Guild bank missing items - what happened?

This would make it a database issue; downside is you could lose everything changing the name now. If this is the issue they are going to have to force guild name changes and generally that only happens when you are reported for name, or you have to pay 20 and two weeks ago that was 30 dollars so it’s becoming clear this might be the fix. Also, they are going to have to put people on this if losing everything is an issue and all their people are busy right now on expansion.


In that case, my guild is unique according to the WoW website’s search function (tried with varying capitalizations at that), and yet my guild bank is among those having lost almost everything.


Yeah, it takes a couple minutes. How many minutes has this bug taken from players at this point?

My two personal guilds are unique and they were affected.

My main guild (I’m a member of but do not control) is not unique and it was also affected. I believe the other one was created by a member for alliance alts but I was never a member.

Another guild that I currently have control of but I think the original GM will come back has an unique name is unaffected.

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I’m just bumping. I have this thread saved in my browser since it seems to be the big one. I just bought a year sub during pandaria remix so quitting and switching to another mmo would be taking a big loss, not to mention all the money and time I’ve put in since I started at the end of BC. There are several mmo that aren’t sub that I may need to consider switching to. It’s a harsh reality to accept, but will zero communication from Blue, I’m losing all hope of this being fixed and compensated.

Did anyone see the maint for thurs got extended from two hours to four hours? It’s these small details that give me a little hope, but I’m not sure how long I can cling to that hope before I stop all payments, uninstall and move on.


All of eight of my guilds have unique names and only one was unaffected. As far as I can tell there’s no pattern. Some of them have one member, some have dozens, some have both factions, some don’t, some are very old, some are very young, some have only had me as a member, some have had hundreds of members in the past. The one that was totally unaffected is newish with only one member and faction ever but two others can say the same thing.


I’m not seeing a pattern for mine. None of my guild names are unique, and my non-impacted guild had the most common name.


I wish I had something informative to report. Also, I wish we knew something more concrete. Unacceptable that no dignified response from Blizzard has been made for almost a month.



Don’t you want to feel afraid to use your own gbank, or get spammed all day by your guild earning the same achievement it’s had since 2011?


GM sent me an email saying my guild bank has been resolved. Signed in excited to get my bank full of all the tabs of stuff back and bam… NOTHING!
Still not fixed.


Oh, now that’s just mean.


I was pretty chill about this three weeks ago. Now I’m just pissed off.


I totally get trying to make sense of any of this. At first, I thought maybe MATS were being targetted as I noticed that a bank with all MATS and RECIPES was almost completely cleaned out, and yet, the one that has only pets and a few mounts were untouched, until I read others here say they lost so many pets and mounts.

My MOST affected bank has a unique name. My least affected (so far) does not have a unique name. They both only have my ONE TOON in them.

The others (including my actual GUILD with many accounts in it) along with those that only have one toon, and those that have 2 accounts, all have SOME items missing. Certainly noticeable, but not completely cleared out, and among those, some have unique names while others (Elements, the one that is an actual guild) have very common names.

IF there is a commonality, I wish Blizzard would share the info, along with many other info. It’s been three weeks. That we have not gotten any information outside of it being a “known issue” (no explanation, just saying that they KNOW about it) and a few things on the EU forums.

At this point, don’t even let a poor CS come into a group of angry people in a forum thread - have one of the brave leaders actually come in and give us an explanation, guidance and what we might expect.


I think after tomorrow’s maint, if there are no fixes and no updaes, I’m going to another mmo. It’s hard because I’ve played diablo since I was a little kid and been playing wow for 16 years, but these things Blizzard has been doing over the years isn’t acceptable and this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Looking for recommendations from others that are leaving.


I’m probably heading back to Minecraft, personally. I can write all the mods I want for it, and if something breaks, I can certainly fix it myself.

I’d like to hear other’s recommendations too, though. Choices are good! :slight_smile:


same thing happened to me. it started the day after the war within started. guild bank was just for me. and it was full of stuff that ive been putting in there for over a decade. one day it was all gone. i created an in game support ticket and got a cheesy reply from a GM who promptly marked it as ANSWERED. i WILL NOT CLOSE THIS TICKET. i keep clicking I STILL HAVE A PROBLEM. i did note that i can put items in the guild bank (every tab is empty) and i could take em out… but i have left it empty because im afraid whatever i put in ther now will be deleted when they fix it. im an IT mgr and i cant believe these ppl. they tell me that they cant do anything about it… that the developers ahve to fix it and submit a bug report… they keep marking it as answered. i would be fired if i did support like them. i suggest you all create tickets and keep clicking I STILL HAVE A PROBLEM until this is resolved. i am a believer in THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE OIL. unbelievably horrible support. they want me to make a bug report and check some stupid link somewhere. i want support to handle it… and let me know when fixed… close my ticket when its fixed not a second before. im so pissed.


I don’t think support (the people who answer tickets) have the ability to fix it. They are most likely low-level customer service reps or possibly bots with very limited abilities. They may not even KNOW half of what’s going on. I don’t know how much they are even able to pass along to the devs.

I HAVE escalated certain things before when all I got were “form letters” that didn’t even address anything I was ticketing about. But this seems like a really huge issue. I just want someone who KNOWS something to come here (or out in the open, somewhere very visible) acknowledge the problem, explain it a bit, tell us what we should and shouldn’t do (to make their work easier and to save our items if possible) and if they have any idea, what they might do to fix it and and explanation of how they are going to make sure it won’t happen again.


The one constant across the board here is the missing items coupled with a blank log. It seems like they could easily make a reconciliation using the logs to see what was deposited, but not removed. Then just compare that to what is currently present.

This is what only 2 days of customer trust and loyalty disintegrating in this thread looks like:


I have posted on X and FB on World of Warcraft’s official accounts and I haven’t even gotten that from other players. It’s complete crickets.


My sub expired about 12hrs ago so if the problem gets fixed, as in ALL items returned, will someone post and let us know please.


On March 17, I made the mistake of subbing for 12 months. I knew issues would be a result of TWW. However, this GB issue far exceeded my expectations. I requested they convert to a 6-month sub and refund the last 180 days. I give this a 2% chance of success. However, I must try. Handling of my full 7-tab Guild Bank loss on August 13 has been a dismal failure. Adding all the other issues to the mix would account for why I quit for the previous 8 years. Knowing WoW’s past like I did, why did I decide to come back, and why did I come back with a 12-month sub? I suspect it was a case of temporary insanity.

Edit: FYI, my main, this toon, is 80, not 70. They can’t even get the account character descriptors correct.