Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I just submitted my first support ticket on this matter since I wanted some trackable proof besides posting here on the forums. In that ticket, I asked them to please make an effort to address this issue here on the forums, but at this point, I highly doubt that will happen.

All I want to know is if I will get the items back, is it safe to add or remove items from the guild bank and not mess up whatever it is they might be doing to fix this, and when can I start using my guild bank again without worries that my items will disappear.

I’d love to be able to leave in protest but my sub doesn’t end until next year in July. :pensive:

Also, the content creators aren’t going to say a word about this because they are riding the hype train $$. This has been the buggiest expansion launch in probably the history of the game and none of the content creators I follow are even addressing that. Yes, the War Within has been better (storywise) than the last two expansions but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room to criticize this extreme oversight and all the other bugs.

Edit to add: This character I’m posting on is the guild leader of the guild bank with the missing items. It’s a personal guild bank that only I have access to.


True, though there are a few that are willing to be critical, esp. someone like Bellular, if not on his main WoW Channel, then the Bellular Clips where he discusses issues with his friend Matt. Kind of surprised that he hasn’t addressed this, there are issues that they’ve talked about that I didn’t know about till I watched their clip.

This has been a VERY buggy expansion. I don’t remember how many times I’ve had to log off or do something I would normally NOT do during playing, to fix an issue I had with a quest or item or whatever.


For Vaelhaeyn’s documentation project, I’ll list those of my guilds (yep I have several too) that got hit by this:

“The OACP”, Steamwheedle Cartel ~ the majority of all 7 bank tabs.
“And The Rest”, Steamwheedle Cartel ~ again, the majority of all 7 bank tabs, bordering on a full wipe.


Why are there no posts from Blue in here? It’s been weeks now.


IF this will help . . .

A guild on Aggramar - 1 acct. 7 tabs, almost everything missing. (Maybe about 10 or 12 stacks across the 7 tabs still there). Mostly cloth, enchanting items, elementals, end-of-dungeon / raid materials (like various orbs and such). Misc. items, such as bags, fishing stuff, etc.

A guild on Aggramar - A regular small guild with many accounts, 8 tabs, a small to moderate amount of things missing. Definitely noticeable, and missing items (despite lack of reliable log) definitely does not look like guildies took them. Just a lot of different stuff used by guildies like enchant scrolls, gems, old mats, buff foods, etc.

A guild on Aggramar - 1 account, 7 tabs. Small to moderate amount of items missing. Mostly food mats and some cooked foods.

A guild on Aggramar - 2 accounts, 7 tabs. Moderate amount of things missing. Mostly ore, gems, leatherworking items, and one tab of sundry.

A guild on Aggramar (yeah, it’s my main server . . .) 2 accounts, 7 tabs. Small to moderate amount of stuff missing. Mostly herbs, a few bottled items (though most pots are now in warbands bank), a tab of sundry items.

A guild on Aggramar. 1 account, 7 tabs. Very little missing. Mostly pets but also some mats, such as herbs, cloth, etc.

A guild on Fizzcrank. 1 account, 7 tabs. Moderate amount of stuff missing. Mostly “fun” stuff, like holiday gear (the old BoE stuff), fireworks, “transformation” items, DMF quest items, Garrison AH components.

A guild on Fizzcrank. 1 account, 7 tabs. As far as I can see, nothing so far missing. Pets.

Just by my little sampling (and it is a teeny-tiny sample, so might not mean anything) seems like that a little to moderate amount of items missing (estimate maybe 10 to 50%) is most common, which means that if this is happening in normal guilds, it’s probably easy to overlook (again, till someone goes looking for something specific) since it’s common to assume that someone else took it. Probably why there aren’t more reports. A few had a devastating amount - maybe EVERYTHING missing, and a few had nothing missing. By the way, even if this is close to being correct, it doesn’t make it OK that it happened.


I just did a search on google for Wow Guild Banks missing items to see what would come up. Two support articles were listed in search results but when I clicked on them it said Page not Found on both. Seems Blizzard is trying to sweep this under the rug, probably to not hurt the new expansion gaining new players. Very much giving “we only care about new customers and all you loyal customers that have been with us for decades can go get effed” like the cable/phone company.

I am actually livid seeing them delete this as a known issue because it hasn’t been fixed and I will not go quietly in the night. This is such a slap in the face to those of us that have been paying monthly for years. I have been playing since early 2006 (when my ex got me into play WOW) and there was only one year I hadn’t been subbed, the year after he and I split and I couldn’t afford to play that year being a single mom and it effected my mental health so much that I made it a priority in entertainment budget to resub. I am on a fixed income currently and make sure I can still play because the game has literally kept me alive at points and this is such a betrayal. WOW had actually lasted longer than my ex and I and now I am wondering if it is still worth it.

I don’t have X anymore and see nothing on Youtube about it. I don’t have a social media following to take this issue to. Feeling very helpless and angry.

Editing to add: this whole issue has brought me to logging back into X because it seems to be better than screaming into the void


I’ve been scrolling through 𝕏 and have yet to see a single mention of this issue outside of what people in this thread have said they posted. No mentions on YouTube that I have found, or any WoW related news site or channel has even mentioned it. The simple fact that ALL of these sources are dead silent on an issue of this severity is quite alarming.


The silence is deafening at this point. Definitely suspicious. They are probably trying to supress it so it doesn’t affect the game launch or something worse is going on, breach of security maybe?

If they can’t keep game files safe how can be trust them with our personal information?


GMs are unwilling to help me restoring the item that the AH swallowed. A 3 million gold mount. They couldnt care less, they send me to report it as a bug.


