Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I actually saw that the other day.

I don’t speak French, so I can’t speak for the quality of the translation, BUT. If the translation is accurate that means we can use our guild banks and it won’t impact restoration.


There are so many more people affected than the people who have gone out of their way to post in this forum. I am part of a group of 5 traders and only 2 of the 5 of us actually reported the bug in the forums let alone this thread.

I should probably push the other 3 to do so as well.


Ahh! The old Blizz “soon” ™.


I take care of 4 guild banks. I have been checking the banks constantly since I found the first one totally empty a few days ago. I am the only one with access to these banks. One bank looks ok, but severly rifled. The other 3 banks have a bit of gold in them and no items. All of the items are gone. I do not use any add on to help with getting rid of old stuff. I do it all by hand when I have some time. Where have all my guild bank items gone?


Same thing with me. Almost a year and my logs didn’t work. It didn’t really bother me, because I am the only one using the banks and it wasn’t game changing. But, now I wonder if it is going to affect the return of my items.


I can understand why this would concern you. I never even considered checking the logs of all my guilds. Every non-Blizzard person I’m spoke to assured me that Blizzard “has to fix this.” Now I’m not sure if this is true. At this point, I would say “maybe it’s possible”, but I would not say we are guaranteed to get our items back.

We signed a contract saying everything we do and “have” in this game belongs to Blizzard.

They deleted the support article for this bug and offer no updates. If you go to the European threads there is a GM posting updates every once in a while. His or her last update said there are no updates because they have nothing significant to report rolls eyes


Ours is all missing also except a rank 2 only tab that is private of mine.

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Inebriated Raiding Cho’gall

Blizzard this is not going away, fix now.


Another update in the EU forums (referring to the ‘very soon’ in their french CS forums).


Hilarious that we can go weeks with out a peep but they can respond lickety-split to shut down the fact another CS said “soon.”


The clock is ticking Blizzard.

I’ve been playing this game for 20 years and this issue is a GAME CHANGER!

My account expires on Jan. 8, 2025 at 4:24 P.M.

Reading a lot of these posts gives my brain the thought that you are trying to
let this issue fade into the void. I’ve been telling everyone, online and in real
world, to stay away from you for over 5 years now because of this growing
decay of this game and it’s relationship with it’s customers. It is just sooooo
IN MY FACE how you are handling this issue that I am telling myself now



Yea my guild bank is bare too lol crazy for how they have become an indy dev team

Guild bank still empty.

As if they don’t have logs and such to fix this, but they’d rather work on stupid stuff than to fix a problem that is likely boning hundreds (if not more) people.

When exactly did they stop giving a crap about any sort of customer service at all?

Guild bank recovery service, $60!


Still no update? It’s been over a month, just give us a ton of gold or something at this point, I mean really…


I look forward to getting my in game belongings back in 12 years during the War Within Remix patch.



It is interesting that “class tuning” appears to happen every week, despite not being meaningful for the quality of the game.

Let´s be honest, does it really matter if a class does 1% more damage than another, if one tank can pull 3 packs and another 2?

Blizzard doesn´t seem to have its priorities right and I am worried that we are in a rude awakening which reminds me of EA tactics.

When SWTOR was released, we were told that the bug which prevented us from seeing HD textures would be fixed shortly after release. We kept hearing “working on it” until they openly admitted, that they never existed, which was another lie as we had HD textures in Beta.

Who knows, maybe in a few months they will tell us, that they can not fix it, as the items were never there in first place.


I have to admit that I am thinking about giving ESO another chance. It has housing, which WOW is still lacking after 20 years despite promising us that it would come after release…

So much is wrong with this games content, communication and respect towards the players, I love WOW but I also hate what it has become.


The fact that this bug could even happen is unfathomable to me. The fact that it was not fixed within in a week … … hard to find the word … … … “unconscionable”?


Spoke to a friend who has a knowledge of French from school (she is not a native speaker) and she summed up the thread you all linked as they know the problem happened, it is fixed now and the issue is restoration, that the restoration is complex, that it should be safe to use the guild bank as far as they know (They respond to a question about would adding items in overwrite data and the Blue poster seems to state it does not work that way), that GM ticket response will probably be general since this problem is beyond what they can fix and that they do hope to have more information to be presented soon.