Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Wow so I searched the article in the wayback machine a couple days ago cuz it kept being updated according to the “last updated” days but I couldnt see anything that changed. There was no history on the wayback machine at that point so i guess i created an archive :upside_down_face:


This is so messed up. I’m sorry guys.


I believe many of those people do not truly hoard stuff like the average joe. They are playing a video game to make money and there new stuff gives them subs, while storing items for later use will not.

I would not be suprised if content creators don´t even use the guild bank, they are swimming in gold and can buy everything off the AH if they need to, or ask their followers to donate.

In the end, talking bad about the product that gives you a life as they do, may also not be the best idea. Yes, some influencers did trash WOW in the past, but they usually did when they left the game and were on a new “payroll”.

Last but not least, I do believe that streamers in general have a direct line with Blizz and they don´t want to jeapordize that, over something that has no effect on them. When streamers exploit early and heavy, they always get away wit it, as that´s bringing them subs and followers, so why risk that?

Fun fact,

my guild bank has one tab that is not effected and this tab belongs to a friend who no longer plays WOW. Its the first tab if that means anything and before the other tabs content was erased, I did take out some food and cloth to store it on the warband bank.

The next day, I found my guildbank robbed of all stuff, especially my collection of bags, patterns, transmog items that I cared a lot about and wanted to unlock through the new system.


Probably thanks to you letting them know, looks like they also removed the dead link from the Common Issues page:


Wanted to reply on this topic as well. Mine is also NOT just a personal guild bank. I just know the people in the guild very well and I know they are not pulling stuff randomly. And even if they were pulling things out of the guild bank, the log would tell me that, however the stuff is just vanishing into thin air, so that theory isn’t plausible


Honestly, every single time I open the guild bank, and see ALL those empty slots…not gonna lie (and without overexaggerating) I get a little sick to my stomach.

So many items/mats gone, potions that took thousands of gold to purchase the mats to make, dozens of pet cages, mounts, and gear for alts…ugh.


Yeah it feels really bad every time I look at it, keep taking screenshots of the handful of items left in my guild bank knowing they are worth nothing compared to all that is missing :frowning:


ALL my guild bank itens are gone for a month by now and tickets are just empty words


What is a “personal” guild bank? At the end of the day, it’s still a guild bank, no matter if there’s one person in the guild or if it’s a raiding guild for 500 players. You don’t select “Personal” or “Raiding” when creating a guild and its bank.


I thought people were using it to mean guild banks only they had access to and was hoping it be a constant that could maybe be helpful to finding out what was going on by adding the info to what was being compiled.

Regardless I cannot imagine having to deal with the issue you all are dealing with.


Niki, any extra attention you could bring to this whole fiasco as a member of the community council would be appreciated


If we came to the forums and said “stuff is missing from my guild bank” the response would be that other guildies took it. By saying it’s a solo guild that means that stuff disappearing is a bug and not someone else taking it.

It would be helpful if there was a pattern, but so far we haven’t found one.


Currently the guild bank I ‘own and operate’ is just my alts. And it is indeed missing items I had not withdrawn from the guild bank. No log entries either. Items just ‘poof’ gone.

I believe I have screenshots before it happened but am digging through to see how far back I can see for each tab.

I have some alts in other guilds but I do not manage their Gbanks so I had observed discussions they were having similar issues.


Both Guild and personal bank(s) have been nearly entirely pillaged at this point by this bug.

Radio silent would be amusing if it wasn’t so galling. Are fires not cropping up about this on all platforms? Bizarre.


This is exactly why I made it a point to make it known my guilds were inhabited by only my alts, so that possibility could be immediately ruled out. I am somewhat OCD and have everything from my bags on my characters, to their banks, to the guild bank all organized in specific rows and order. I never use the clean bags function. This is how I was able to identify at least the majority of items that outright disappeared, because I had a relatively good idea of what was in that specific spot or row.


Not sure there is much I can do there appears to be a myth that we have some inner ear where I’m not sure we really do as much as people think.


My Guild Bank, all tabs, is also completely empty but nothing has been removed.


Would be re-assuring to know that this is actually being worked on, otherwise it seems like everyone in this thread has been ignored. It already has been so long that I am not confident anything will be done. I just don’t understand why blizzard would risk throwing away so many veteran players. Even from a money stance, they are losing money from the no-doubt hundreds if not thousands of players who are fed up with this bug.


I cancelled my sub and left the reason as pertaining to this specifically. They also banned me from commenting on other posts apparently because I went to share this thread and it said I couldn’t. They are absolutely trying to sweep this under the rug. I have several friends that unsubbed last night as well because I’ve been keeping them updated on this issue, even though they weren’t affected. They refuse to support a company that does this to their customers. I uninstalled and immediately went to FFXIV. Paid 20$ and got the base game and first two expansions and 30 days gametime. Since I also had the collector’s editions previously on my ps4 (back in 2016) my account kept all that even though I switched to pc. Just wanted to keep yall updated. If I had the energy, I would pull the ToS apart and find a loophole to take this higher up. I’ve done this several times with local government and private businesses and believe it or not, it does work. I give props to those who are staying. I have a year sub until Aug of next year and still left. I said in my unsub comment that they better enjoy that last sub because it is the last penny they will ever get from me for any game.


My sub lasts until the end of December of this year. I suppose I’ll give them until then to fix this. In the meantime, I’ll do what I can to try to get more attention on this issue, and hopefully some kind of acknowledgement from higher-ups. If they actually convince me that they are legitimately willing to do something about this issue, I may consider resubbing; otherwise I will just move on to a different game. I haven’t touched my Steam account in a while …