Guild bank missing items - what happened?


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At least as a community council member your at least responding in this thread, as we haven’t even had a blue post acknowledge this problem at all. And like many others I am actually the GM of my raiding guild and I have had this problem for over a month, and I have done everything blizzard asked, from submitting tickets, (which is useless tbh) to reporting the bugs(also useless IMO, because of the lack of any communication) to even all of the thread posting. but at least there are members of the community council such as yourself now who at least are engaging the community which I think is at least a positive even if we aren’t getting anything from Blizzard, at least we are getting dialog going which maybe someone will see and finally do something about…


Add 5 more guilds to the list of missing items. Interesting we have 2 other guilds that did not lose anything.


I love how I just updated a ticket to the AI Gm system and let them know that i find it funny that the link they sent me in their message posting about the article to keep an eye on conveniently doesn’t exist anymore.


Sounds like when the lawyers used AI and it gave them made up cases to cite, or for scientists it will give references to other studies that don’t exist. Unfortunately the “it doesn’t exist, so what?” attitude now applies to our guild banks. Maybe AI wrote the code that deleted our stuff and now it doesn’t know what the fuss is about or won’t admit an error. “This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error.”


This is not going away, fix this blizzard.


Yes. 2 of my affected guilds are personal bank guilds that only have my characters in them. One horde, one alliance. Had them for many many years. Obviously noone took my items because there’s noone in the guidls but me.

The third affected guild is the active guild that my main is in.


This is really bizarre. I just checked my guild banks again, and SOME of my items are back. A bunch of my inky black potions along with some other stuff reappeared. Nowhere near a full restoration though. Can someone else check their banks? I want to make sure I’m not imagining things.


I was looking at mine earlier and I didn’t see any change. But then again, I haven’t been looking at it TOO hard. :person_shrugging:


I have a total of 8 guild banks affected. Strangely, I have one that s just full of Cards of Omens that hasn’t been touched, but the other 8 are near empty.


Nothing restored on our end. I’ve given up and started adding new items. Oh well, I guess.


Very curious. Do wonder if this was deliberate or a (positive) symptom of fixing something else. I must try not to get my hopes up, but it would be great if you are right and SOME items are restored. I wonder if they are doing it by types of stuff? OK OK, no hoping . . . uggh, just leads to disappointment and yet . . .

I thought Blizzard LIKED having topics concentrated on a main thread. That’s ridiculous that you’d be banned from doing that. It does seem very much to point to them wanting it swept under a rug.


I don’t know, and I haven’t ruled out that I imagined it and missed the inky black potions before. But I SWEAR they weren’t there, and my tabs don’t look quite as empty.


guild cell warriors 95% of items gone as far as i remember a ton of mats from all the expansions


Wouldn’t be surprised.

And it’s true. Not just the streamers/content creators but any high-profile guilds. They aren’t going to be keeping old stuff in their banks. Shoot, they probably already CLEANED THEM OUT last expansion to be ready for current content, as they’re not concerned that someone might want transmog from a crafted piece from the Burning Crusade. They’ll want it so they can put current gear and consumables to get people ready to hit the Mythic raids ASAP.

I also wonder if something has changed betw. Blizzard (Microsoft) and content creators. They have, in the past, criticized things that they hadn’t necessarily experienced, but even the most critical seem to have become very forgiving. Not saying that the GOOD stuff doesn’t deserve praise, but the bugs are numerous and things like this one, can be very disruptive.

There are many things that Blizzard at best, simply doesn’t care about and at worst, probably has some contempt for, and they seem to be coming to a head now. (As I said before, longer this goes unresolved, the more my brain spins and sometimes, maybe in wild directions). Some of this, I’ve actually thought for awhile.

