Guild bank missing items - what happened?

guild banks were NOT fixed … items are still slowly disappearing … how can they claimed they stopped things disappearing ? its prob they can see it … like they seeing tabs are full of items on their side … we players, we seeing fewer and fewer items over time … it is NOT fixed … they did not stopped things from disappearing since the whole thing started a few weeks back, its still ongoing … which is what is worrying me so much


I’m really struggling to get clarification here :rofl:

Related to guild vaults NOT warband banks …

We were told there was a “fix” for the original “leak” of items 5 days ago. This fixed the LEAK, it did not return lost items.

View it like a barrel of water with a hole in it. They said they plugged the hole … but they haven’t yet managed to replace the water.

What I’m trying to get a specific answer to is … since they plugged that hole, has more been lost? Was their plug of the leak unsuccessful? Is there another leak? Or are we now at the point where, if we want, we can safely add more to it, without worrying it will disappear?

Some items may well have disappeared since the first lot disappeared … but have they they continued to disappear AFTER they said they’d plugged the hole?

I’m not sure how else to explain, or ask this question :stuck_out_tongue:


in my case things are still disappearing … i have some tabs, that has 1 single item right in the middle of the tab now, was more than 1 item a few days ago, i have tabs that has 2 items and it was more than 2 a few days ago, i have tabs that remains the same for the past few days (i havent follow every posts here and also wasnt aware that 5 days ago they put a stop to the leak, now that i know, i will continue to monitor), in any case i dont want to think what is going on, i just hope like everyone else, that when i woke up one day and turn on my pc, everything is back there again, i still have some guild bank tabs thats not so badly damaged, like 30% stuff gone, the remaining 70% can still be salvaged if i take them out now, but i dont know by taking them out will it affect the recovery process


Not the first 8 years or so, but definitely the Hazzikostian era.



Thank you for contacting Blizzard Customer Support.

Sorry to hear you’re having these issues with guild bank. We’ve received multiple reports from other players that they are unable to deposit/withdraw items from the guild bank or that certain items/valuables have gone missing.

Our developers are working on the fix, however we don’t have any details as to when this will be implemented. I suggest checking on guild bank from time to time and also go through our support article on the issue occasionally to see latest updates:

Apologies for inconvenience caused.

Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us any time!

Blizzard Customer Support.

Not very helpful. I’m not mad because it’s out of GM’s hands.


That was not the blue’s fault on the EU forum. A player randomly posted that “the issue was fixed”, not realizing the thread was about guild banks and not the warbank. They fixed the issue with the 480 prepatch gear disappearing from the warbank. A player just posted in the wrong thread, and the blue had to correct them. The guild bank issue has NOT been fixed yet.


Still no change, but that’s not surprising considering it’s a Sunday and considering tomorrow is Labor Day we probably won’t get a fix until Tuesday reset. IF they have a fix, that is. Hopefully this whole mess will be resolved then.


Still missing thousands of items from several guild banks I have. People actually spend money on wow gold to buy in game items, just to have those items disappear in a guild bank. You would think it would be refundable for not actually getting the item you purchased, but it is not…


All of my items from my guild banks disappeared sometime in the last few weeks. Extremely upset!


Missing everything in my maxed out guild bank on alliance side (sentinels) except for the 14k gold. So, I’m thinking this is a bug and not a theft. Horde side is working fine.


I’ve been wondering if it’s only affecting those with a Guild who have their character in the “Favorites” list - part of the log-in warband area. I didn’t know if this was a thing? Some players and I were wondering if that’s a connection to stuff disappearing.

My Favorite w/a guild has everything missing, except for gold.

My Ally guild is not in the Favorites list and still has all her stuff. Though I took out mah’ sentimental gray-trash, in case anything would happen to it.


No, I have many guild banks across several realms. All my toons in the favorites list are in the same guild as this priest except one. About half of my guild banks have lost items. I did notice that the banks that were not affected all had GM’s that are below lvl 10. The banks with toons above lvl 10 are all missing items.


I think is one month now, and I are unable to use my professions with my alts because everything in my guild bank is gone. And I use it to store materials from all my alts, from all xpacs over the years, All gone. A lot of rare and expensive materials and in large quantities. Puff!!


Blizzard needs to find a solution to this. The Fair is going on right now and there were a lot of the quest tokens in there, saved for use when it came up, and 95% of them are missing meaning characters are unable to make use of them. This has been a known issue for a LONG time now, and our guild banks are missing a ridiculous amount of items. How do you plan to compensate the guilds for this insane issue?


Adding here that our guild vault is also STILL broken.


Possibly so, it’s unfortunate that’s the outlier and not the norm. I’d much prefer hearing every few days ‘We’re still on it, very sorry, will keep checking in until it’s fixed’ considering this is a pretty serious problem that’s been going on for now I think two weeks or more.

That said I think one of the NA blues (Vrakthis?) mentioned being personally affected too, but, that individual’s a support agent and not a dev or CM. So… Be nice if a dev or CM -would- do some community engagement here.


No. At first I had 4 toons, three of whom I actively play and one I just do old table missions on, as my favorites, but didn’t really like the look of the screen, so went back to having NO favorites. The toon whose bank was MOST affected was not one of the favorites, but rather, had been a dedicated bank toon for years. (I mean I GUESS a bank toon COULD be a favorite but in my case, nah).


this is exactly my problem. mats ive farmed since i started playing 15-16 years ago. At first i tried removing items and they wouldnt move at all, sent a ticket. couple days later 70% of my items were missing. waited til the next maint, everything except one piece of meat is gone. thousands of materials vanished. sent multiple tickets in and they just get cleared. i havent received a single response. i agree that blizzard has lost my trust and the only way to make this better is at the very least, completely restore our guild banks


Well, there are multiple ways to make it better. Restoring the items plus a month of game time to make up for how long we’ve been without would work. If they are somehow unable to restore them, then we have a much bigger problem.


Aside from the farming & hard work as others had noted, as well as items that can’t even be obtained anymore, but on top of that I had some really important items that a player who is no longer with us gifted me :broken_heart:
And there are other personally meaningful items from experiences with friends that we had such good memories of.

Having a guild bank with all 7 pages basically full of items all disappear, I cant put it in words. Initially I was hopeful it’d be high priority one due to volume of people so might be back soon, but I’m getting more & more worried due to the lack of news / any form of update.

I just wanted to note that for various players this might be much more than a simple matter of gold or game time.
This isn’t just about 20 years of work, but also about losing incredibly sentimental items from all those years too.

EDIT: For clarity - this wasn’t directly in response to the above post, which I believe is more around making amends for the duration we’ve not had access to working guild banks, rather than fixing the actual bug / restoring all our items. I was just wanting to say getting our guild banks restored means a lot, possibly more than they realize due to the meaning behind certain items for players.