Guild bank missing items - what happened?

you guys are actually getting replies? ive sent idk how many tickets in about this guild issue and absolutely nothing


TSM estimated my wealth at 1.24 Billion.
This is the average listing value of items.
TSM currently estimates my wealth at 830 Million.
I am subbed on 4 accounts for the next year.
I have all but 5 attainable non-pvp legacy mounts.

  1. I have a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. They took that out of the game, other than on the Black Market, because they saw it as ruining the game.
  2. It would look stupid to have millions of giant green dinosaurs running around everywhere. I already get a complaint every third day for daring to stand next to a mailbox.
  3. People would no long center around the main cities as much.
  4. The advantage of having the brutosaur would be largely gone if every single person who lost 10K in herbs has one.
  5. Also, how would you determine who gets compensated if it’s anything but gold? In many cases the guilds were mixed pots of items. They didn’t belong to just the guild master or any one person.

400 million lost is 2000 tokens.
At the current low low rate of 200,000 that is still $30,000 at $15 a piece.
How is Blizzard going to recompensate me for 400 million gold?
They can’t, other than mailing me … 400 million gold. Alternatively, they could give me back my stuff that I spent years upon years collecting.


Oh I haven’t sent in a ticket about this, just in general. Their customer service has been atrocious since like Cata.


It won’t let me post to the EU forum


There’s no way it’s fixed. I just checked my guild and there’s not a damn thing in it


I believe you need to have an eligible toon on a European realm to be allowed that. :person_shrugging: What I do is that I simply manually keep tabs and check that thread every now and then, and if there’s something to mention I put the URL in a post here in this thread. (I’m not able to post over there either, if that helps.)


This. You can’t adequately compensate for this type of error; the banks either have to be restored to 100% or it’s not worth it to me. Gold, mounts, game time…it doesn’t make sense logistically (or financially for Blizzard) to award any of those things and it honestly wouldn’t make me feel any better about losing the items. The damage is done.

I’m not mad, but I am sad this happened and sad that I’ve lost special items - several of which don’t have any gold value but were priceless to me and my friends. Many of us here have spent years, if not over a decade, playing this game. It’s disheartening to see how quickly something you’ve put a lot of time and effort into can vanish in a snap and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. I’ve been playing since 2009 and I’ve honestly never felt such a lack of confidence in the backend systems as I do right now.

Bugs happen and I know sometimes they take a while to sort out, especially at such a massive scale. I’m just disappointed in the lack of communication, and the more days that go by without an update the less confident I feel that we are going to get the result we desire. Really trying to stay optimistic for sanity’s sake, but I fear that the reason we haven’t heard anything is because there’s simply no good way to break the news that it all went poof.

Anyway, we can all talk about it till we’re blue in the face but it doesn’t much matter until we get some sort of update or resolution to the issue. I hate to see this for the WoW community because it 100% destroys players’ trust - I know it has mine.


I got lucky in some respects. When this issue came to light I was having issues with stuck items in my guild bank; I had time to meticulously write down everything that was stuck figuring it would disappear. Rounded up some of my spare toons and mailed everything that wasnt stuck to (not kidding) 6 of them. Sure enough, several days later my already emptied (by me) guild bank had 2 items in it that somehow unstuck themselves.

Some of it is a pita to refarm, some of it was irreplaceable; but at least I actually know whats missing. The worst part to me is, my other guild bank was as far as I know, completely spared. I’m afraid to put anything in it, and I emptied it as well; but what I don’t know can’t hurt me in that one.

I’m still out memories, and around 500k gold in unposted auctions and mats for future projects. Supposedly the server hasn’t “eaten” them, they’re just not accessible to us (at least thats the gist of what I got out of an EU thread), but when/if/how they get restored is kind of up in the air.

You’d figure when this is as prevalent as it seems to be, someone somewhere would say something. “Hey guys we know we broke it, we’re working on it” the silence is concerning because it makes you wonder how broken it really is. Did the server actually “eat” all of it and you’re lying? Did you do the coding equivalent of ignite your mum’s kitchen and melt a hole in the counter top while she was out?


HOW IS THIS NOT ADDRESSED YET?!? Still missing hundreds of items from my guild bank AND warband bank (prior to the gear fiasco last week) and down millions in gold because of this. This isnt okay to just be dead silent…


I’m really sorry … I’m struggling to understand. That’s my fault, not yours.

What I’m just trying to find out is … are you still losing additional items from your guild vault?

Blizzard have stated they have fixed the “leak” so we should no longer be losing any additional items … and it’s difficult to tell from the many posts here and elsewhere whether people are reporting NEW losses, or whether they’re reporting losses that may have happened a while back but they’ve only just noticed them.

5 days ago, a blue posted about the fix:

The relevant bit:

So … my question is … since that post 5 days ago, have ADDITIONAL items gone missing (not things you’ve only just noticed but may have been missing a while, but those you know were there at that point, but have disappeared since).

Sorry for being a bit pedantic about this, but as many others, I’m not only concerned about the missing items from my vault, but also if additional things go missing now if I start using it again.


It will be the same as me wanting to post on the US forums here, despite only having an EU game.

I had to create a free US account, with which you can level a character up to level 20, (and level it up to at least level 10 for it to show in the US Armories) before I could post here.

I’m guessing it’s also possible for those with only a US account to create a free EU trial account using the same process.


I can 100% assure you, guild banks are not fixed. Mine is still missing almost everything and it is really pretty sad that it has not been fixed.


Checking mine right now, and it’s still empty.
I would love to have all the things back and be able to use my GV again.
This is getting a bit… disappointing.


I feel disgusted right now. I am facing the reality that I may lose 50 million+ worth of my stuff. I read the posts on the EU saying nothing has changed. At first, she states it’s fixed. Then she says.

Later stated again an ongoing issue that will continue to take top priority. I am so confused. I put in a ticket and submitted a new bug report JIC.


I think the confusion is between ‘fixed’ and ‘resolved’ and how ambiguously the terms are being used.

The leak is what’s been ‘fixed’ (reportedly) with the guild banks. Things should no longer be disappearing.

The ‘resolution’ aka the return/restoration of those items is still in progress. I imagine that they are testing it VERY thoroughly to ensure that no other issues crop up.

Does this help?


Yes, it does. Thank you for the clarity. That sounds more promising.


Stuff still missing from guild banks. Some guild banks still completely emptied. I have hope and there seems to be a pretty good record… Not sure where is a safe place to put extra mats for other toons.


Well, if they are testing it very thoroughly, why not tell us that instead of keeping their actions or no actions in the dark? I am still playing this game but what I find most insulting is that there is no official status reports. I am enjoying playing TWW so far, but in the back of my mind, I feel they are trying to make this problem go away by ignoring both the guild bank problem and our complaints. This is not consistent with my twenty year experience with this game.


Did not touch my guild bank since the TWW launch and still waiting to see what to do, hoping it will be restore at same point, but got more worried every passing day, they announce a AH fix for the next maintenance, lets see if they fix guild banks too…


I loaded up one of my guild banks yesterday with linen cloth. Today they are all still there. I’ll leave them there for a few more days and I’ll let you all know if any vanish.

If anyone has an extra guild bank or tab, maybe do the same so we can gather some collective data.