Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I’m talking about my guild bank. The logs have been working fine for mine for quite some time; well before this glitch happened and even after.


Nothing in mine. I do hope that yours is starting to fill back up, though. It’d be a good sign for the rest of us as well :slight_smile:


There was mention of potentially having to go through tons of code to isolate the issue and manually fix only the guild bank issue without having to do a full rollback. If indeed that is what they are doing, then it is likely going to take quite a bit of time before we see anything of significance. I don’t want to try to get everyone’s hopes up, because realistically, correctly fixing an issue of this scale that has affected this many players and this many of their guild banks is going to take a fair amount of time to recover each and every item, if that is indeed what they are doing. Still, the removal of this on the “Known Issues” page, and the bug report page is mighty suspicious … I am hoping that is just their way of avoiding a PR nightmare, while silently restoring everyone’s items, and pretending they didn’t make that big of a blunder. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Why is EU getting some sort of response, but US isn’t?

And why aren’t we being kept abreast of the situation (and eventual resolution - because, there will have to be one), daily, by Blizz?

This… isn’t a small deal. This is decades, of subscription time. Currently in limbo.

Fireside this with us already… we deserve a dialogue. Until there’s a resolution (because, there will have to be one).

We hate waiting (and we have) but we hate silence even more.


The same thing happened for the guild I’m GM for. at least two-thirds of each tab is missing. It still isn’t fixed and it’s really frustrating.


My guild bank has “normal” logs, it shows about 25-30 lines worth of deposited or withdrawn items. Some of my tabs go back as far as 5 months ago but most are within the 1-3 month range because I deposit lots of stuff frequently. The last time I used my guild bank was 17 days ago. My money log is fine, too. I’d love for it to show more than 30 lines but that’s probably asking for too much.

The funny part about this is that my logs show that I deposited Rousing Earth x 4 (1 month ago) near the top of the log and it does not show any being withdrawn… but my stack of over 100 of these is missing. Same for all the other items I remember being there that are now missing. There is proof in the logs that they should be there but they just aren’t. :disappointed:


Checked mine this evening and no change; still 3/4 empty. Nothing else seems to have disappeared since the original stripping, though.


Tried to link an image but wouldn’t let me add a URL or a Link for imgur that is new I used to be able to do so.

Same issue though with items they are all gone still.

So might well post it on twitch:


Consumer protection is handled differently in the US and EU.

In the US, you have 4 Federal like TILA and several state consumer protection laws like the Wisconsin Law Act. While EU countries do also have “state” law, the EU law applies to them all equally, with slight adjustments in it´s member states.

The biggest difference is, that the entire EU consumer protection law is about forcing companies to give out information about their products to their customers while allowing them to step back from the contract for various reasons.

We are talking about advertising products correctly, fixing issues with a product in time, being able to send back a product within 14 days, providing customer support and so on.

You could argue, that a customer in the EU, must be informed at all times about the whereabouts / status of what they pay money for so that they have a good risk assesment if going to court makes sense, as in the EU you pay your own and the fee´s of the other party if you lose.

The approach in the US is different, there you only pay your own fee´s when you go to court, therefore it is less risky to go to court. (which explains why people sue everyone for everything)

The downside of the US American system is, that the state / government is less protective as consumers could just go to court to get their right if they feel treated wrongly.

It is the usual “freedom of choice” that is so important for many Americans and why it is often called the “American Rule” while the “English Rule” applies to the EU.

To simplify,

the European Union is trying to provide assistance to lower the risk and need to go to court, by forcing companies to share information in advance and while giving the right to step down from a contract without any reason within 14 days / or at a later time if a problem comes up and can not be fixed.

The US approach is about freedom, where going to court plays a major role and is actually encouraged by the existing law. Therefore, companies have less duties and can make their own rules, while the consumer has the free choice of still buying the product or simply going to court, if unhappy with something.

