordies’. In the spirit of Winter Veil.
Maybe by then it can and will be accomplished.
In Blizzard’s stocking, please find it in your heart to place a copy of ‘PR Communications For Dummies’ and ‘Beta Testing For Dummies’. I would send them a copy of each but I am tapped out as I have already sent them monies for the new expansion and am still subbed until next March. Thanks.

This Azerothian


I’d send Blizzard a copy of ‘PR Communications for Dummies’ but all the copies I had were in my guild bank.


I’d like to throw in another guild bank affected - Goes Into Pocket, Lightbringer, Shaice is guild leader. It’s just me and my alts. I’m missing a chunk off all but one tab but unlike others in the thread it doesn’t look like I’ve lost any more since I first noticed back when this thread started.

In regards to unique name and such as far as I’m aware there is just one other server with this same guild and it’s the one I transferred from, no guild bank currently active on the old server.


they already took the book from your Gbank and read it backwards; they mastered how NOT to communicate


I did that a few days ago. I’m also keeping my ticket open until I get my items back because that’s when I’ll consider this issue “resolved.” I posted here (and in the ticket) the guild server, guild name, and guild master since those details are probably going to be needed to restore the items.


Personal guild MandM on Grizzly Hills. 7 tabs of mats, augment runes, bags, etc. Each tab has about 4 slots left with items in them. Really miss the Thorium ore and bars I had in there which would have made maxing Engineering much easier. This issue and all the other bugs (looking at you, AH) have sucked the joy of the the expansion right out of me. 13 years of farming and grinding basically wiped out. Sigh.


The gbank incident reminds me of this video.


There have been some big layoffs recently, including the one that occurred when Microsoft bought ABK. I believe a lot of the support staff (people that big companies seem to NOT think as being essential since they aren’t selling stuff or actually MAKING the products they sell) got laid off, and iirc, that includes QA and CS staff - the very people that are essential to making sure that products WORK, and to communicate with and keep customers happy. But they are looking as some stupid Excel spreadsheet to see what’s MAKING money and those folks probably didn’t make the cut.

This is all assumptions of course, but I think there probably aren’t enough people to do the job correctly, they may not be given adequate information to do their jobs correctly and because Blizzard went from releasing content “when it’s done” to having a hard-to-change “roadmap” where content is shoved out quickly, we have a perfect storm of things going very wrong and possibly, not enough people know how to fix it and if they do, they are probably short-handed in getting the fix (in this case, NOT only fixing the bug but making sure that WE ALL GET EVERYTHING BACK and hopefully in a timely manner). AND even if they can do that, there doesn’t seem to be enough people well-trained, well-informed and ALLOWED to give us the information we need in a decent amount of time.

IMO, I feel bad for a lot of them. Those in the C-suites and finance offices are making decisions without regard to whether or not they can deliver a good, WORKING product. This xpac has been buggy as hell. I don’t know how many misplaced quest markers I’ve seen, how many times I’ve experienced not being able to turn something in right away, and how many times I’ve had to either abandon quests or log off and back on, to make things work. Well-trained, experienced QA people are absolutely essential, especially when you have code built upon code built upon ancient code from 2004.





They had acknowledged that they had reports and were looking into it, and that we did not need to submit individual petitions, however what had been posted under support article 000363630 during the TWW Pre-patch has since disappeared. The “almost entirely from Cataclysm” contents of <Bane of Prophecy> on Drak’thul disappeared, from the 6 tabs.

It was noticed on the Sunday of the Welcome Back Weekend. Curiously, the only things that hadn’t lost their icons were surplus battle pet items, primarily from Winter Veil 2023.

Whelp, html encoded angle brackets seemingly make entire posts disappear.

During the TWW-PrePatch, they had acknowledged that they were looking into it within support article 000363630, but that article has since disappeared. It had stated that it was not necessary to submit individual tickets/petitions, but with the removal of the article I felt I had to go and try to get ‘Bane of Prophecy’ (of Drak’thul) documented, for having lost almost everything in its 6 tabs.

At least it was “just” the husk of the cataclysm guild, and the stock pile of crafting reagents. Curiously the only stuff that remained were items from Winter Veil 2023, across a few of the alts that were still on that server. Otherwise, even the activity recorded from what would’ve been March-May appears to have poofed.

Hi! I’m having the same issues. Below is the ticket I just sent to support:

“Hello! I have 7 guilds where I store profession items, pets, and miscellaneous items, including copies of mail letters, in their banks. It’s been about two weeks or more since I noticed that several items were missing in some of my guilds. I let it go, hoping that it would be resolved soon, but, to this day, nothing. I searched the internet and saw some Blizzard forums where many have been complaining for almost a month! I went to look at the rest of my guilds’ banks and there are tabs where about 99% of the stored items are missing! Do you have a solution for this yet? Or are you at least aware of the problem? Well, so far I haven’t seen any official information about the disappearance of the items. Of my 7 guilds, 6 of them only have my characters, and the logs of the bank tabs have no records of item withdrawals. I await a solution soon!”


I so remember these “toons” - they are always mega funny and sort of mega truth.