Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I thought the post that was pulled from (the fix) was later clarified to actually about the glitch that hit the warband bank for about 5 minutes, similar but different, from the Europe forums (who seem to have the only blues even acknowledging it)


The only update I read referred to the Dev team stopping the issue from happening.

Apparently, undoing the damage and restoring the items that have gone missing is a much larger task that is still not finished. All in all, this was quite the blunder for Blizzard. Other online games have had this. I am not recalling similar, at least for Guild Banks, on this scale before for WoW/Blizzard.


Another restart and most of my items are still missing across 10+ guild banks. I just finished turning off my auto-renew subscription because, well, because I have nothing to auction and I really don’t have the desire to rebuild my stock in AH items. Blizzard, if you’re listening, that’s 5 accounts you will lose in 24 days because you have just thumbed your nose at the players one too many times. I don’t raid anymore, but I can’t imagine how much a pain it is for big, raiding guilds to play the game without a properly functioning guild bank.

It’s been a fun 20 years, but I guess it’s time to move on.


Same thing, no changes after maintenance. No mails, nothing in guild bank.


Another Tuesday, still no items in our guild bank.
There are items in my bank that were to be sold during end of DF, Early Access and this week. They’re not treating this like a TIME SENSITIVE ISSUE.

How about as compensation when we finally do get access back I can sell that stuff to a vendor for it’s highest AH price since it was stored? Or I’d take the same value in wow tokens…


3 wks and still not a single thing in 7 tabs. Sub expires tomorrow. Hasta la vista Blizzard


Compensation along with our stuff back sounds like a good idea. It would probably have to be per guild rather than per account, so maybe a good chunk of gold?


I am actually thinking of leaving WOW because of this.

I know it doesn´t matter to the shareholders, but I am a day one sub and never unsubbed before. Buying TWW is already on hold…

To me it feels as if they just don´t care one bit about our lost items, it´s been an entire month now and not a single official statement from anyone who matters.

This may be the worst bug in WOW history, with the biggest consequences for us and it´s radio silent. You can not treat your customers like that, seriously what is going on here?


Another week, no news on this??? Almost a month and nothing from the blues?? How is this not a top priority issue!! Is this not affecting any top guilds??? Unreal


While I generally try to avoid conspiracy theories, I do wonder if they quietly hand restored any higher profile people affected to keep it from being a PR nightmare for the launch. It just seems so odd to me that I haven’t really seen anything from the major streamers about this either. It’s just hard to believe that it just happened to not affect anyone with a high profile platform.


I know airing our grievances is probably a pointless exercise, but I completely agree with those of you saying trust is gone and, subsequently, the fun of playing wow is draining everyday that goes by.

Let’s take the best case scenario:

They know what went wrong, its a little complicated, but they know they can get everything back to 100% the way it was before the bug, its just going to take a little time.

Even if this ends up being the case, the people in charge have made the decision that they don’t need to give us any communication, any assurances, any apologies or explanations. Even though there are 100s if not 1000s of people begging to just be informed. Therefore, even if all of my items are back in the bank in the next hour, Blizzard as a company has really lost all respect & loyalty from me as a customer.

It would be so easy to give us the classic pr crap like:

“We realize how important guild banks are to our players for the ease of storage and sharing of items. It’s an unfortunate error that we’re deeply sorry for, and recognize the inconvenience this is causing many of our customers. Rest assured that this is being tackled with the highest priority and we will do everything necessary to make things right.”

Seriously, that’s all it would take to make me chill and just enjoy the war within until things get sorted. But we’re not even worth a “sorry” I guess?

I’m an adult that has worked in customer service all my working life. People make mistakes, things break, deliveries get delayed, things get lost. Sometimes one person drops the ball, sometimes its a system error and sometimes its no ones fault at all. I totally get that things happen. But every company I’ve ever worked for would never in a million years allow any effected customer(s) to be treated with such disregard.


As the GM/RL, it’s been a living hell. Everyone mails me their mats, then I send the mats to the players who need it. We are making raid-care-packages for each raider, bc the guild banks are yeeted. Before each player could pick and choose what they want. Now i have list of stuff for each raider needs. I spend hours just trading and dealing with this instead of getting ready for the raids and normal GM / RL stuff. Thank you wow.


They will notice when 1000+ people start not subbing. 15k a month not coming in will be noticeable. Not to mention the negative reviews. The thing that upsets me, on top of everything already, is they are making all these changes to D4 and completely ignoring their real money maker with the most players. I’m definitely not resubbing after this unless they restore all items with significant compensation. Aside from thousands of crafting supplies, I had mounts, pets, and sentimental items as well. Items that can’t be replaced because the people no longer play anymore or aren’t around. Blizzard, this is going to be your downfall.


I think we all know the answer to that one. I read that they stated they’re already working on the 3rd expansion. I believe they stated that these 3 expansions will be closer together. So instead of 2 years, maybe 1-1.5 years apart. There is no way these 3 will be as large as previous expansions or as polished, assuming we all even agreed that previous expansions were polished at launch. And they are still slapping on a price tag just as big as ever, if not bigger.

So in essence, we’re being overcharged for a poorer product. And they are too busy churning them out to troubleshoot problems like ours.

My husband said they used to have someone in charge of lore and continuity and that person got laid off. If that is true, then they’ve probably made similar changes to all departments. At that point, it genuinely just sounds like they fired all the good people and got a bunch of diversity hires that don’t know the difference between a string of 1’s and 0’s and C/C++.


Going towards a month of no fix. We probably aren’t getting our items back. Have to decide whether to continue playing or start a new journey on a different mmo. I really hope blizzard learns and improves from the players they have lost and continue to lose.


We need to keep this thread near the top so it doesn’t get buried. For us affected, this is a HUGE game breaking bug. Honestly, how they can go about dropping little hot fixes for irrelevant fixes and not think “Hey, this is a massive game-breaker, we need to really focus on this”.

I don’t care that they have found the problem and fixed it. They need to communicate A LOT more about what their plans are to restore the items. This guild is just me and my son. I cannot image the stress and heartache this might have over big raiding guilds.

And before a certain Tauren comes in here to white knight for Blizz, yeah I know, it’s just a game. But for a lot of people it’s a passionate hobby, and having YEARS of items collected just disappear is absolutely soul crushing.


Still feels like we’re being left in the dark. I’ve long since given up on getting anything back, but Guild Banks aren’t a back burner feature, years of patches and expansions and this is the first time I’ve had a problem with it. What changed? is it a push for Warband Bank? Or is my theory that Blizzard’s team is so focused on its Trilogy they are leaving a boat load half measures and work for one person to ‘fix’ as they go.


I understand mistake are made, though these mistakes may not have been made if they did not choose to rush an expansion 3 months early.

However, no daily updates on what I see as the most massive, unfair, far reaching bug that took time, gold and essentially money away from their customers and fans is inexcusable.


My concern isn’t so much about all the crap we could have gotten rid of before the expansion to make room for the guild to utilize the tabs for our progression. My bigger concern now is the fact that we can’t even use it now, because we don’t want to screw anything up and or loose what we put in the bank now. so it is totally screwing up our guilds economy and ability to augment our crafters and or supply things in preparation for the season start and raid release next week.
And the lack of response by Blizzard is the best ever (sarcasm intended).
and yes I have submitted tickets, and countless bugs, I am fairly certain I submit a bug every week in hopes that they finally do something about it. But here we are going on week 4 and hardly a response at all. At least the EU forums get a response every blue moon or so.

Oh well back to the game because well what else is there to do?


Reporting in, still broken…