I’m having the same issue 2/3rds of my personal guild bank is magically gone. Prior to that I was unable to withdraw any gold from my bank. Very frustrating. All my alts are in this guild, months of farming, not to mention literally millions in gold lost. Blizz says we’re aware of an issue but no fix in sight.
Malorne Horde side


new topic Guild Bank Fraud


Whatever underlying architecture that was in place before they pushed the pre-patch for World Within had some unforeseen consequences. (I know–duh!) They have beta testers and servers, so this tells me it has something to do with the differences the live servers has versus the testing ones.

With that said, I have two guilds (not as many as most of you, I know) that are affected. Both are accessed only by me and my partner. Both contain items from all of the expansions. But only one of them was left without a single item in any of the tabs (Verum in Scientia is the name. Don’t look at me–I didn’t name it). The other (End of Time) had a third of each tab left. All total, probably the two of them together is 700k. Verum had 99% pre-Dragonflight items (pets, armor, weapons, recipes/patterns) and End of Time had 1 full tab of Dragonflight items (mats) and the rest were pre (mats). Most of the items I have gone are pre-Dragonflight.

Will we get compensated? No, probably not. Large quantities of gold would cause too much market issues. Game time is rarely given out anymore. I would like to think everything will be restored, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m disappointed that there has been no acknowledgement from Blizzard. :frowning_face: :disappointed: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Might sound like a conspiracy theory but to me, doesn’t sound far off.

They probably made a huge mistake, didn’t take the time to test something like this in-house (or not enough). QA testers are there to BREAK THE GAME in order to improve it, and find serious issues (to get fixed) before the game ships, but didn’t they just cut the staff in such areas? Same with Customer Support - anyone (i.e., support staff) that wouldn’t directly make them money. Aside from the cancelled Survival game from Blizzard, I understand that many support staff were among those let go from various Microsoft companies when they bought ABK (including Blizzard).

They have also set HARD DEADLINES to to meet, and I don’t think they would back out just because there were possibilities of some lil ol’ bug like ones where people’s many MANY prized possessions just go POOF Not a big deal, right? Players will be so enthralled with the new story, they won’t even notice.

And if they do, I don’t doubt that they might just bury it, making sure it doesn’t get the limelight. I do wonder about the community though. Someone suggested that their guilds COULD have been quietly hand-fixed. Or just that, as with many NORMAL guilds, they probably lost a items, but because of the number of people with access, people didn’t question it or think anything was wrong.

And thinking about testing . . . this is probably the kind of thing you can’t truly TEST by simply having alpha and beta tests since how many people will have guilds with VAULTS full of stuff in a test version? And even if they did, whatever change happened was probably implemented in the build before-hand (such as, having warband banks or cross-server guilds). Also, did they even TEST cross-server guilding? That’s a HUGE system change. I would HOPE that that was at least TESTED by someone. But seeing how RANDOM the differences are in the various guilds, I think they would had to have done EXTENSIVE testing to catch and repair it. If they were relying mostly on alpha/beta testers (who aren’t there to break the game and do extensive reports on it) it wouldn’t have gotten caught. I have no proof of this of course, but in the vacuum that is Blizzard communication, my mind can spiral like this. This topic is in the forefront of my mind regarding this game.


Also, again, over at EU from Felranys about 15 hours ago.

P.S., how do you guys share those Blues quotes but in boxes like I’ve seen in posts above?


I believe that’s the URL preview effect, by adding the direct post URL to our posts.


The fact that US server people have to go to the EU forums to have any news at all is infuriating. I know it is because they have stronger consumer protection laws there but we deserve to have updates as well and not have to go searching other continents for it.


Do you believe they really care for players ??? They dont care at all


I think that only happens if you’re quoting posts on the same region … so US posts on US forums, here.


Unfortunately, they can, have and do ignore megathreads. I’ve been involved in, and seen, megathreads with loads of people complaining about something - for example dead realms when we were promised realm connections that never happened, or when Blizzard promised to fix guild rank permissions, but didn’t … these threads are thousands of posts long and last for years … without a single Blizzard reaction. They seem to be very happy for people to just scream into the void.


That’s the thing that gets me with the EU and US Forums. That, those of us in Australia also have fairly “specific” laws when it comes to support and things like that for when we pay a sub fee too, and yet we have to post on the US Forums but still get the “radio silence”.
So how do we make a formal complaint about this? Do we start a changeDOTorg forum post and share it around wow with as many “votes” on it as we can get? Before someone at Blizzard takes us seriously enough to respond… Which is really what we want. Some form of response. Acknowledgement of the issue. Rather than a guild bank we can’t use, we can’t trust. Do we create a temporary new one to use? What stops that from having the same issue.

it just takes 2seconds for someone to post and acknowledge it. It’s called Customer Service. At this stage they’re happy to take our money, but not supply a “service” that we are paying for. And yes, part of that service is a guild bank. It was there for years…and now it’s just gone.

As a 20 year player,…the lack of information and communication on this is just shocking. Put it a ticket, told to come to the forums to post. But why? We don’t get a response to that.
Would they (Blizzard, the devs, the support people,…whoever) put up with this sort of service in their real lives? No, they wouldn’t. But it’s ok to do it here?
We all try to be patient and fair. it’s not that much to ask for, for a simple acknowledgement of the issue. “We’re still aware of this, we’re doing our best to resolve it. Please bear with us. Thank you”. Really not that hard.

Do we use our Guild banks? Do we leave them as is for the moment? Do we take stuff out to be safe?? What do we do??? at the moment, it’s all just in limbo.

They (Blizzard support) really should do better.