Guild bank missing items - what happened?

its still disappearing … i mentioned this more than a week ago, its like a leak but its not plugged, items are missing daily, and i suggested everyone take snap shot of their bank daily… i got confused seeing some of the post, then i realise that some players here mistaken what blizzard said, it think what they managed to stop may be the warband bank, not the guild bank, and the visual thing, its also referring to the warband bank, not the guild bank, am i right or am i wrong ? its so confusing … but nevertheless the guild bank issue for me is ongoing, ongoing as in things are still disappearing


i am so confused when i read some of the posts here, and then i realise some players were talking about warband bank and what they said about the blue posts were all referring to warband banks, not the guild banks… the leaks of disappearing items in guild banks for me is not plugged


Well, I am still missing items too. Nothing has changed. This is getting ridiculous! It has been weeks. BTW the game is broken in many areas. I am posting auctions the latency is so bad items I posted an hour ago are not showing up as posted. I’m sorry everyone is still missing stuff too. I wish I could add some optimism however a complete game crash is getting more likely. I hope not but we will see.


lololol … if they pay 5 mil per bank i would really die of a heart attack … just 2 slot of Queen’s Garnet would cost more than 5 mil gold lolololol


So when you say this … are you saying that items are still disappearing from your GUILD VAULT, AFTER the point in time when a Blue said it had been fixed?

I think very few people here have confused warband banks with guild vaults. It’s just co-incidental that there were issues with both at around the same time.

For info:

Warband banks - lost some items, primarily due to an issue with gear that was incorrectly tagged by Blizzard as soulbound, rather than warband-bound. This was fixed, and items returned. As far as I know, there is no longer an issue with them … but if there is, it shouldn’t be posted in this thread.

Guild vaults - lost anything from nothing, to everything, from some to all tabs in guild vaults. According to Blizzard, the bug causing the issue has been solved (so in theory, nothing else should be disappearing since their claimed fix), however, they have not yet worked out, for some reason, how to return our missing items.


The toughest part is that while a lot of people were impacted, they were impacted in so many different ways.

Some lost irreplaceable items (sentimental things, like letters, or things that no longer are obtainable in-game).

Some lost things that they spent REAL MONEY on (such as TCG card items), some lost a LOT OF STUFF that took a ton of time, sometimes over years, even over a decade, to collect - and was good knowing that they were there when needed.

Some lost items they were going to use or auction in the early part of this expansion, which impacted their ability to enjoy the game when it should have been some of the most exciting.

Some lost the opportunity at making gold or lost things worth MILLIONS in gold had they sold them, even now.

I think all of us lost the ability to trust the storage system in game and the thought that once we acquired something and put it in a safe place, that they would be there till we got rid of it or when all the servers shut down.

We lost the ability to use a feature that’s been important to guilds since the middle of The Burning Crusade.

And for those who once again want to restock, and I’d say MOST of us have an idea of the KINDS of things we lost but even someone like me, who likes to screenshot things, didn’t think to screenshot my BANKS, wouldn’t know exactly what we lost and couldn’t replace things as they were, even if we were given 5 million gold.

Even with the power we have, due to drop rates (for example, some of the old-expansion elemental items) took a LOT of time to gather. I was STILL doing it slowly in what little time I had. Due to the rush-rush-rush schedule of letting us have little to no breathing space (there is no “between patch” or “between expansion” lulls anymore), I haven’t had the luxury of taking a lot of time to just go out and gather like I used to. If anyone needed old crafted items, enchant illusions appearances, etc., all they had to do was ask (or I’d offer) and I’d be able to just pop over to my bank toon and grab what I needed. My cloth/enchant items/elemental items/recipes/misc. mats and items bank was hit THE HARDEST. At most, I think 3 stacks of things remain per tab, and some are completely empty.

I can’t be adequately compensated for the time lost, because it’s not about game-time. It’s about MY time. Gold? Maybe. I might be able to replace the items lost but there’s just something NOT THE SAME about that and I wouldn’t even know how to go about it at this point - I’d have to take even MORE time going to WoWHead or whatever to figure out the names of the elemental items or the special items that would drop at the end of dungeons and used for crafting - and then what, restock and fear losing it all again due to whatever weird coding issues they have? Lost trust, lost feeling of security, lost faith? Losing some of the joy of a new expansion? I want to be able to name a price, but it would be very high and tbh, whatever they offer, I fear, wouldn’t make people really feel that much better. And the fact that they have been less than helpful (that’s an understatement) makes it all the worse. We are not forgetting about this. We may one day be RESIGNED to it, but whatever we felt about the game will never be the same.


