Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Yep, still missing stuff. I think the part I can’t stand the most at this point is the total lack of communication from Blizzard. I consider myself lucky in that I just had mats and stuff that can be farmed back and nothing sentimental or super rare was lost but good grief it’s still a few years worth of stuff that’s just GONE. Very frustrating.

I am seeing a scheduled maintenance on Thursday so I guess we’ll see what happens.

At this point I’m agreeing with some of the others in that I’m more concerned about the banks’ functionality than the stuff I’ve lost. Don’t get me wrong, I want my stuff back, but if that’s just not possible then they just need to come out and SAY IT. Don’t keep us in the dark because that’s the worst thing right now: The not knowing. I want to know FOR A FACT and WITH NO CONFUSION that the “leak” has been plugged and that we can put stuff in without overwriting what was in that slot.

Until we know at least that much, I’m too paranoid to touch anything in ANY bank right now.


Bump for justice!


If Blizzard in any way gave an ETA or communicated anything resembling a ‘promise’, and then missed it or couldn’t manage it, there’s a fair chunk of people posting here that would eat them alive with great delight.

I don’t blame them, either as individual people or a collective, for wanting to avoid that kind of censure.

Edit: I do, however, totally agree that an acknowledgement of our concerns would be worth something.


I don’t think that’s what everyone wants or expects from Blizzard. We’re tired of the “We are aware and working on it”, when clearly this way down the list of things prioritized bug fixes. It’s the fact they aren’t updated ANYTHING new. As I said before, this is a game breaking bug for a lot of us. This is a HUGE issue. The absolute lack of consideration for the thousand + paying customers that got hammered by this is insulting.

I think a lot of us do not want an ETA at this point. We would REALLY appreciate regular communication on this. I don’t want to see any more disingenuous “brush off” replies of "we appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.

This has gone WAY beyond an inconvenience.


Pretty much everything you said.
I want my vaults back, with everything that was in them.

JUST FIX IT, enough is quite enough…


I get what your saying about Blizzard not wanting to make promises they potentially can’t keep but what’s the alternative? Total silence? Clearly that’s not working.

It’s as you said, SOME acknowledgement of the situation would go a long way and I think THAT’S what’s so frustrating for so many of us.


Thank you for that :slight_smile:


It helps, thank you

I do believe that Blizzard must know if they can restore the items or not. It´s their product, their code, how can they not just tell us a yes or no?

I am not asking that they lay out each detail about the process or give me an exact date, but they have to understand the product they sell to us, so is it possible or not? Do they have the data stored somewhere, or did they flush it down the toilet?

From my point of view, nobody with power has even looked into it and that is why we receive no answers.

Back in the days, when I was still in Alpha and Beta tests of Blizzard games, you could write something in the forum and the representative of the department that was working on said content / lore, did respond.

That is not happening anymore and yes I understand how toxic the forum can be, but there must be someone in the house who is responsible for item restoring / guild banks and this person could please come over and give us at least something.


I’ve mentioned this issue in game and no one seems to be having the same issue we are. In fact, a lot of them told me to get over it so they are about as helpful as Blizzard at this point. I guess more helpful since at least they responded.


People in game aren’t going to care unless it’s affecting them, but Blizzard should show some care, that honestly at this point I don’t expect them to…

I’ve cancelled my sub because I’m tired of issues affecting parts of the game I utilize and never any help or compensation for issues caused by them. Unless blizzard comes out and says we’ve revamped our whole team I won’t be coming back. Tired of this.

Edit: Anyone on Crushridge want 500k gold?


This is probably the only way we will get through to them. It feels like we are just screaming into the wind here.

I mean… I could make a character, lol.


I just told myself to forget about this and play the expansion for now. Been having fun but I’m going to run out of inventory space soon without my guild banks.

Haven’t checked this in a few days and every time I do, I’m shocked for some reason that there is no response. I think more customers will be lost from the bad customer service then from the actual issue.


Same issue here. All my itens in the guild bank are just gone.
HELP Blizzard!! T_T


Going on half a month since My guilds stuff dissapeared :confused: still haven’t touched the guild bank. Most I do is check and it’s still empty. I’d feel better if I knew they were trying to fix it.


Still missing several near complete tabs of items


Even though we personally weren’t affected, I’m bumping for that one time I received a Flounder’s Fish from my cache in season 3 and never received a replacement. I feel for ya guys.


Sadly the amount of people on the forums is such a small percentage of the player base that even if everyone on these posts were to do the same it wouldn’t send enough of a message. I’m just giving up on expecting them to fix stuff in a timely manner or at all anymore.

I mean if you’re going to continue to play idc, if you want it it’s yours… I’m done so I’m getting rid of that, so there’s less incentive to come back.


Dragonflight brought me back to the game after having completely given up on WOW. This may make me leave again. Unless this is fixed soon, and some sort of compensation provided to the affected, that will probably be it. I’ll stay till my sub runs out but I likely will not stay for Midnight.


My guild bank is completely empty despite me storing Wirt’s Legs from the Diablo event in the GM tab for safekeeping.

I’m the only one with access to that tab.