Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Thank you for taking the time to translate this for us. We all appreciate any updates we can get. Thank your friend for translating as well.


I got a response to my ticket today from a Specialist Game Master that sounds really promising. I don’t know if it is within the rules to copy-paste the entire response so I will just highlight the pertinent information.

We have received several reports of this issue and are currently investigating it, so worry not! Our developers are aware of the situation and are currently working on a fix to be implemented as soon as possible. While I cannot give you a specific date on when this issue will be resolved, we just received an update from our Dev team that the issue will be resolved soon so I can assure you that soon we will hear good news about this.

I personally apologize for the inconvenience that this situation might have caused, I’d kindly ask you to wait, and we thank you deeply for your patience, as I’m afraid that for the meantime we have no workaround or resolution that can be provided.

The rest of the ticket just said that they can’t restore items while the QA investigation is underway and “I’d advise you to submit a bug report on our forums, so our developers can continue to investigate all the affected accounts.”

I’m very satisfied with this response and I wish they would just officially do that here for everyone else because just having this acknowledged and that it is being worked on is all we really want. I think most of us understand that a bug this huge is going to take time to resolve. Anyway, I hope this update brings some hope to everyone. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the reply - however I am still scared of placing items into the bank since I have no hard confirmation from bug notes that it has been fixed. Also no hard confirmation that overwriting loss STACKS won’t occur. Too many times we have been told one thing and something else happens.

If you saw my video and if you have experienced it yourself you know that its a very sticky issue and the fact we have no hard confirmations about anything here makes it feel like “oops we popped the wrong zit now we got a full facial infection” sort of situation. So yeah we need some hard explanation in the bug fix notes.

Issues like these are not as simple to the user as oh a quest didn’t complete properly, or a piece of gear has the wrong shape or color. We are talking about years of mats, gold and memories that have been lost.

By the way thank you - I believe you are the first forum VIP to speak in this thread - I thought the community forum speakers would be handling stuff like this making sure huge issues that effect the community would stay on the top of the list but I may have misunderstood. In any case I appreciate your participation.


I’m not sure we’d be considered the same as the MVP posters.

I just know that if this were happening to my personal bank I’d be shattered since I keep things from when I first started playing in it as well.

I also never realized there was such a big profit in older mats barely made anything when i emptied and sold my old reagents.


Well… that was not very reassuring.

Edit: Bliz definition of soon!™ is 3 months down the road.


My ticket had “soon” a few times, too and while I was reading it I automatically added in the ™ :joy: I hope it’s a week or two more “soon” and not a couple months “soon”.


thank you for sharing this


Thank you for posting this!!!

I am STILL perplexed at the absolute silence from Blizzard in the thread that, I believe, have the most posts on this topic. Even if you remove the most prolific posters here (which . . . erm, I guess includes me. . . :face_with_diagonal_mouth:) you still have about a 1000 other posts. You have done more for this thread, and anywhere in the U.S. forums for this issue than any employee of Blizzard has. They know we are miserable, worried, impatient. The way to quell that is NOT to keep silent. While they may NOT care, it seems this issue and especially, their handling of it in regards to (non)communication, has lost them some very loyal & long-term players. Trust is often not easy to regain once lost. On that front, they have a lot of work to do (though I imagine, they won’t really try).

Often, the community, whether council, VIP or within the game, Newcomer Guides, etc. seem to do more to try to explain and communicate than anyone from Blizzard ever does.

I don’t know where to find the original post you are posting translations for but IF they are correct, then I do feel better just knowing that it’s fixed AND that they intend to restore it. Now, it’s a matter of “I’ll believe it when I see it.” For now, I probably won’t put things into the bank, but at least have SOME hope that it will eventually be resolved.


This was the post that had it.


Thank you both very much for sharing. These little pieces definitely add up. Hoping for a fix in the next couple of weeks as well as more details around what happened, how it was resolved and how it will be prevented in the future!


Thanks so much for this. I spoke with my cousin yesterday about the situation and we both agreed to just start using the guild bank again (we got tired of waiting and didn’t want to wait potentially a few months use the bank and to get stuff we may or may not get back anyway) . We took that time to reorganize and restructure the bank and our Horde one, which didn’t seem affected, as well. At least we know that we’re not overwriting anything, at least according to what we’re seeing here, and hopefully we will get all our stuff back soon.

I’ll post something if it seems like the guild bank is “leaking” again. I hope it doesn’t, but if it does, I’ll post it here.


Thank you, IMO they owe you some money for being better customer service than they are!

Man o man do I hope it’s a straight gbank restore, and not getting the stuff in the mail. 7 full gbank tabs of items in the mail would take days to sort out…


Add another one. I have been waiting since this issue first started and had a few non-answers when I submitted a ticket. I’ve tried to be patient but geez. All tabs in guild bank are empty. When it first happened I saw the nearly full tabs for a moment, then bam, all gone. Each time I clicked on a new tab it did the same. I am the only person with access to this bank. Would very much like to hear what is to be done.


It depends on the mats,

if you have something that is required for crafting but no longer available in the game, then people are willing to pay a huge amount of gold for it.

Some mats can also just be annoying to get, either due the low drop rate or lockouts. If someone want´s to craft a transmog, but doesn´t like wasting time on farming, he will buy it in the AH.

In my case,

I wanted to craft old transmogs and did hoard old mats for that purpose. It´s been a process over many years, I would say I had every mat that existed or exists stored and could have started right on release.

But now it´s all gone and I often don´t even remember where to go, as I gathered the things while leveling my alts. I know there are addons that tell, but it´s such a big amount of mats, that it would take me months or even years to just get them back.


Not everything that is gone are old mats. There are battle pets, mounts that can be auctioned, gold… there was even a post of someone losing copied letters from friends that have since past.


This has been logged as a bug several times and followed up on heavily by only customers. To date, there has been nothing from the company.

The difference between this and other inconvenience bugs, is that this really points to DATA LOSS. These types of issues are usually taken very seriously as they tend to have a a large impact on perceived stability and trust in a company. Even if this issue isn’t widespread, it isn’t a trivial amount, either. The reason folks have hung on for so long is that they refused to believe that such a basic trust would be broken.

The fact that we have received no assurances from Blizzard is absurd. It has become more than obvious that the Community Council is in place to give a false sense that the company is paying attention. This sets those in the council up as unfair scapegoats for issues like this.

Without being able to get any traction from within, it may be time shop this issue to a more public venue.

IGN, PCGamer, Gamespot, Metacritic, MMORPG com, perhaps?


We don’t work for blizzard nor do we have a say in what they do. Anything I post in here is my own opinion and I simply wanted to help translate blue posts from another thread to help here.


Precisely, it isn’t fair that you become a target for issues like this when you have no say over their treatment. The title and color make it appear give an official feel to community posts that can imply to posters that you DO have some say. No shade to you at all.


It’s wild that we are at nearly a month now and there still has been no official word from Blizzard on the US side regarding this issue. I somehow doubt they are prioritizing this issue as they said they were.


So at this point is our stuff just gone now? To be so quiet on a big issue like this…