Very well said Sarabande. There is nothing they can give us that will replace the trust lost.


YES, i read 1 particular post, cant link it 'cos too many post here, that says a blue post said guild banks were not resolved, doesnt mean they stop the problem, they just acknowledged that they know the problem and they are doing their best, the guild bank problem is still ongoing, and what i am asking is (they should be the one telling us) should we take out all of whats remaining… the warband bank posts here makes me a little confused, and people just realise they had stuff missing, they do not monitor if item ABC was missing yesterday and DEF was missing today, and GHI will be missing tomorrow, i monitor some of my guilds (really have no mood to monitor every guild banks) because my stuff are really expansive and hard to get, i paid for characters and guilds transfer weekly/monthly to transport items from 30 realms back to my realm and collected them over the past so many so many years (some said compensation, in my case how do one compensate)… they were arranged in a special way in my guild banks so that 1 look i can tell whats missing … every horizontal rows of gears equips 1 character, so 1 guild bank tab equips 7 characters, these are BIS gears, that need luck and time to be collected from many many realms, i sit at all the AHs for these gears to appear, buy it, fill up a guild bank worth of stuff, and guild transfer back to my home realm … so many such guild banks of mine (in my home realm) were damaged beyond imagination


So if that means that guild banks are still leakingoof.


if you still have some banks that has significant stuff in them, take photo regularly and see, and these are random events, so you can have 5 days nothing happen and disappearance appeared on 6th day and for next how many days nothing happened … its really tiring … to the point of me asking what the hell am i doing here all these years


Posted in this thread about 700 comments ago. Everything still missing in my guild bank, except a single piece of meat. I’ve been playing and saving crafting mats and other items since I started at the beginning of Wrath. I say again: what are we even paying for anymore? Bugs are understandable and acceptable, but this is out of hand. Like someone else said, this has wasted so much of our personal time we spent to collect these items and some are irreplaceable. I came back a couple months ago after hearing all the fantastic changes they made. I even bought a year sub for the first time. I’m trying to hang on because of the time and real money I’ve put into this game, but it is getting out of hand. It sucks so many others are having this same problem, but it helps me personally feel less alone.

What is our grand plan as customers? I saw some mentioning compensation, but how do you make up for some of that stuff? Do people who have been playing 20 years get the same compensation as someone who just started this xpac? We need a plan as players and stick to it. Maybe start a petition? There are a ton of us having this issue and I’m sure others with similar problems would sign as well.


When can we get an update on this guild bank items missing and I’m thinking how many more weeks will Blizzard go with no official announcement from them…. Hmmm Change….Org :thinking:


That’s the core issue for me.

I had been working on the max-level profession achievements and my guild banks were where I had been putting all the materials that I’d saved up from BC to DF (because on that scale, pre-warbank, a character’s personal storage is woefully inadequate.)

Can all those materials all be re-farmed? Sure, but I find it incredibly tedious work because you aren’t enjoying the game, you’re just flying from node to node. Can they be purchased on the auction house? Sure - but the gold for that has to be farmed, and as DF WQ gold rewards have been nerfed, it’s going to take that much longer. On a practical level, I’ve lost any trust that it’ll be there when I’m ready to sit and sink time into crafting.

Can those characters just be granted max level in their professions? Sure, that could be done, but what about the disenchant materials, auction house revenue / vendor gold and/or BfA scrap that could be reclaimed?

A major -and- critical part of this game is progression and improvement. It’s irrelevant if it’s raiding, achievements, or even just storyline progression. All of it hinges in some way upon the availability of commodities. Do you need raid consumables? You need commodities. Do you need crafted pieces to fill a gap in gear? You need commodities. It doesn’t matter if these things are purchased on the auction house or made by yourself, they have to come from somewhere - and they have to be stored somewhere.

I don’t know what happened, but so many things lately have just plain broken over the past few weeks. The guild banks and warbanks have been the most glaring and directly impactful, but many of the other things have just as much impact upon the enjoyment of the game, although they’re far more subtle and don’t immediately come to mind.

There’s achievements being lost, or the progress in them being reverted or blocked. It doesn’t make much sense to invest the time when you can’t be certain they won’t be lost.

Then there’s auction house issues, crafting order issues, and any number of others. I’ve seen a few reports of mail issues, lost mounts, lost transmogs, etc. Taken individually, they might be seen as smaller glitches that are easily resolved as discrete issues unto themselves, but they do add up.

