Guild bank missing items - what happened?

We are working towards a month with no fix. I am surprised blizzard is willing to lose the customers this effected.


I was patient for the longest time. And honestly…even if stuff isn’t restored, I’ll live, I didn’t have anything super valuable in my guild banks. Meanwhile, my main guild’s bank was also wiped out, and so far I’m the only one that even noticed.

I don’t know…this is getting to a breaking point, and while I am not planning on unsubbing right away over this, I can certainly understand why people would. This should’ve been an emergency all hands on deck situation regardless of day, time, or holidays, and shut the game down until it’s fixed sort of issue.

There absolutely needs to be compensation for anyone that lost items. I’m not sure what compensation should be. Some people I know have lost enough that even gold cap on 5 toons wouldn’t be enough.


my son is a programmer for gov. and only thing he sees in future is a rollback to fix issue and wow will never do that. since i see no posts in blue on time and what that are doin i know they will screw people like me over in a mail item give away. not anywhere what i lost and time lost. when u lay off 100s of people and have gold farmers testing , blizz games all be in trouble. i have to say goodbye after 20 years. 60 toons 10 guildbanks full of matts. maxed out proffs. bought all pets mounts xmogs from store over the years and to be treated in tickets like i have no idea what im talking about , sending me to a dead fourm with no answer for 2 weeks+ is terrible. accounts payed up for next 6 months maybe ill check in. but untill then goodbye blizz.


If they were going to do a rollback, wouldn’t they have had to do it before the expansion? I don’t know much (read: nothing) about programming, but it seems to me like it would be way too late for a rollback.


That’s if they roll back everything, which is impossible. They have the data on the items lost, I imagine they’re working with the DBA’s on a way to manually restore everything. Well “manually” since the final process will be automated.


Not necessarily. They should have regular backups, especially when they deploy major changes so they can have a “good” starting point and from there there should be auditing of transactions behind the scene since they need that to deal with restoration (account theft for example).

So they could have taken a before/after picture and seen what legitimate transactions took place and whatever is missing is what has to be restored.

Restoring it in the guild bank would be trickier because it is not in the same state (things added/removed/moved) but they could then mail the restored items to the guild leader.

As for compensation, I am starting to think they may not care as much because a guild bank is shared so its not like any one person owns the item. But that is just ignoring the fact that a lot of people use solo guild bank as extra storage so it IS a single account being impacted in those cases.

In any case, the lack of communication is what is killing me. Please Blizz, just come out and say you are working on it or not so we can know what to do now…


If I recall correctly, the first instances of guild bank content disappearing were all the way back in the last week of the Pandaria Remix event …? If they’re actually planning any sort of rollback, they must be wrangling the game code like crazy so it can be isolated to the guild banks and nowhere else in game.


Add my name to the list of affected accounts. I operate a guild that’s comprised of my main and alt characters. Only I have access to making withdrawals. The vast majority of my items in the guild vault are gone and the logs show no record of the items being removed. I hope this is somehow resolved.


I also can’t comprehend why this wasn’t treated like an emergency. Or at the VERY least a public post/email/notice to players acknowledging it. The fact that its been swept under a rug and i’m having to dig and dig through forums to find any updates (which there has been none) 3 weeks later REALLY puts a bad taste in my mouth. This whole expansions been a bummer.


Yes, this should’ve been a “shut the servers down until it’s fixed” type of emergency.


This over three week delay without any insightful communication is absurd.

I still don’t understand why Wowhead, Kotaku, etc., haven’t picked this up.


At this point, neither do I - and they tend to pick up and throw back out some of the most ridiculously minor stuff on a whim.


Just wanted to continue to remind the devs that this is a still a problem, I have 3 guild banks affected… pages of items gone along with gold. These banks are unusable because the fear of other stuff disappearing, including gold…


This happened to me as well. All my stuff just gone. Could this be from the gear update option? So, they are like clearing out anything that came from the character you update and just pretending everything is working as intended, This idea annoys me.


No. If that were the case, then people wouldn’t have lost pet cages, professions materials and, in some cases, gold.


A Blue response here would be nice.
Even if it’s only “We are working on the problem”.


They are just waiting us out until we give up, they are not fixing this


Well, I’m cutting some slack, taking into consideration how many bugs they are dealing with just to play the game. This is more of an inconvenience than a AH that doesn’t work.

Haste makes waste, didn’t your parents teach you that Blizzard?


Been over 2 weeks and my guild account is still missing everything- Hours - weeks -days- months of questing- farming- gathering hard to find items mats- and other stuff- Anyone have any updates on when this will get fixed and our items restored? This is getting ridiculously frusterating. GM said to not use the guild bank in the mean time. Which I Am assuming means we cant take out or put gold in as well?


Is it possible you all notice that your guild name matches any other guilds or that your guild name is unique? I have two guilds one that lost literally everything, and it shares its name with 5 other guilds as of late, but my horde guild who has a unique name is fine.