Guild bank missing items - what happened?

So we’re now a few weeks into the new expansion and my guild bank is still pretty much empty. About 98% of the stuff I had is gone. It’s a personal guild so I’m the only one with access. I check it every few days and find nothing has changed. Was really hoping to come here and see that something is being done, but pretty much what it was a month ago. Love it if things were being a more transparent about what’s happening.


I hear you! My guild on this toon starts with a V. I would be one of the last ones to get my stuff back! lol But like you, I would be ok with that if I saw and read that others were getting theirs and mine was on the way. I don’t care if I’m last, just give me proof it is going to be returned!


Adding my personal guild to the list.
Deinopidae - Ravencrest (US)
Only six or so items survived the purge.


Wasn’t even my personal guild. This was an active guild and we’re still missing everything.


Adding my guild bank, as most items are gone as well.


Edit: I saw that Sarabande posted this above but here is the complete context.
More info from EU, some of the most complete communication i have seen for this issue so far.


Add me to that list. Been quiet looking at forums since it started. 5 personal guild banks all wipped. Years of pet colections and mats. I’ll be happy when it gets restored. But cant think how much gold making chances I have lost.


Im there with you. I have millions of gold worth of sallow pigment, roseate pigment and other inks in there i spent many sundays at work milling. Im now having to buy both at inflated prices since i cant access my gbank. This will cost me millions. Happy for blizz to reimburse me


I noticed a couple if days ago my family guild bank is mostly empty, just a few df items in there. Hopefully they can restore them soon.


I’ve updated the thread’s first post with the following:

Edit, 09/09 5:41 PST: The tally is updated through post #1918. So far I have found 515 individuals posting in regards to a total of 943 affected guilds.


Thank you again for taking the time to do this list.
Just think how many more over in the EU and Oceanic realms are missing items too!


I appreciate the recent update from the support team about this problem but hope it can can get it resolved.


If restoration is the fix, I am curious how they are going to go about it. How will they know/decide which accounts need to be restored? Checking in-game bug reports? Because I never sent one in after reading here those were essentially pointless.

Perhaps I should do one just to be officially “on the list”.


I’m still waiting for this to be fixed however it’s fixed it’s scary to have a guild bank with multiple tabs full of stuff then it’s just poof all gone and even after all this time you are still waiting for some kind of fix.


As someone who canceled their sub because of this screwup, that is very nice to know. I would very much like to come back, but I’m not doing it until I know ALL of my stuff is waiting for me. In the future, if I actually do make it back and stick around, I am not pre-purchasing ever again.


Another question I’d like to have answered is why were some people more affected than others, not to mention people whose guilds were unaffected? Mine were completely wiped of every last single thing yet I hear a lot of people saying they had some things still in there?


I don’t know the details in how the bug would affect what specifically, but I found it had literally no pattern to whom or what disappeared. I have three guild banks, one on Stormreaver, Draenor, and Laughing Skull. The guild on Stormreaver has seven tabs, and the other two have five tabs. The guild on Stormreaver was almost wiped out in every tab. All tabs were close to completely full, except maybe one or two slots. Right now, there is no more than 10 or 15 items at most in each tab. The guild on Draenor had five tabs, all of which were close to completely full. Four of the five tabs are missing about half of the items in them, while one tab is only missing a few, maybe a couple of items at most. The Laughing Skull guild had five tabs which were all 100% full. One tab looks to be seemingly untouched, but the other four are missing about 50-75% of the items in each of those four tabs. The Draenor and Laughing Skull bank tabs look like Swiss cheese, with random items missing, and the Stormreaver guild bank tabs look nearly stripped bare.
My Stormreaver guild is missing items that were just recently added only a few weeks prior, as well as some items that were there for years. The Draenor guild is missing many of the new items that were just added, but many old items that sat for awhile are still in the bank. The Laughing Skull guild is missing many of the old items that sat for years, but some of the recently added items are still there.
So, as you can see, it really doesn’t seem to have much of a pattern from what I have observed. One guild missing new items, retains the old items; whilst the other is missing old items and retains the new ones. Another is missing nearly everything. It’s possible that it’s just totally random? Or it could be based on certain things that triggered it? I have no idea.


Great info, thanks for putting it together. I lost 99% of everything in all 7 tabs (one tab did still have 7 items left). My big thing is that I am afraid to start using it again. Its been empty ever since it happened (4 wks now),


This all points to incompetent developers, QA, and customer service alike.

So so so disappointing.


There has been NO notification to US customers at all about this issue being fixed or worked on. This is largest breach of trust for a lot of us.