One of the things that they add up to is a very, very negative possibility: Just how stable is the game infrastructure anymore?

Can I really trust that the 50k that I mailed from one character will actually register as having made it to the recipient character when I log out and back in?

Can I really trust that if I log out at night and then back in the next morning that the pet battle achievement progress I’ve made will still show that next morning? How about progressing in delve/raid/dungeon achievements?

There’s a delicate interplay between the coding and how it retrieves from the databases. I don’t know enough to speculate where the root cause may lie, and honestly, I shouldn’t have to.

I don’t blame the individual programmers. I don’t blame teams. They are working with what they have and to me it’s incredibly inhuman to assume and accuse them of being underskilled or incompetent when there is a very strong likelihood that they are working as hard as a human can to address these issues within their teams and assignments and as a result are missing out on other things that are even more important, like actual time with their families.

No one is breaking things on purpose to be malicious or spiteful.

After all things are considered, it comes down to whether or not we, as players, can be secure in the knowledge that our investments in time and effort are going to be there when we shut the game down and come back.

I’m not anymore.

I don’t care if I personally get recompensed somehow for the materials, drops, etc that I’ve lost from my guild banks. I’m not certain how far they’d have to go for any theoretical recompense to actually count as a good-will gesture, at least as far as I’m concerned. I can’t speak for others. I can say with absolute certainty that they could square me away for one-shotting top tier bosses for the next ten expansions and it still would not and could not restore my trust in the stability of the game’s infrastructure because you can’t be certain it will stick.

That’s the worst damage of all.


Nothing. Fix the storage systems (ALL of them). Restore every single item that was lost. Put out an official statement explaining exactly what happened, why there were no official updates provided as soon as this massive, game-changing issue was identified and exactly what they are doing to ensure it never happens again and that there are controls implemented to guarantee the safety and accessibility of player’s hard-earned items. Anything less than full restoration and full transparency is unacceptable.


I am also still missing items from my guild banks.
Bank 1:
Server: Kirin Tor
Faction: Horde
Guild name: Sunstrider Outcasts

Bank 2:
Server: Khadgar
Faction: Alliance
Guild name: Evil Fluffy Kittens

The other banks, I honestly can’t tell, but those two are very obvious that it’s missing items.


I feel like we are in the South Park episode “Margaritaville”, the bank manager said “Aaaand it’s gone!”


Absolutely agree. I’ve had friends who work(ed) in the gaming industry and it can be BRUTAL. Mistakes happen, and I hope the person or team who may have made an honest mistake don’t get all of the blame. Honestly, I hope they get more than adequate compensation for the stress this must be causing.

Because I believe some of it is due to company mandates and the pressure it causes the workers - rushing out products, cutting labor, etc. I know that the people doing that have their eyes on Excel spreadsheets and words floating in their heads about what to say at their next earnings call. But they should listen. Listen to the people MAKING the game, people PLAYING the game. Listen to people who write the programs saying “that’s not enough time to get it working properly,” or “we now have to do the work of three people, and won’t be able to serve our customers adequately,” or “We need more testers to make sure this doesn’t break anything. We can’t ship it like this yet.” Too many at the top are arrogant to the point where they don’t listen to the true experts - those who have spent years creating the game, those that understand that dealing with the code is like trying to untangle a jupiter-sized wad of Christmas lights. Those at the top don’t CARE if the game works - just making deadlines, just pleasing shareholders. I don’t know that that’s EXACTLY what happened, but too often, they think they are cutting close to the bone and then find out that they’ve cut through the marrow.

This is a huge point because this shows how fragile the game is, and how bad it COULD get. What if one day you log on and your mount collection is missing? Or all the achievements over the years.



Took about a month to gain access to my gold in my guild banks with little to no updates or explanation . Guild banks are broken AH is broken I already dropped my 2nd account because of this and I find it troubling the lack of transperency


Because they are almost all AI now. It’s gotten to the point where I have to put in a ticket 2-3 times before it’s even read by a “live” person. The first time you get a patently obvious bot response that 99% of the time doesn’t come close to addressing your issue. Then when you reopen the ticket, you have a 50-50 shot of it being re-botted or given to a clueless GM who tells you to “check Wowhead.” Or, if you’re SUPER lucky, you get a “I really don’t know, thanks for playing” answer.


Lol that might have been a realistic expectation with the old, original Blizzard team but it’s a fever dream with the Hazzikostian regime we’ve endured for a decade or so.