Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Communication is something they’ve never really been good at. They seemingly only pay more attention when the game is hemorrhaging subs and money or if the issue in question is too big for them to ignore.

It would appear that we are way past that at this point with this particular problem though, so that really just leaves me scratching my head in confusion.

Like you said, a simple acknowledgement or quick reassurance that they haven’t forgotten would go a long way. We don’t get that over here, sadly.


The fact that there isn’t any Blizzard response on this is just ridiculous. If there was a problem like this at my work that went unanswered to customers for a month without real transparent explanations, people would be losing their jobs. I just don’t get it how this is acceptable that people who have been playing this game for 20 years are just supposed to cool our asses when something like THOUSANDS OF ITEMS are currently gone.

Disappointed in you Blizzard. 0/10 would not recommend.


It gets ‘better’. :disappointed:

The support article acknowledging the Guild Bank items missing was deleted.

This was the support article. They removed it.


I’ve read this entire thread, and I’ll just add my guild to the list. There’s only two of us in it (my stepdad and myself), but we’ve acquired a lot of items worth a lot of gold in game. I make my gold in game in leveling and trading rare(-ish) pets, and this bug wiped out a whole tab of them. Out of our 7 tabs, which were 85% full, we’re left with one stack of bear meat and a stack of fish. I do check the bear meat and fish daily to see if they disappear. :roll_eyes: So far they have not.

I checked a guild bank I have on a different server, and that one only appeared to be missing a few things.

Since this isn’t a game that’s free to play, is there anything we can do to hold Blizzard accountable for not providing the service they’re accepting money for?

I can’t even say I’m angry at this point. I’m just disappointed and sad.


Since we’re collecting data here…my 2 personal bank guilds are affected, as is the main guild I actually play in.


They deleted the support article on the EU side too, so this isn’t just an accident. They’re likely trying to sweep it under the rug.

All the good will they built up with Dragonflight and Metzen returning is going to go away, and this could cause Midnight to flop like Shadowlands did and probably be the end of the game.


It’s still very bad looking that they didn’t outright say 'hey guys this is a little too vague of a support article so we’re removing it". (Crossposting this.)


Managed to spot that one too, it is a very small relief I guess. … gotta cling to the flotsam somehow.

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“I see you’re in the other thread already where we have been providing regular updates to this”

Yeah, bud. Regular updates. :roll_eyes:


My guild is me, a bunch of alts of mine, and my husband. Technically not just a personal guild then right?


I seem to recall from years ago when it was happening a lot, petitions were against TOS here. Like, you can do it, but you can’t link it here or it will just be deleted - so it wouldn’t get much traction. I might be wrong, and you can do what you want, but i just wanted you to be aware.


It’s not even just popular/high-traffic megathreads that get ignored, I’ve seen them push thru unpopular changes even despite “Community Council” posters making complain threads - and those are supposedly the posters that they claim they will accommodate/listen to regarding game design

I suspect for some things, they just do what they want regardless of how unpopular it might be - but if an issue gets enough “mass exposure” (…especially from popular streamers like Asmongold) they do seem to respond in a timely manner

One time I saw them “cave” and literally reduce the price of some TBC Classic character transfer from $35 down to $15, and it was mainly in response to a short/impromptu “i’m upset about this” Youtube video that Asmongold posted… you can’t make this up :joy:

Popular streamer makes a short Youtube video? Issue _____ is fixed within a week


I just canceled my subscription. The game has become tainted by a continuing lack of response from Blizzard about a game flaw that is their responsibility. I had been playing since the beginning and through all the expansions.


And yet still not a freaking PEEP here in the US, you know where Blizzard is headquartered.


OK, thanks for that. At least that’s good to know. Not only then might I lose things from Guild bank,…I might get the ban hammer as well,… :frowning:


I mean I feel a little bad about the devs having to work under impossible deadlines. It was obvious for months that this expansion wasn’t ready.

Empathy doesn’t mean I have to give their employer money for a broken product, though.


Haha … yeah that’s me :stuck_out_tongue: (Poisonenvy … not the blue, obviously :wink: )


I cancelled my sub yesterday. I debated whether i was being silly doing it but after reading all these posts and feeling even more upset and sad i decided to do it…at least for now. …ive been playing for almost 20 years and have/had a full bank of items disappear completely except for about 5 random cooking mats etc. Many of the items no longer around, extremely valuable and extremely sentimental! Some letters and items made for me by people who have passed as well as just “stuff” stuff that means a lot to me!..i know wow has the right to just shut the doors and we all lose but this is unacceptable! A response from the powers that be might just be nice but I guess it’s another game for me because I just don’t have the desire anymore! plus it pisses me off beyond belief! I’ll check back every week or so but for now another game…and hopefully possibly I’ll become happy in that game.


Guild bank still empty, please fix or give some kind of update.


I have to say Mine has been a guild bank, not a personal guild bank, and I have been complaining about it since the beginning over 4 weeks ago, via tickets, and bug reports and I will say the lack of response and everything is very disconcerting. And all the AI responses what ever happened to actually talking to a real person? does anyone actually still work at blizzard or was everyone laid off when they merged with Microsoft?