Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Same, had lots of those legs in my Gbank. Still same issue, only a handful of items showing in the guild bank. Others in the guild have the same experience looking at it. Shut down deposit access to guild members to eliminate the chance of overwriting existing items while blizzard hopefully figures out why the items disappeared or are no longer displaying.

Also have not looked at my alt banks to keep them in Schrodinger limbo… until I observe them being empty… I can hope that they are still full :frowning:


Glad I didn’t buy TWW before this happened. Poor sales and cancelled subs are the only thing Blizzard understands, so … cancelled two subs, lost the TWW sale in 2024. Maybe I’ll come back at the end to check it out. Maybe my guild bank will be restored by then!

Nah, it’s probably gone, who am I kidding.


Our Guild Bank on Suramar has seven tabs, and like others, only a few items on each tab remained and no gold at all. I had opened a ticket and after several hours got some oblivious canned response with useless links. Another two weeks had gone by and I was already in the process of clearing out our Guild Banks on other realms, unfortunately I didn’t make it to Ysera. Good part we had only three tabs, but all were pretty full, same as Suramar, only a few times on each tab remained and all our gold was gone.

Now all these weeks and multiple tickets we finally got a ‘real’ response same as some others here. My husband and I have been playing the game since it started. He has canceled his account already because of this and mine is due to renew on 9.8… at this point it’s not feeling like the right move.

This game we love but unfortunately ‘blizz’ doesn’t seem to care anymore for it’s players just our credit cards.


Same. I’ve got three weeks left on mine; I’m just going to spend what time I do play mothballing characters and noodling around. Trying to work with what actually is functional is just too much effort for what ultimately lacks any real satisfaction.


If they can’t secure our data in-game, are they ABLE to secure our data, like credit card information? I’m losing confidence in Blizzard.


I do wonder how many people were truly affected.

Looking at most of the people here, they

  1. Have one or more personal bank guilds to store their own items. Quite a few have several banks.

  2. Are a guild leader who keeps tabs on the guild bank.

Those who may be unguilded, or not very involved in the guild probably haven’t even noticed. I’ve been trying to keep our members updated (not that there ARE any updates) and letting them know WHY I’m not putting anything into the bank as I normally would.

Looking at my various guild banks, they range from having very little to no missing items, to having completely lost all but a few stacks of the things I had, and most are in-between. My actual guild that I run (with other people in it) is in the category of “having quite a few things missing, but it’s not as apparent since it could look like people took stuff out.” This makes me think that a lot of people in guilds with the LAST type of issue would not have noticed. (And our guild LOGS have not worked in MONTHS, so we wouldn’t know if people took stuff out). If I hadn’t had the issue with my most-stuff-gone bank, I may have gone around questioning people in the guild “hey, just wondering if you guys took stuff out. It’s OK if you did, but I’m just trying to keep tabs on its usage.” BUT having learned ahead of time about it (from my personal bank guilds and then from coming to THIS forum) I didn’t have to bother anyone in my guild.

Also, many people have issues and NEVER post in the forums, or even LOOK on the forums. They might put in a bug report, or try to put in a ticket. Some may just say “HEY, this is one bug too many,” and quit without saying a word. I wonder if some guilds out there are having weird drama, where people are accusing other people of taking stuff (if their logs are broken, they wouldn’t even get the information) and not knowing that it’s all due to a stupid BUG that Blizzard barely talks about. (It’s now under “known bugs” but I think there should be a better announcement about it since people may NOT EVEN THINK that it’s a bug, but a sneaky guildie taking stuff).


Blizz - some communication, please.
Given the gravity of this - daily communication.


2 weeks still nothing back from 3 guildbanks full of items for over 20 years, they got till this weekend then im done playing this game ive given 20years too. cant take risks of playing more and loseing more and more things , thats just a insane time sinks. guess some of us arnt worth the time. maybe when people leave they will stop useing gold farmers to test this junk. 20 years 60 toons maxed 10 guildbanks that were full of every matt since day 1 and time to leave since everyticket sends me here for no answer. gl peeps , might be time to find new mmo


Here’s a new item for the shop:

In one neat package, the entire contents of your ‘missing’ guild vault. The cost is…your soul.

Personally I would NOT pay.


Sadly today I realized more items vanished in another guild bank. It was a guild bank full of pets. I knew they were there because I was actively posting them. So just a heads up things are still disappearing.


So have they definitely disappeared recently? When did you last check?


I believe last week I looked in the guild bank. I didn’t move anything because I had enough inventory in my bags. I wanted to deposit some extra pets today and that’s when I discovered they were gone. I periodically check my banks since the incident. As a packrat, I know there were there.


I am using my remaining game time to toss as much as I can into my guild banks just to see what the grues like to eat.


Still missing items… still not able to use bank properly… still missing log entries.

Come on devs, blues seriously two weeks no updates…

Is it cause you hate guilds?


Raid starts less than a week. I need to use my gbank to help run a mythic raiding guild. I cant be sending/mailing out care package every raid day for who knows when.
This puts me in a tough spot.
Do I kill this guild and start a new one. Then i have migrate logs and stuff. Maybe lose my past history on raider io, WCL will be a hell hole to migrate, and the countless other websites and things i have to changes as the GM/RL. At this point is it worth?
This is making my officer core wow-life a living hell.
We dont have the extra time to move a whole team and everything. We dont have the extra time to also send out raid packages every raid day.
Please fix this soon or let us know something… anything at this point. I feel like we are talking into the void. Do you hear us?


That’s exactly it. I would be SO MUCH MORE forgiving and patient if they would JUST! TALK! TO! US! They do owe us that much. We do PAY for this service (not that I’m pulling a “we pay their salary” cause that’s not what I mean). Some respect for the symbiotic relationship we share would be the most basic of baselines expected.

This has broken the game, in such a significant way, the ripples of change are so utterly annoying - more so in the start of an expansion. Suddenly don’t have enough storage space, since many of us have stopped using the untrustworthy guild banks AND don’t yet trust the over priced warband banks. The economy has changed. Farming has changed. Fine, change happens, not discussing the merits of those changes. What i AM saying is that this is big, and they are seemingly ignoring it. Or not. My point is, how would we know?

We have no idea if the people who continued to use the banks wrote over the seemingly empty spots. We don’t know if using the bank causes more items to disappear. We don’t know if taking out items already in will cause further issues for the teams trying to fix it. We don’t know if they ARE trying to fix it. GIVE US SOMETHING!!!

Communication isn’t isn’t going to appease everyone… But it sure would help. Take some accountability, treat your customers respectfully, and for fork sake TALK TO US!!! WE NEED AN UPDATE!!!

(and before anyone says blues never post here, just don’t.)


My banking character Boachar on Sargeras in the guild named Bank of Glyn has also had 90%+ of the stock of my guild bank just disappear.


Another morning, another check of the thread to see if there’s any changes.

Any news on the EU forums?


No new blue post in the EU thread for five days, now.

Hopefully that just means they’re working their overtime hours out the window …


I’m concerned about this bug, I manage 3 guilds across my characters and its been weeks now with no update from blizzard