This is a very simplified explanation and may explain why the EU representatives are more active. That being said, I would not rule out, that the a CM in EU has different tasks than one in the US, so maybe there is just nobody to respond to us, which again, may be, because the law isn´t as strict. :sweat_smile:


Here is my link to my gbank:

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Damn, yours looks a lot like mine. The way I have things organized it’s obvious where the missing spots are. It’s really creepy how your log shows things being moved around but the name of who did it is gone! Mine has all the names and so I think my log is accurate. I’m going to be pissed if instead of restoring the items, Blizzard is going in and changing our logs to show a phantom taking our stuff! :joy: Sounds far fetched but at this rate they might be doing who knows what to “fix” this issue.


I wish they would at least update us. The EU forum got an update yesterday, which was that they are still looking into it and don’t have anything to share yet, but at least it’s acknowledged over there. Here we have a thread at almost 1800 posts, but nothing.


Anyone else find the wording of the “update” on the EU thread a little telling? “no meaningful updates to share” to me means they’ve made no progress.

Also, “This has not been forgotten,” is not any indication that it is, or was ever being actively worked on.

No disrespect to the representative, I know their hands are probably tied, but really they couldn’t be giving us any less. The support article was already bare minimum as far as acknowledgement goes, and even that has been sneakily deleted.


Yeah, I hate to even consider they will not recover the lost items but to go back 1000+ posts back, what would I consider ‘adequate’ compensation. Nothing less than the " Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur". I wasn’t actively playing at that time and missed it. It’s worth less than all I lost in my guild bank but would make the pill easier to swallow at least.


Still no progress? I work in IT so know that they SHOULD have backups of all the missing data, and that recovery is likely the issue. But I really hope this doesn’t become one of those cautionary tales we talk about years later because nothing could be recovered.


I do too and I have had to do similar data recovery in the past. I was trying to think why it might be such a challenge for them because normally this is just writing a number of queries to go from a known starting point (which backups should provide before the bug was introduced) and then apply known transactions so you get a view of what should have happened and then compare that to the real current state. Whatever is different is what needs recovery.

Maybe the issue is that some guild log activities were not being recorded prior to this bug (as some people have said in this thread) so maybe they don’t have a log of even normal transactions to be able to differentiate what was legitimate vs bugged and that leaves them with two options? 1) Leave things as is and people with losses are out of luck or 2) Recover everything different between start of issue and when it was fixed but that would re-give things to people that had no issues and give them a benefit?

I really wish they would be open and honest with the status of things so we just know what to expect and how to move forward.


Something that might not be real in the end but this blue post in the EU French customer service forums translates to “This is not how the game works even if it seems logical from an outside view. That being said, we do not have any new information right now but there should be some very soon.” in a post about empty guild banks.


Hmmm . . . I’m not technical at all, so I can only imagine that might be going on, and would probably not be correct. But I’m sure I wasn’t the only one complaining about the log issue, which for me, had been going on for MONTHS. IF that’s one of the big hurdles, then I don’t know what to say. If they already had unresolved issues, why were they introducing a major possible-problem to it? Because Phil Spencer, in all of his wanting-to-please-the-shareholder-in-the-latest-earnings-call was breathing down the neck of whoever is in charge of whoever is in charge of taking care of all of this? (Though I imagine the chain is much longer than that). I don’t know if you are correct but if that’s the case, then what they did is stupid.

It wouldn’t be fair to possibly tank the market right now but I’d rather they’d give back ALL THE STUFF that people have been collecting for YEARS. I don’t know about things that would have taken up the space emptied by this bug. And IF they thought it would be an issue, why not lock the banks and explain why? Yeah, people would be pissed at that point too - especially since, at the beginning of an expansion, they might want access to the stuff and to the gold, but this mess has ALREADY cost people a ton of gold, plus other stuff.

I don’t know if things could have been done differently, but I do hope that it wasn’t one mistake after another after another as they either panicked, or decided to bury their heads and hope the problem (and our complaints) would go away. I hope the people who COULD have helped to stem the tide of mounting problems weren’t taken off for more “important” and high-profile issues.


yep that was mine. go figure.

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Thank you, I appreciate that.