Non-high-profile players that are NOT Whales. Seriously. We are numbers. The amount we play are simply numbers for them to put on their report, and they don’t care if the hours are filled with joy or grinding. I don’t blame people for cancelling their subs. They shouldn’t play a game that they no longer enjoy, nor give money to an uncaring company, and should do things they enjoy more. Totally respect that. But unless the numbers go up to like, a million un-subscribed in a month, I don’t know that they’ll care. And the bigger the company gets, the less they will care.

Guilds. Well, at least those not doing RWF. They’ve done very little for guilds in the past decade, except allow more mix of people to join them. The “recruitment tool” is sad rubbish that I frequently discourage usage in Newcomer Chat since it usually ends in disappointment. Our interface is ancient and was only changed for the worse to make it fit COMMUNITIES more. Oh, they did add the archive chats, which is nice since I can answer questions from people offline. That’s ONE good thing. My BANK LOG has NOT been working in my populated guild for MONTHS, and I’ve reported that bug more than once through the in-game bug report. OH YEAH and some little BUG where guild vaults MYSTERIOUSLY LOSE STUFF. How can I forget that.

Long-time players. Sure, they’ll do stuff to get people BACK to bolster their numbers but frankly, they don’t care about us. They’ve done nothing to reward player loyalty. They do very little to retain long-term players. Maybe the newer people are used to having to use real money to buy things (in-game shop, tokens) and thus, are worth more? Also, being a Guide in Newcomer chat, I’ve come across SO MANY returning players who CANNOT get their old accounts back, some with difficult achievements or rare mounts, and have had to create new accounts. (This can also go under “collectors” below).

Collectors. Right. They probably hate the data. They don’t “understand” why we want more bag space. (And keep in mind, the above long-time players will probably have more STUFF than those that started a few years ago, but all still pay the same sub). Also, many collectors don’t do the “important” thing of running high-end raids and M+ (some do, I’m sure, but most maybe not). We tend to like having STUFF to sell, or to craft or to help others who may want to craft).

Sorry I went off-topic but this whole ignoring the playerbase, deleting previously posted things for support, including removing this HUGE bug as a “known issue,” etc., just solidifies my feeling that they don’t care about us and in fact, may feel contempt for those of us who play like this.


So this is my weekly check on this issue still do not have my items back.
Someone told me to open up a “hacked” ticket and maybe they will return my items.
I do not know if this is accurate or not.
I already had opened up a ticket the first week this happened saying gear/items missing.

One thing I did notice is that the LOGS are now showing names again for money usage, one of my guildies repaIred and it showed up with his name next to the log.

Until this very day none of the log entries were showing names.

So something was repaired but I am still missing my items.

I am missing pets, mats, dragonflight enchants/shadowlands enchants, potions/flasks/phials/food, gold, all the mats from shadowlands that were used to create mounts/pets that weren’t soul-bound, even missing some low level lockboxes that I had in a tab of misc crap.

(Honestly they should be able to go a few months back before the start of the bug, in a PTR server and see all of this.)

However I had three guilds same name before I collapsed them all together and transferred the items to Hyjal so yeah its a big loss for me.


It’s not a hack, so I would recommend not, at least not for being hacked.

Now that is interesting. I’m in the middle of a system transfer to a new computer or I’d go look for confirm/not confirm on my end. I’ll do so as soon as I can though.

@Vralok - I’ll check for anything that’s reappeared as well. I totally emptied two of my guild banks so it’ll be an easy comparison for those.


This is peculiar, because my logs were never broken. They always worked, for both gold and items withdrawn. If I remove or put items back (even weeks ago when the bug first happened), it still showed in the logs of my characters removing items; however, all of the missing items are not listed in the logs at all.

I just checked all of mine thoroughly, and I don’t seem to have any items back that went missing. On the positive side, no additional items are missing … if you want to call that positive, I guess …

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I have checked my guild bank and it is still completely empty.


Are you talking personal bank? or warbank? The discussion here is about guild banks. Logs were not showing the names of the people who removed an item or used gold or that an item was removed.

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