Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Between the grindfest of Plunderstorm>Remix>prepatch and this problem, the burnout, lack of a stable gbank, and the stupid story intro for TWW (personal opinion), I have no motivation to play. My husband and I went back and did most of Legion instead, because he never played it. Now we log in to do our Legion/Draenor dailies and then go play another game. Not sure when I’ll care enough to resume regular playing. Probably just in time for the next grindfest.


I wanted to mention that I’ve noticed most of my items are missing from my personal guild bank. I check it daily, hoping for their return. I’m a bit concerned because I haven’t seen any official updates about this issue, and I’m starting to worry that there might not be a planned resolution. I’m still holding out hope since the warbank items were restored so quickly, but I’m beginning to lose confidence. Any updates or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!


Day two, all linen cloth is still there. Maybe the leak has been plugged? I’ll leave them where they are for a few more days.


I finally broke down and took screen shots of my guild bank tabs because, when I looked yesterday, it seemed like more had poofed. I’m probably just not remembering correctly.
But, I will post if I see definite proof of more poofs.


Perfectly said.


Yes, I took screen shots of the 5 “private” guild banks I have (ie only me and my alts in it). on the 18th August. At that stage my Alliance bank was the main one affected with various items missing across all 8 tabs. But my Horde equivalent wasn’t affected. Then 2-3 days later the horde bank completed vanished of all bar 3 items across all 7 tabs. So that one is the “most affected”.
But at least it gives me something to “compare” what should be there and what is missing.
Thankfully (I think?) I’m a little OCD, so it’s sorted to a sort of specific order - so I do know most of what is missing. Not if that’s going to help at all. Who would know. We’re all in the dark as we don’t get a post from Blizzard on it. So we have to “wait and see” (I made a large post about the lack of communication earlier, so I won’t rehash what I wrote).
Mine is mostly things all collected over the 20 years of playing (since 2004).
I feel sorry for the people that have lost large amounts of items of sentimental value, as those things can’t be replaced.
Will just keep my fingers crossed they will resolve it all… :slight_smile:


I’ve been afraid to touch any of mine. I keep getting things I’d usually put in there, and I’m like “oh crap, I can’t touch my gbanks because they’re freaking broken.”

All I know is that my stuff went missing, and my tracking addons are no longer showing that the items I had are even there.

Am I crazy for hoping I get this stuff back eventually? There are records and stuff, right? Like the game files know what I had.


I’m missing an entire tab of pets from my guild bank. There is nothing showing, nothing glitching… just nothing there at all.


nearly 20 days, no blue post or response…


I really hope so. Addons are not showing that the missing stuff is still in our possession, so I can only hope there is a more solid record on Blizzard’s end.


Almost a month and still no fix, anyone know when its gonna be fixed?


This thread is about a Guild Bank bug that has cause majority to all items to disappear unexpectedly for a huge amount of players. This bug has been around for a few weeks.

This is a bump post to keep this thread on track for this ongoing Guild Bank bug.


I had also lost many items in my personal guild bank and out of fear of everything going on… I took all other items that I saw and all the gold and time I put in on buying the bank tabs is going to waste because I don’t TRUST blizzard with no post…WE NEED AN OFFICIAL POST SOON…MAYBE TUESDAY WOULD BE NICE!!!


Still checking the affected guild bank. Not sure what I’m expecting to see anymore, but I still get the sads every time I see it completely empty. Don’t feel confident enough to put any new stuff in it. Such a waste. Hope we get some kind of update soon.


so… still nothing?

ok… i give up… i totally lost the faith on getting my things back… and for sure my trust on saving things on bank system is gone too…

shout if something interesting happen related to this before next expansion

love for all :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Same. It feels like it’s been so long.

Been trying to skill up cooking, but not making as much since what I would usually do is just throw all the cooked stuff in the bank. Got a BoE plate chest piece. I asked one person in guild, he said he didn’t want it, so just sent it to someone I THOUGHT could use it. Was so much simpler for everyone when I could just stash all of that in the gbank.

Not only am I NOT forgetting, but everytime I do professions or find something that could be useful to the guild, I remember all too well how broken this is. (Not to mention every time I run into some weird bug or another, which seems even more abundant than usual). But I think by far, the biggest issue right now is the one with the Guild Banks.


Day three, all linen cloth still there.

It’s a six tab bank and I loaded all empty spaces in 5 tabs with linen cloth (I got lazy and didn’t want to finish the 6th.) But it’s been three days and all the cloth is still there, no empty spaces so far.


I think they said they fixed the issue. By that meaning its not happening again… the issue is with all those things that were before. I dont think you are getting changes on new stuff you put on the gbank tbh


People had said they had more things disappearing since the fix, so I’m doing a lil’ experiment.